“don’t fix it if its not broken.”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Bush wrecked the economy and the Radical Right are complaining because Obama is not fixing it fast enough and to their satisfaction. The Radical Right House complained that Obama will not work with them, but how can he work with someone whose priority is to “make sure he fails” and it’s “their way or the highway?” More tax cuts for the rich and more cuts in spending that is designed to target the little people. In the beginning, Obama tried to compromise by extending the tax cut for the rich so the little people could get tax cuts also. So no tax cuts for the rich so no tax cuts for the little people and no safety nets.
Bush ignoring 911 warnings led to two wars unpaid for that destabilized the Middle East for years to come, tax cuts for the rich on the back of the little people, allowing jobs to move overseas without penalties causing massive unemployment plus other wild spending caused the economic meltdown that continues today. Had it not been for Obama’s policies we would be way above 8.3% unemployment and in a depression instead of a recession well into recovery. And if anyone cannot see that it’s because they don’t want to.
Don’t change horses in the middle of the race is the horse is winning and don’t fix it if it’s not broken. Obama is mid-stream so let him finish the race with another four years. He cannot turn water into wine but he has proven he can turn the economy around. We know what Obama has accomplished and we know what Romney/Ryan’s budget plan is. More tax breaks for the rich and more cuts in spending that affect the little people and safety nets.
If Romney runs the white house like he ran Bain, he will look out for fat cats and the hell with the little people. The elderly, working 9-5, children and the disabled.
Just to correct your mistaken historical perspective:

1. "Bush ignoring 911 warnings led to two wars unpaid for that destabilized the Middle East for years to come"
2. tax cuts for the rich on the back of the little people,
3. allowing jobs to move overseas without penalties causing massive unemployment
4. plus other wild spending caused the economic meltdown that continues today.

1. Bush didn't even really start his term when 9/11 hit, it was mostly due to the Clinton team left in-place after 8-years of mis-management, especially "The Wall" put up between agencies such that terrorists could not be tracked.
2. Tax cuts: the dems had absolute control for 2-years and did nothing to pass laws like Wellstone wanted to go after off-shore tax cheats. Both parties whore for the wealthy.
3. Both parties managed jobs moving overseas for many years, what did the dems do when they has absolute control? Nothing.
4. Today's economic meltdown was directly caused by the Clinton admin's "Community Reinvestment Act" whereby the unqualified were given loans that they could not repay, and that led to the economic collapse, that and the Fannie & Freddie disasters.

Put the blame where it belongs.
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Bush wrecked the economy and the Radical Right are complaining because Obama is not fixing it fast enough and to their satisfaction. The Radical Right House complained that Obama will not work with them, but how can he work with someone whose priority is to “make sure he fails” and it’s “their way or the highway?” More tax cuts for the rich and more cuts in spending that is designed to target the little people. In the beginning, Obama tried to compromise by extending the tax cut for the rich so the little people could get tax cuts also. So no tax cuts for the rich so no tax cuts for the little people and no safety nets.
Bush ignoring 911 warnings led to two wars unpaid for that destabilized the Middle East for years to come, tax cuts for the rich on the back of the little people, allowing jobs to move overseas without penalties causing massive unemployment plus other wild spending caused the economic meltdown that continues today. Had it not been for Obama’s policies we would be way above 8.3% unemployment and in a depression instead of a recession well into recovery. And if anyone cannot see that it’s because they don’t want to.
Don’t change horses in the middle of the race is the horse is winning and don’t fix it if it’s not broken. Obama is mid-stream so let him finish the race with another four years. He cannot turn water into wine but he has proven he can turn the economy around. We know what Obama has accomplished and we know what Romney/Ryan’s budget plan is. More tax breaks for the rich and more cuts in spending that affect the little people and safety nets.
If Romney runs the white house like he ran Bain, he will look out for fat cats and the hell with the little people. The elderly, working 9-5, children and the disabled.

Still on the blame Bush train, eh?

What are you going to do in November when President Romney is elected?
Bush did not 'wreck' the economy. Therefore the OP is nothing more than whining.

Gee I remember the 2004 Democrats bitching about the high unemployment rate at 4.5% and insulting GW for only creating McJobsas they were campaigning for the ultimate limousine liberal (well next to the Kennedys) you know John "did you know I served in Vietnam"Kerry.
The unemployment we are seeing today should not be a surprise to anyone, it is not to me. I listened to Perot, and voted for him, when he said that there would be a huge sucking sound of jobs if Clinton signed the "free" trade agreements. He did and now we are seeing the effects. I think the effects will deminish as the years go on but for now this is all Clinton.

Bush wrecked the economy and the Radical Right are complaining because Obama is not fixing it fast enough and to their satisfaction. The Radical Right House complained that Obama will not work with them, but how can he work with someone whose priority is to “make sure he fails” and it’s “their way or the highway?” More tax cuts for the rich and more cuts in spending that is designed to target the little people. In the beginning, Obama tried to compromise by extending the tax cut for the rich so the little people could get tax cuts also. So no tax cuts for the rich so no tax cuts for the little people and no safety nets.
Bush ignoring 911 warnings led to two wars unpaid for that destabilized the Middle East for years to come, tax cuts for the rich on the back of the little people, allowing jobs to move overseas without penalties causing massive unemployment plus other wild spending caused the economic meltdown that continues today. Had it not been for Obama’s policies we would be way above 8.3% unemployment and in a depression instead of a recession well into recovery. And if anyone cannot see that it’s because they don’t want to.
Don’t change horses in the middle of the race is the horse is winning and don’t fix it if it’s not broken. Obama is mid-stream so let him finish the race with another four years. He cannot turn water into wine but he has proven he can turn the economy around. We know what Obama has accomplished and we know what Romney/Ryan’s budget plan is. More tax breaks for the rich and more cuts in spending that affect the little people and safety nets.
If Romney runs the white house like he ran Bain, he will look out for fat cats and the hell with the little people. The elderly, working 9-5, children and the disabled.

Still on the blame Bush train, eh?

What are you going to do in November when President Romney is elected?

If the shoe fits.
Just to correct your mistaken historical perspective:

1. "Bush ignoring 911 warnings led to two wars unpaid for that destabilized the Middle East for years to come"
2. tax cuts for the rich on the back of the little people,
3. allowing jobs to move overseas without penalties causing massive unemployment
4. plus other wild spending caused the economic meltdown that continues today.

1. Bush didn't even really start his term when 9/11 hit, it was mostly due to the Clinton team left in-place after 8-years of mis-management, especially "The Wall" put up between agencies such that terrorists could not be tracked.
2. Tax cuts: the dems had absolute control for 2-years and did nothing to pass laws like Wellstone wanted to go after off-shore tax cheats. Both parties whore for the wealthy.
3. Both parties managed jobs moving overseas for many years, what did the dems do when they has absolute control? Nothing.
4. Today's economic meltdown was directly caused by the Clinton admin's "Community Reinvestment Act" whereby the unqualified were given loans that they could not repay, and that led to the economic collapse, that and the Fannie & Freddie disasters.

Put the blame where it belongs.

Just as expected. miss placed blame.:eusa_boohoo:

10 Warnings About 9/11 Attacks that Pres. George W. Bush Ignored and
Lied About

While Pres. Bush did not inherit the 9/11 attacks, he did inherent plenty of security intelligence that pointed not just to an attack by Al Qaeda, but that they would hijack airplanes to fly into the Pentagon and World Trade Center.
10 Warnings About 9/11 Attacks that Pres. George W. Bush Ignored and Lied About - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com

The 2008 Bush Bailouts — Republican Socialism! | DRUDGE RETORT

Tax Cuts For Wealthy Americans Cost Treasury $11.6 Million Every Hour
Tax Cuts For Wealthy Americans Cost Treasury $11.6 Million Every Hour: Report

Top Ten Worst Things About the Bush Decade;
Or, the Rise of the New Oligarchs
Top Ten Worst Things About the Bush Decade; Or, the Rise of the New Oligarchs >> Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds

The 2007-08 Financial Crisis In Review
August 2007: The Landslide Begins

It became apparent in August 2007 that the financial market could not solve the subprime crisis on its own and the problems spread beyond the United State's borders. The interbank market froze completely, largely due to prevailing fear of the unknown amidst banks. Northern Rock, a British bank, had to approach the Bank of England for emergency funding due to a liquidity problem. By that time, central banks and governments around the world had started coming together to prevent further financial catastrophe.

Read more: http://www.investopedia.com/articles/economics/09/financial-crisis-review.asp#ixzz23LA9z9LS
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Just as expected. miss placed blame.

10 Warnings About 9/11 Attacks that Pres. George W. Bush Ignored and
Lied About

While Pres. Bush did not inherit the 9/11 attacks, he did inherent plenty of security intelligence that pointed not just to an attack by Al Qaeda, but that they would hijack airplanes to fly into the Pentagon and World Trade Center.
10 Warnings About 9/11 Attacks that Pres. George W. Bush Ignored and Lied About - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com

The 2008 Bush Bailouts — Republican Socialism! | DRUDGE RETORT

Tax Cuts For Wealthy Americans Cost Treasury $11.6 Million Every Hour
Tax Cuts For Wealthy Americans Cost Treasury $11.6 Million Every Hour: Report

Top Ten Worst Things About the Bush Decade;
Or, the Rise of the New Oligarchs
Top Ten Worst Things About the Bush Decade; Or, the Rise of the New Oligarchs >> Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds

The 2007-08 Financial Crisis In Review
August 2007: The Landslide Begins

It became apparent in August 2007 that the financial market could not solve the subprime crisis on its own and the problems spread beyond the United State's borders. The interbank market froze completely, largely due to prevailing fear of the unknown amidst banks. Northern Rock, a British bank, had to approach the Bank of England for emergency funding due to a liquidity problem. By that time, central banks and governments around the world had started coming together to prevent further financial catastrophe.

"misplaced" is one word.

1. The 10 warnings went to Clinton appointees, who were hamstrung by "The Wall" put up by Jamie Gorelick. Look at Moussoui's laptop as an example, they would not look into it for fear of violating his civil rights! Don't blame Bush for Clinton's goofy Departmental mismanagement.

2. Tax cuts for the wealthy always happen. What did the dems do the first 2-years that they had complete control? Nothing.

3. Top 10 things for any admin is easy pickings. We can do Clinton and Obama just as easily.

4. Research the subprime crisis and it boils down to Clinton's "Community Reinvestment Act" forcing banks to give loans to the unqualified, then those were bundled as CDO and CDS (credit default swaps) and that actually caused the financial crisis. Your paragraph proves nothing. Answer the question: what actually caused the current financial crisis?

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