Don't support the Troops


no fly list
Jan 6, 2007
January 3, 2008 2:34 pm EST
they think pauls going to get them out of their duty. I SAY BUCK UP BOY !
get ready for your fifth deployment and quit yer whining !

“Ron Paul salutes and supports our troops… But who do the troops support? Ron Paul”

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – Republican presidential candidate and Texas Congressman Ron Paul has released a new television advertisement set to run in New Hampshire through the January 8 primary, highlighting the fact that he has received more support from active and retired military than any other candidate.

“Congressman Paul honors our troops and has long been a praised as staunch advocate for veterans’ issues,” said Ron Paul 2008 spokesman Jesse Benton. “Dr. Paul wants to bring the troops home from Iraq and ensure that we never again send out brave soldiers to war unless doing so is necessary for our defense.”

The ad can be viewed here: [ame][/ame]

The following is a transcript of the 30 second advertisement:

Narrator: A proud military veteran who served our nation, Ron Paul salutes and supports our troops to protect and defend our freedom.

But who do the troops support? Ron Paul.

The record shows…

[Active duty military and veterans are supporting Ron Paul.]

They’re standing up for him.

[“More donations from current military…and retired military…than any other candidate.” -Houston Chronicle, October 18, 2007]

Our troops have spoken, and Ron Paul is the choice for their next commander-in-chief.

[Ron Paul is supported by more active duty and retired military retirees than any other candidate to be the next commander in chief.—FEC Quarterly Reports]
January 3, 2008 2:34 pm EST
they think pauls going to get them out of their duty. I SAY BUCK UP BOY !
get ready for your fifth deployment and quit yer whining !

“Ron Paul salutes and supports our troops… But who do the troops support? Ron Paul”

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – Republican presidential candidate and Texas Congressman Ron Paul has released a new television advertisement set to run in New Hampshire through the January 8 primary, highlighting the fact that he has received more support from active and retired military than any other candidate.

“Congressman Paul honors our troops and has long been a praised as staunch advocate for veterans’ issues,” said Ron Paul 2008 spokesman Jesse Benton. “Dr. Paul wants to bring the troops home from Iraq and ensure that we never again send out brave soldiers to war unless doing so is necessary for our defense.”

The ad can be viewed here:

The following is a transcript of the 30 second advertisement:

Narrator: A proud military veteran who served our nation, Ron Paul salutes and supports our troops to protect and defend our freedom.

But who do the troops support? Ron Paul.

The record shows…

[Active duty military and veterans are supporting Ron Paul.]

They’re standing up for him.

[“More donations from current military…and retired military…than any other candidate.” -Houston Chronicle, October 18, 2007]

Our troops have spoken, and Ron Paul is the choice for their next commander-in-chief.

[Ron Paul is supported by more active duty and retired military retirees than any other candidate to be the next commander in chief.—FEC Quarterly Reports]

While I do not support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, I do support the troops. They are fellow Americans. They believe in what they are doing and they are risking their lives for it.

Personally, coming from a military family, I have always believed that veterans should be given the best healthcare for free for themselves and their families for life (obviously the children are no longer eligible once they reach maturity, but what about grandchildren of unemployed children?). I also believe that veterans should have their pick of any college for free for life for them and their children for free. I also believe that veterans should have free or affordable housing forever.

There should never be a homeless vet especially during a time of war. There should not be one vet who cannot get help for anything wrong, including mental health and addiction.
While I do not support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, I do support the troops. They are fellow Americans. They believe in what they are doing and they are risking their lives for it.

Personally, coming from a military family, I have always believed that veterans should be given the best healthcare for free for themselves and their families for life (obviously the children are no longer eligible once they reach maturity, but what about grandchildren of unemployed children?). I also believe that veterans should have their pick of any college for free for life for them and their children for free. I also believe that veterans should have free or affordable housing forever.

There should never be a homeless vet especially during a time of war. There should not be one vet who cannot get help for anything wrong, including mental health and addiction.

and we should also give a respectful ear to the candidate they support
The intro to your thread, eats, is "Don't Support The Troops".

You go for it, idiot. This American will not abide your request.

it was sarcasm.... irony...the point is the majority of troops support ron paul as do i...but apparently this is akin to being anti American or a terrorist how can one slander ron paul supporters without slandering the majority of the troops in the same breath ?...get it ?...the troops have my full support and respect

Units are contributions in dollars by employees of the respective military organizations.

Source: Finance Reports for the 2007 July Quarterly.


49.5% Ron Paul
34.6% McCain
7.0% Romney
4.6% Giuliani
2.0% Hunter
2.3% Others
REPUBLICAN RENAISSANCE: Ron Paul and Fred Thompson: A ComparisonRon Paul received more than 50% of his campaign contributions from active military personel. He received more money from the troops than ANY other candidate ...
Your irony is about as effective as Bill Oreally on FoxNews.

Dig it or not?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!?

Ron Paul is a CHAMPION OF AMERICAN VALUES in my book!!!!!!!!! OK?!??!?!!?!?!?

But, I have problems with him on other values, can you dig it?

Thanks for the pos rep, eats!!!!!!!!!! I'll return the favor!!!!!!!!!!
Your irony is about as effective as Bill Oreally on FoxNews.

Dig it or not?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!?

Ron Paul is a CHAMPION OF AMERICAN VALUES in my book!!!!!!!!! OK?!??!?!!?!?!?

But, I have problems with him on other values, can you dig it?

Thanks for the pos rep, eats!!!!!!!!!! I'll return the favor!!!!!!!!!!

no I really don't get your point..I have no problem with you having different views. my point is that if others want to refer to ron paul supporters as loons , ronbots or bed with terrorist and islamofacist and Nazis then they should be aware of the fact that this includes a large part of the active military as far as rep points go I HAVE NEVER GIVEN ANY TO ANYONE POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE..

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