Don't forget why Trump was elected.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Occasionally an event takes place that signals a sea change. The most recent example in America was the election of Donald Trump which was a national repudiation of the runaway central state and the betrayal of the common citizen by a massive bureaucracy that has been metastasizing since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society.

In the United States we have a Constitution that stressed from the beginning the importance of keeping government small. But since the 1960’s government has been growing at an alarming rate and American education, with expanding public sector unionization, has been furtively and systematically brainwashing the country’s children to the notion that big government is a righteous, crusading Lone Ranger fighting for groups that aren’t smart enough to solve their own problems and make their own way in society.

The key word is “groups”. This deindividualizes citizens, stealing their personal liberties, forcing them into the slave camps of identity politics. In 2008 the economy nearly collapsed because government Brownshirts had for years been forcing banks to issue home loans to criminals, drug dealers and chronically unemployed citizens with the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977. This led to the Sub Prime mortgage disaster that nearly took down Wall Street.

The people were watching so it isn’t surprising that When a Democratic congress tried to strongarm government health insurance onto the citizens with the laughably titled Affordable Care Act, they were appalled that government had become so bloated, corrupt and brazen. They knew right then that an emergency was at hand and to save their country from a calamity, business as usual would not work.

For years company pensions and decent employee provided healthcare has been stolen from American workers so US industry can exploit workers in foreign countries that essentially die in the gutter when they get old and sick. That’s what all this ISO 9000 and IS0 9001 are all about. They’re government scams to lower the standard of living in America to levels of third world countries.

The US government has abandoned US citizens to global overlords and the giant corporations that do their bidding. That’s why Donald Trump was elected. The people woke up which is different from being “woke”. “Woke” is the government forcing you to pay for someone else’s college education (government indoctrination).

We must keep Trump in office to bring jobs and manufacturing back here where it belongs. “America first” is not a dirty slogan.
Don't forget why Trump was elected.

Ok. I won't. What I will also do is remember that collectivist come in at least two stripes in US Politics (and several in religion)

"I" will survive
, in spite of, if not to spite, the "group" (read herd) mentality.
The Individual is the one remembered, the one the stories are written about, songs sang about and lies told about....

This article believes Collectivism Will Lead to the Downfall of Man
My belief is: Joining a group is fine and dandy, as long the Individual realizes he no longer matters when belonging to the group.
At that point, one has relegated himself to being a tool or an enemy for an Individual to use as he sees fit. Sadly, Individuals refuse to acknowledge their ability to effect change on their own and feel like belonging to something bigger than they makes them more relevant- they also refuse to acknowledge that doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is the definition of crazy - it must be the other guys fault. for surely "I" can't be at fault since "I" belong to a group-
The author of the article is much more eloquent than I and much more verbose. I have written a book about "I" will survive though- not for publication, but for my descendants, so they can have a first hand look at recent History.

Rest assured, the "group" will not be remembered, nor the Party, nor the brand of religion whose acolytes (of both) prey on the seemingly inherent weakness of man (collectively) while making a liar of George Washington (an Individual).

It seems a shame that so many subscribe to an inherent weakness and won't subscribe to inherent Individual rights.
I've seen only one political ad that even used the word Liberty and that was describing Kevin McCarthy's voting record where his votes to protect or enhance Liberty are at 41%- Kevin McCarthy is a Republican calling himself conservative- a proud Trump supporter-

Excerpt from the article:
Collectivism, or herd mentality, can only lead to a meaningless life that is devoid of honest living, adventure, love, freedom, happiness, and fulfillment. Societal herds lose the ability to think as individuals, and envy and jealously become the primary driving force of thought. This of course leads to a demand for equality where none is available or warranted, and due to this pathetic psychological state, all that is beautiful and good must be destroyed in order to make room for the mediocre community.

This is the state of America today. This country is made up of groups that require consensus of thought and actions, and this inevitably leads to a hatred for individual intellect and individual independence. The larger the mob, the less important the individual, as uniformity takes hold over all that is unique. Any individual that relinquishes his individuality in order to conform to the group has lost all. Once the herd mentality sets in, the consciousness of self disappears, leaving only weakness and confusion. This state that is the crowd is worthless in every way, and mass despair is the result, as it tears down the exceptional.
Occasionally an event takes place that signals a sea change. The most recent example in America was the election of Donald Trump which was a national repudiation of the runaway central state and the betrayal of the common citizen by a massive bureaucracy that has been metastasizing since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society.

In the United States we have a Constitution that stressed from the beginning the importance of keeping government small. But since the 1960’s government has been growing at an alarming rate and American education, with expanding public sector unionization, has been furtively and systematically brainwashing the country’s children to the notion that big government is a righteous, crusading Lone Ranger fighting for groups that aren’t smart enough to solve their own problems and make their own way in society.

The key word is “groups”. This deindividualizes citizens, stealing their personal liberties, forcing them into the slave camps of identity politics. In 2008 the economy nearly collapsed because government Brownshirts had for years been forcing banks to issue home loans to criminals, drug dealers and chronically unemployed citizens with the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977. This led to the Sub Prime mortgage disaster that nearly took down Wall Street.

The people were watching so it isn’t surprising that When a Democratic congress tried to strongarm government health insurance onto the citizens with the laughably titled Affordable Care Act, they were appalled that government had become so bloated, corrupt and brazen. They knew right then that an emergency was at hand and to save their country from a calamity, business as usual would not work.

For years company pensions and decent employee provided healthcare has been stolen from American workers so US industry can exploit workers in foreign countries that essentially die in the gutter when they get old and sick. That’s what all this ISO 9000 and IS0 9001 are all about. They’re government scams to lower the standard of living in America to levels of third world countries.

The US government has abandoned US citizens to global overlords and the giant corporations that do their bidding. That’s why Donald Trump was elected. The people woke up which is different from being “woke”. “Woke” is the government forcing you to pay for someone else’s college education (government indoctrination).

We must keep Trump in office to bring jobs and manufacturing back here where it belongs. “America first” is not a dirty slogan.

That is so much bullshit. The reason that Trump lost was that he was less worse than Clinton. Both candidates had disapproval ratings in the upper to mid 60s.
Trump won because the 25% who voted against the other candidate voted for Trump. They did not vote for him but against Clinton.

The ACA was unpopular when it was passed however it has become more popular as time went on. It's approvals are in the 50-55% range which makes it more popular than Trump. The Republican alternatives were even more unpopular. Voters agree there needs to be changed but they want it fixed not gotten rid of. That is why Voters trust Democrats over Republicans on this issue.

It is Republicans and Trump who are in bed together. Big corporations got a big tax cut from Trump yet they have not shared it with workers. Republicans allow big business to pollute the air and water and destroy animal habitats. Manufacturing is in a recession under Trump.

You talk about government and the Constitution yet you look the other way when Trump violates the Constitution by ignoring Congress' power of the purse. Congress' power of oversight.
Occasionally an event takes place that signals a sea change. The most recent example in America was the election of Donald Trump which was a national repudiation of the runaway central state and the betrayal of the common citizen by a massive bureaucracy that has been metastasizing since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society.

In the United States we have a Constitution that stressed from the beginning the importance of keeping government small. But since the 1960’s government has been growing at an alarming rate and American education, with expanding public sector unionization, has been furtively and systematically brainwashing the country’s children to the notion that big government is a righteous, crusading Lone Ranger fighting for groups that aren’t smart enough to solve their own problems and make their own way in society.

The key word is “groups”. This deindividualizes citizens, stealing their personal liberties, forcing them into the slave camps of identity politics. In 2008 the economy nearly collapsed because government Brownshirts had for years been forcing banks to issue home loans to criminals, drug dealers and chronically unemployed citizens with the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977. This led to the Sub Prime mortgage disaster that nearly took down Wall Street.

The people were watching so it isn’t surprising that When a Democratic congress tried to strongarm government health insurance onto the citizens with the laughably titled Affordable Care Act, they were appalled that government had become so bloated, corrupt and brazen. They knew right then that an emergency was at hand and to save their country from a calamity, business as usual would not work.

For years company pensions and decent employee provided healthcare has been stolen from American workers so US industry can exploit workers in foreign countries that essentially die in the gutter when they get old and sick. That’s what all this ISO 9000 and IS0 9001 are all about. They’re government scams to lower the standard of living in America to levels of third world countries.

The US government has abandoned US citizens to global overlords and the giant corporations that do their bidding. That’s why Donald Trump was elected. The people woke up which is different from being “woke”. “Woke” is the government forcing you to pay for someone else’s college education (government indoctrination).

We must keep Trump in office to bring jobs and manufacturing back here where it belongs. “America first” is not a dirty slogan.

To give Daddy Vlad blow jobs?
Don't forget why Trump was elected.

Ok. I won't. What I will also do is remember that collectivist come in at least two stripes in US Politics (and several in religion)

"I" will survive
, in spite of, if not to spite, the "group" (read herd) mentality.
The Individual is the one remembered, the one the stories are written about, songs sang about and lies told about....

This article believes Collectivism Will Lead to the Downfall of Man
My belief is: Joining a group is fine and dandy, as long the Individual realizes he no longer matters when belonging to the group.
At that point, one has relegated himself to being a tool or an enemy for an Individual to use as he sees fit. Sadly, Individuals refuse to acknowledge their ability to effect change on their own and feel like belonging to something bigger than they makes them more relevant- they also refuse to acknowledge that doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is the definition of crazy - it must be the other guys fault. for surely "I" can't be at fault since "I" belong to a group-
The author of the article is much more eloquent than I and much more verbose. I have written a book about "I" will survive though- not for publication, but for my descendants, so they can have a first hand look at recent History.

Rest assured, the "group" will not be remembered, nor the Party, nor the brand of religion whose acolytes (of both) prey on the seemingly inherent weakness of man (collectively) while making a liar of George Washington (an Individual).

It seems a shame that so many subscribe to an inherent weakness and won't subscribe to inherent Individual rights.
I've seen only one political ad that even used the word Liberty and that was describing Kevin McCarthy's voting record where his votes to protect or enhance Liberty are at 41%- Kevin McCarthy is a Republican calling himself conservative- a proud Trump supporter-

Excerpt from the article:
Collectivism, or herd mentality, can only lead to a meaningless life that is devoid of honest living, adventure, love, freedom, happiness, and fulfillment. Societal herds lose the ability to think as individuals, and envy and jealously become the primary driving force of thought. This of course leads to a demand for equality where none is available or warranted, and due to this pathetic psychological state, all that is beautiful and good must be destroyed in order to make room for the mediocre community.

This is the state of America today. This country is made up of groups that require consensus of thought and actions, and this inevitably leads to a hatred for individual intellect and individual independence. The larger the mob, the less important the individual, as uniformity takes hold over all that is unique. Any individual that relinquishes his individuality in order to conform to the group has lost all. Once the herd mentality sets in, the consciousness of self disappears, leaving only weakness and confusion. This state that is the crowd is worthless in every way, and mass despair is the result, as it tears down the exceptional.
Me, Myself, and Ayn

Pathetic and pompous attempt to imagine how superior you are and independent of the majority. You and the predatory idols you identify with want to champion individualism only so you can pick us off one by one. Your hereditary plutocratic business dictatorship is itself collectivist: the employers create all the revenue and the owner collects it all from them.

If you're not a union man, you're not a man at all. A scab is a gutless little brown-nosing traitor.
Don't forget why Trump was elected.

Ok. I won't. What I will also do is remember that collectivist come in at least two stripes in US Politics (and several in religion)

"I" will survive
, in spite of, if not to spite, the "group" (read herd) mentality.
The Individual is the one remembered, the one the stories are written about, songs sang about and lies told about....

This article believes Collectivism Will Lead to the Downfall of Man
My belief is: Joining a group is fine and dandy, as long the Individual realizes he no longer matters when belonging to the group.
At that point, one has relegated himself to being a tool or an enemy for an Individual to use as he sees fit. Sadly, Individuals refuse to acknowledge their ability to effect change on their own and feel like belonging to something bigger than they makes them more relevant- they also refuse to acknowledge that doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is the definition of crazy - it must be the other guys fault. for surely "I" can't be at fault since "I" belong to a group-
The author of the article is much more eloquent than I and much more verbose. I have written a book about "I" will survive though- not for publication, but for my descendants, so they can have a first hand look at recent History.

Rest assured, the "group" will not be remembered, nor the Party, nor the brand of religion whose acolytes (of both) prey on the seemingly inherent weakness of man (collectively) while making a liar of George Washington (an Individual).

It seems a shame that so many subscribe to an inherent weakness and won't subscribe to inherent Individual rights.
I've seen only one political ad that even used the word Liberty and that was describing Kevin McCarthy's voting record where his votes to protect or enhance Liberty are at 41%- Kevin McCarthy is a Republican calling himself conservative- a proud Trump supporter-

Excerpt from the article:
Collectivism, or herd mentality, can only lead to a meaningless life that is devoid of honest living, adventure, love, freedom, happiness, and fulfillment. Societal herds lose the ability to think as individuals, and envy and jealously become the primary driving force of thought. This of course leads to a demand for equality where none is available or warranted, and due to this pathetic psychological state, all that is beautiful and good must be destroyed in order to make room for the mediocre community.

This is the state of America today. This country is made up of groups that require consensus of thought and actions, and this inevitably leads to a hatred for individual intellect and individual independence. The larger the mob, the less important the individual, as uniformity takes hold over all that is unique. Any individual that relinquishes his individuality in order to conform to the group has lost all. Once the herd mentality sets in, the consciousness of self disappears, leaving only weakness and confusion. This state that is the crowd is worthless in every way, and mass despair is the result, as it tears down the exceptional.
Me, Myself, and Ayn

Pathetic and pompous attempt to imagine how superior you are and independent of the majority. You and the predatory idols you identify with want to champion individualism only so you can pick us off one by one. Your hereditary plutocratic business dictatorship is itself collectivist: the employers create all the revenue and the owner collects it all from them.

If you're not a union man, you're not a man at all. A scab is a gutless little brown-nosing traitor.

What union are you a member of? Let me guess, the SEIU....the purple people beaters.
The one reason Trump 'won' the last Presidential election was that he was at the same time not Ms Clinton and labeled as 'Republican'.
Pathetic and pompous attempt to imagine how superior you are and independent of the majority. You and the predatory idols you identify with want to champion individualism only so you can pick us off one by one. Your hereditary plutocratic business dictatorship is itself collectivist: the employers create all the revenue and the owner collects it all from them.

If you're not a union man, you're not a man at all. A scab is a gutless little brown-nosing traitor.

I don't and never have belonged to a union- too bad your elementary reading education fails you.
Look at what's at the bottom of my past- hardly the way someone who "feels" superior would believe- and, as I said: the stories, the songs and the lies are told about the Individual- not the group. "I" will survive, in spite of, if not to spite the groups/collectivist- now, if you have evidence to the contrary I'm willing to take it into consideration. Otherwise "I" have to consider you pompous and pathetic in your attempt to demean me thereby insulting yourself in public, which is never flattering to the one attempting to put out another's light believing it makes his shine brighter
Occasionally an event takes place that signals a sea change. The most recent example in America was the election of Donald Trump which was a national repudiation of the runaway central state and the betrayal of the common citizen by a massive bureaucracy that has been metastasizing since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society.

In the United States we have a Constitution that stressed from the beginning the importance of keeping government small. But since the 1960’s government has been growing at an alarming rate and American education, with expanding public sector unionization, has been furtively and systematically brainwashing the country’s children to the notion that big government is a righteous, crusading Lone Ranger fighting for groups that aren’t smart enough to solve their own problems and make their own way in society.

The key word is “groups”. This deindividualizes citizens, stealing their personal liberties, forcing them into the slave camps of identity politics. In 2008 the economy nearly collapsed because government Brownshirts had for years been forcing banks to issue home loans to criminals, drug dealers and chronically unemployed citizens with the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977. This led to the Sub Prime mortgage disaster that nearly took down Wall Street.

The people were watching so it isn’t surprising that When a Democratic congress tried to strongarm government health insurance onto the citizens with the laughably titled Affordable Care Act, they were appalled that government had become so bloated, corrupt and brazen. They knew right then that an emergency was at hand and to save their country from a calamity, business as usual would not work.

For years company pensions and decent employee provided healthcare has been stolen from American workers so US industry can exploit workers in foreign countries that essentially die in the gutter when they get old and sick. That’s what all this ISO 9000 and IS0 9001 are all about. They’re government scams to lower the standard of living in America to levels of third world countries.

The US government has abandoned US citizens to global overlords and the giant corporations that do their bidding. That’s why Donald Trump was elected. The people woke up which is different from being “woke”. “Woke” is the government forcing you to pay for someone else’s college education (government indoctrination).

We must keep Trump in office to bring jobs and manufacturing back here where it belongs. “America first” is not a dirty slogan.
Governmet actually started to swell under FDR and WWII really kicked it into high gear. Yeah Johnson was a real friggin disaster though.
It was a good damn thing Goldwater wasn't elected or we might have had a war in Vietnam or some stupid thing.
You talk about government and the Constitution yet you look the other way when Trump violates the Constitution by ignoring Congress' power of the purse. Congress' power of oversight.
Similar to having to pass it to read it? Is that the constitutional abuse you're talking about? And, while on the subject of the ACA and the constitution can you point out where it granted the gov't the power to tell people who or what they turned to for medical help? Lets go a but deeper, shall we? A ffordable H ealth C are A ct- to begin, the gov't doesn't "care" about your health, second I've not seen anywhere in the constitution where the SC has the authority to call a fine a tax. Can you point it out?
We can start with those- feel free to add more.
Occasionally an event takes place that signals a sea change. The most recent example in America was the election of Donald Trump which was a national repudiation of the runaway central state and the betrayal of the common citizen by a massive bureaucracy that has been metastasizing since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society.

In the United States we have a Constitution that stressed from the beginning the importance of keeping government small. But since the 1960’s government has been growing at an alarming rate and American education, with expanding public sector unionization, has been furtively and systematically brainwashing the country’s children to the notion that big government is a righteous, crusading Lone Ranger fighting for groups that aren’t smart enough to solve their own problems and make their own way in society.

The key word is “groups”. This deindividualizes citizens, stealing their personal liberties, forcing them into the slave camps of identity politics. In 2008 the economy nearly collapsed because government Brownshirts had for years been forcing banks to issue home loans to criminals, drug dealers and chronically unemployed citizens with the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977. This led to the Sub Prime mortgage disaster that nearly took down Wall Street.

The people were watching so it isn’t surprising that When a Democratic congress tried to strongarm government health insurance onto the citizens with the laughably titled Affordable Care Act, they were appalled that government had become so bloated, corrupt and brazen. They knew right then that an emergency was at hand and to save their country from a calamity, business as usual would not work.

For years company pensions and decent employee provided healthcare has been stolen from American workers so US industry can exploit workers in foreign countries that essentially die in the gutter when they get old and sick. That’s what all this ISO 9000 and IS0 9001 are all about. They’re government scams to lower the standard of living in America to levels of third world countries.

The US government has abandoned US citizens to global overlords and the giant corporations that do their bidding. That’s why Donald Trump was elected. The people woke up which is different from being “woke”. “Woke” is the government forcing you to pay for someone else’s college education (government indoctrination).

We must keep Trump in office to bring jobs and manufacturing back here where it belongs. “America first” is not a dirty slogan.
The huge amount of money thrown at liberal democrats pushing globalist agendas despite the wishes of the local populace. Sanctuary cities, for instance. Or forced hiring programs that emphasize "diversity" over competence. Who WANTED that? Something isn't adding up, who is actually running a "representative democracy"? I leave the question at that...
Yeah, like that. Accept "OUR" representatives represent the tiny tinsy outspoken groups and well heeled rich elitist far more than the majority down to earth common sense bourgeoisie Americans. Hence Trump.
Simple English might be in order- just sayin- the word is "except"- to "accept" is to agree to something- to "except" is "not including or other than."
No, I'm not a grammar nazi-
Don't forget why Trump was elected.

Ok. I won't. What I will also do is remember that collectivist come in at least two stripes in US Politics (and several in religion)

"I" will survive
, in spite of, if not to spite, the "group" (read herd) mentality.
The Individual is the one remembered, the one the stories are written about, songs sang about and lies told about....

This article believes Collectivism Will Lead to the Downfall of Man
My belief is: Joining a group is fine and dandy, as long the Individual realizes he no longer matters when belonging to the group.
At that point, one has relegated himself to being a tool or an enemy for an Individual to use as he sees fit. Sadly, Individuals refuse to acknowledge their ability to effect change on their own and feel like belonging to something bigger than they makes them more relevant- they also refuse to acknowledge that doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is the definition of crazy - it must be the other guys fault. for surely "I" can't be at fault since "I" belong to a group-
The author of the article is much more eloquent than I and much more verbose. I have written a book about "I" will survive though- not for publication, but for my descendants, so they can have a first hand look at recent History.

Rest assured, the "group" will not be remembered, nor the Party, nor the brand of religion whose acolytes (of both) prey on the seemingly inherent weakness of man (collectively) while making a liar of George Washington (an Individual).

It seems a shame that so many subscribe to an inherent weakness and won't subscribe to inherent Individual rights.
I've seen only one political ad that even used the word Liberty and that was describing Kevin McCarthy's voting record where his votes to protect or enhance Liberty are at 41%- Kevin McCarthy is a Republican calling himself conservative- a proud Trump supporter-

Excerpt from the article:
Collectivism, or herd mentality, can only lead to a meaningless life that is devoid of honest living, adventure, love, freedom, happiness, and fulfillment. Societal herds lose the ability to think as individuals, and envy and jealously become the primary driving force of thought. This of course leads to a demand for equality where none is available or warranted, and due to this pathetic psychological state, all that is beautiful and good must be destroyed in order to make room for the mediocre community.

This is the state of America today. This country is made up of groups that require consensus of thought and actions, and this inevitably leads to a hatred for individual intellect and individual independence. The larger the mob, the less important the individual, as uniformity takes hold over all that is unique. Any individual that relinquishes his individuality in order to conform to the group has lost all. Once the herd mentality sets in, the consciousness of self disappears, leaving only weakness and confusion. This state that is the crowd is worthless in every way, and mass despair is the result, as it tears down the exceptional.
Me, Myself, and Ayn

Pathetic and pompous attempt to imagine how superior you are and independent of the majority. You and the predatory idols you identify with want to champion individualism only so you can pick us off one by one. Your hereditary plutocratic business dictatorship is itself collectivist: the employers create all the revenue and the owner collects it all from them.

If you're not a union man, you're not a man at all. A scab is a gutless little brown-nosing traitor.

What union are you a member of? the SEIU....the purple people beaters.
A Real Man Would Strengthen His Union So He Gets Paid As Much As College Graduates Do

You pathetic bootlicking Sissies in Suitcoats have nothing to fear from government unions. Break up your strawmen and use the straws to sip the Kool-Aid the MBA Bizz Skule Preppies retard your minds with.

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