Don't fall for the Latin America caravan bullshit, its a set up!!

Ohhh, i see. Trump is a genius now. His master plan worked! This was a big win for the right, so i hope he keeps doing this stuff. MAGA!
Democrats/Soros are so stupid they think ths will work. They don't get how this will backfire.
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So youre saying that the people of Honduras are so loyal to Trump, that they created a fake caravan to help stop REAL migrant caravans coming to the US? That seems awfully convoluted, but i guess you could be right. :dunno:
Interesting...considering that tiny trump claims that the Democrats created a fake caravan.
So youre saying that the people of Honduras are so loyal to Trump, that they created a fake caravan to help stop REAL migrant caravans coming to the US? That seems awfully convoluted, but i guess you could be right. :dunno:
Interesting...considering that tiny trump claims that the Democrats created a fake caravan.
Of these two possibilities, which one seems more realistic?
The group of Central American migrants has made its intentions clear: they are heading to the US.

Since he was on the campaign trail, Mr Trump has lambasted illegal immigrants, and this latest caravan comes after a major crackdown on migrants heading over the Mexican border.
View attachment 223765

I can't tell you how many Klan rallies Trump has attended in the last few months, its been a lot....and dude has been talking about everything and I mean everything.....besides himself of course....what is strange, the last 3 rallies all Trump has been talking about is illegals and this Latin invasion coming from south america and LOW AND BEHOLD.....They mysteriously appear??? Kinda like that "Russia if your listen, please release the emails, kinda shit??????? And days later, emails appear!!

I am convinced, Trump and the GOP, with the help of Russian....sent people into this country to stir up the people to make their way toward Mexico in mass numbers and demand US entry. This many people out of no where, suddenly wanting to leave their violent country 2 WEEKS BEFORE A US ELECTION?????????

Keep in mind, Donald Dumb always always show us his hands days, if not minutes before the shit happens.

I am urging voters, please do not allow this PLOY to make you vote out of fear, its all a planned event to get hicks and hillbillies upset and in fear. Yall is that stupid!!
-------------------------------- might work out good for us TRUMP Loving DepLorables at the Polls eh TRed ??
So youre saying that the people of Honduras are so loyal to Trump, that they created a fake caravan to help stop REAL migrant caravans coming to the US? That seems awfully convoluted, but i guess you could be right. :dunno:
No, what I am saying Trumps people with Russian help, passed out flyers, made some type of hyped up story that the US will welcome you, if you come...something of that nature. It is just to fantastic, this many people showing up at borders weeks before our election and Trump, just now starting to talk about this shit. During the SC hearings and afterwards, not one of his rallies mentioned this shit, not one....2 weeks ago, all of a sudden, that's all he talks about????? The man got this shit going, to scare stupid white people, its all a trick..that Mexico now has to deal with, thanks to Trump

It builds up his argument for the wall and it feeds right into the racism this country has for latinos...perfect match
-------------------------------------- if it works as intended then cool TRed .
The group of Central American migrants has made its intentions clear: they are heading to the US.

Since he was on the campaign trail, Mr Trump has lambasted illegal immigrants, and this latest caravan comes after a major crackdown on migrants heading over the Mexican border.
View attachment 223765

I can't tell you how many Klan rallies Trump has attended in the last few months, its been a lot....and dude has been talking about everything and I mean everything.....besides himself of course....what is strange, the last 3 rallies all Trump has been talking about is illegals and this Latin invasion coming from south america and LOW AND BEHOLD.....They mysteriously appear??? Kinda like that "Russia if your listen, please release the emails, kinda shit??????? And days later, emails appear!!

I am convinced, Trump and the GOP, with the help of Russian....sent people into this country to stir up the people to make their way toward Mexico in mass numbers and demand US entry. This many people out of no where, suddenly wanting to leave their violent country 2 WEEKS BEFORE A US ELECTION?????????

Keep in mind, Donald Dumb always always show us his hands days, if not minutes before the shit happens.

I am urging voters, please do not allow this PLOY to make you vote out of fear, its all a planned event to get hicks and hillbillies upset and in fear. Yall is that stupid!!
We don’t want those motherfuckers here, because the multitude of problems they will bring with them. Anyway, we can’t afford that shit...
WOW! Trump mobilized thousands of illegals to leave their homes to walk to America with nothing to eat no showers and shitting in the Bushes?.....Now that's some power baby!!!!!!
Putin is behind this master plan, Trump is just the beneficiary of it.
Trump is doing what conervatives do best, is scare the shit out of these bad ass gun toting white cowards.....nobody exploits idiots like Trump and the rest of his henchman, ie Putin, MSB and the rest of the planet's idiots. White people you are becoming a national joke, wake the fuck up, fools
Hondurans are disguised ISIS soldiers. Especially the kids. They were trained in Syria, learned the Honduran dialect of Spanish/Indian languages and shipped to Honduras on banana boats and drug gang submarines.
The group of Central American migrants has made its intentions clear: they are heading to the US.

Since he was on the campaign trail, Mr Trump has lambasted illegal immigrants, and this latest caravan comes after a major crackdown on migrants heading over the Mexican border.
View attachment 223765

I can't tell you how many Klan rallies Trump has attended in the last few months, its been a lot....and dude has been talking about everything and I mean everything.....besides himself of course....what is strange, the last 3 rallies all Trump has been talking about is illegals and this Latin invasion coming from south america and LOW AND BEHOLD.....They mysteriously appear??? Kinda like that "Russia if your listen, please release the emails, kinda shit??????? And days later, emails appear!!

I am convinced, Trump and the GOP, with the help of Russian....sent people into this country to stir up the people to make their way toward Mexico in mass numbers and demand US entry. This many people out of no where, suddenly wanting to leave their violent country 2 WEEKS BEFORE A US ELECTION?????????

Keep in mind, Donald Dumb always always show us his hands days, if not minutes before the shit happens.

I am urging voters, please do not allow this PLOY to make you vote out of fear, its all a planned event to get hicks and hillbillies upset and in fear. Yall is that stupid!!

View attachment 223775
You absolutely have the best cartoons.
Trump is doing what conervatives do best, is scare the shit out of these bad ass gun toting white cowards.....nobody exploits idiots like Trump and the rest of his henchman, ie Putin, MSB and the rest of the planet's idiots. White people you are becoming a national joke, wake the fuck up, fools
You sound scared shitless
Trump is doing what conervatives do best, is scare the shit out of these bad ass gun toting white cowards.....nobody exploits idiots like Trump and the rest of his henchman, ie Putin, MSB and the rest of the planet's idiots. White people you are becoming a national joke, wake the fuck up, fools

Ted Cruz is as white as I am black, so please stop with the race baiting nonsense.
So youre saying that the people of Honduras are so loyal to Trump, that they created a fake caravan to help stop REAL migrant caravans coming to the US? That seems awfully convoluted, but i guess you could be right. :dunno:
No, what I am saying Trumps people with Russian help, passed out flyers, made some type of hyped up story that the US will welcome you, if you come...something of that nature. It is just to fantastic, this many people showing up at borders weeks before our election and Trump, just now starting to talk about this shit. During the SC hearings and afterwards, not one of his rallies mentioned this shit, not one....2 weeks ago, all of a sudden, that's all he talks about????? The man got this shit going, to scare stupid white people, its all a trick..that Mexico now has to deal with, thanks to Trump

It builds up his argument for the wall and it feeds right into the racism this country has for latinos...perfect match

Trump is doing what conervatives do best, is scare the shit out of these bad ass gun toting white cowards.....nobody exploits idiots like Trump and the rest of his henchman, ie Putin, MSB and the rest of the planet's idiots. White people you are becoming a national joke, wake the fuck up, fools
You sound scared shitless
I sound afraid? You got a fuckin senator, ie Lyin Ted who was humiliated beyond all recognition running to the orange bully for help and I'm scared? We have an intire party of redneck cowards, ie the GOP doing everything seemingly possible to prevent minorities from voting and again I'm afraid? If anybody is scared shitless ass wipe, its conservative motherfuckers and they're supporters
So youre saying that the people of Honduras are so loyal to Trump, that they created a fake caravan to help stop REAL migrant caravans coming to the US? That seems awfully convoluted, but i guess you could be right. :dunno:
No, what I am saying Trumps people with Russian help, passed out flyers, made some type of hyped up story that the US will welcome you, if you come...something of that nature. It is just to fantastic, this many people showing up at borders weeks before our election and Trump, just now starting to talk about this shit. During the SC hearings and afterwards, not one of his rallies mentioned this shit, not one....2 weeks ago, all of a sudden, that's all he talks about????? The man got this shit going, to scare stupid white people, its all a trick..that Mexico now has to deal with, thanks to Trump

It builds up his argument for the wall and it feeds right into the racism this country has for latinos...perfect match

View attachment 224234
Dude, Trump is now jumping on the same boat, I presented here, only he's blaming it on the democrats. Pay attention and do be ashamed
Trump is doing what conervatives do best, is scare the shit out of these bad ass gun toting white cowards.....nobody exploits idiots like Trump and the rest of his henchman, ie Putin, MSB and the rest of the planet's idiots. White people you are becoming a national joke, wake the fuck up, fools
You sound scared shitless
I sound afraid? You got a fuckin senator, ie Lyin Ted who was humiliated beyond all recognition running to the orange bully for help and I'm scared? We have an intire party of redneck cowards, ie the GOP doing everything seemingly possible to prevent minorities from voting and again I'm afraid? If anybody is scared shitless ass wipe, its conservative motherfuckers and they're supporters
Trump is doing what conervatives do best, is scare the shit out of these bad ass gun toting white cowards.....nobody exploits idiots like Trump and the rest of his henchman, ie Putin, MSB and the rest of the planet's idiots. White people you are becoming a national joke, wake the fuck up, fools
You sound scared shitless
I sound afraid? You got a fuckin senator, ie Lyin Ted who was humiliated beyond all recognition running to the orange bully for help and I'm scared? We have an intire party of redneck cowards, ie the GOP doing everything seemingly possible to prevent minorities from voting and again I'm afraid? If anybody is scared shitless ass wipe, its conservative motherfuckers and they're supporters
Yep you are scared and so mad that you cannot be white. You can change parties and be on the winning team but you cannot change your skin. Get over it.

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