Down With Netanyahoo


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
Is it any wonder why there is no peace between Israel & the Palestinian terrorists? What kind of leader of a nation makes peace offerings to Palestinians of all people, builds a security fence & gives them their own Jew free land so they can remain in Israel?

Face it folks, no Arab nation leader who know the Palestinians best, ever treated the Palestinians like Netanyahoo does. Down with Netanyahoo. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Netanyahoo is doing the best he can-----how can you expect him to treat the "palestinians" in the manner to which they are accustomed? ------He does not want to the man's father recently died-----he does not have the ENERGY to be an ASSAD or a KHADAFFY or an IDI AMIN or an AYATOILET -----or any of those persons who were "companions of the rapist pig" he has not the will----or even the way. maybe we can resurrect the MARQUIS DE SAADE-----or MENGELE and put them up for president of Gaza in the next election------considering the Gazan taste in leaders-----one of them will probably win. Its a win win situation----the gazans will feel better and Netanyahoo will get a rest from their incessant demands to BE TORTURED BY THE EVIL ZIONISTS------as a demonstration of their jihadist piety
I couldn't believe John McCain this morning saying that if the prime minister of Israel wants a meeting with the president, then Obama should "clear his schedule" and wait for the meeting.
McCain that man has a good head on his shoulders-----too bad he is not running for president uhm clear his schedule? of everything? ok----good idea---------until when?
McCain is America first. His own son serves in Iraq. If McCain says Obama should give priority to a meeting with Netanyahu, so do I.

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