Don't Fall For All Of This Centerist BS From The Media


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

It really doesn't matter what Obama says. It's what he does that really matters. That's why I want to remind everyone that no matter what he says in today's State of the Union Address, he's still a liberal and always will be, regardless how centrist he or the media tries to make him sound.

The latest fad seems to be which members of congress will be sitting together at the SOTU. In an act of symbolism some members from opposing parties will be noted by the media to be sitting together which breaks with recent tradition. In a congress that is so divided they will attempt to show us they have turned over a new leaf. After all of the "We won, so deal with it" talk, there is going to be an attempt to show unity. Seems kind of strange after all of the nastiness the Dems showed us the last several years. Now they want to get along and share responsibilities. Well, don't fall for it.

After two years of unprecedented spending, and 4 years of political maneuvering, back-door deals, and behind closed door policies, the Democrats and the President finally feel it's time to act responsibly. Oh, and guess what; Obama is gonna ask for more money for a bailout. I promise you, he will. He can't help it. Instead of calling it a tax he will call it "INVESTMENT".


Nope, I don't think anything has changed. The election may have put the brakes to this runaway government, but it's only temporary. They still intend on spending us into abject poverty, and they still intend on assuring that the United States pays for past transgressions against others simply for being a great country.

Don't fall for the hype. The only way to keep a liberal or a progressive from legislating anti-business policies and practicing "Crony Economics" is by getting rid of them. They will still endeavor to fight climate change and they fully intend on spending billions to do it. The result will be higher prices for everything in our lives. Get ready for five dollar a gallon gas to be the new low point.


Spending a minimum of $100 dollars every time you go to the store will be normal. Soon you will have to take out a loan just to put food on the table. We're only a few months away from that now regardless of the fact the Bush tax cuts are still in place. The pain from the last two years are just about to hit us. And the media will continue to show us a Centrist President who is thinking about the Middle Class, taking up the cause of the little man.

Well, don't buy it.
I think you're right. I've been (slowly and sometimes painfully) reading a book generally pointing in this direction - I just don't like the author's writing style. Obama is who he is - and that's it in a nutshell.
Yep. Gotta agree.

The only reason your seeing OL'BO move to the center is because the Dems got thier asses handed to em in Nov. He forgot America has always been a center right country.

Cure??? Move, or at least, appear to move to the center.

Thats exactly what he's doing.

His ideology will always be left but he'd doing what he needs to do to be re-elected.

As for the State of the Union?? It will be the same bs every Prez throws out every Jan.

I've got my pretzels in the bowl and the beer on ice.
Copying what others have done as he has for the past 2 years because he is incompetent ... a lying piece of shit!
Its for him as usual nothing to do with US
Yep. Gotta agree.

The only reason your seeing OL'BO move to the center is because the Dems got thier asses handed to em in Nov. He forgot America has always been a center right country.

Cure??? Move, or at least, appear to move to the center.

Thats exactly what he's doing.

His ideology will always be left but he'd doing what he needs to do to be re-elected.

As for the State of the Union?? It will be the same bs every Prez throws out every Jan.

I've got my pretzels in the bowl and the beer on ice.

Everyone said the success Clinton had was due to his drifting to the right, so the Administration has been fostering a more centrist image. Obama wants to be able to take 20 vacations a year and fly all over the world on our dime, so he's gonna say whatever he has to just to keep it going for another 4.
You guys would't know a real leftist if he put your asses in a gulag.

Such creatures exist but Obama isn't one of them.

He's a Republican lite, actually.

His actions and policies prove that beyond doubt to anybody who isn't slightely right of a John Bircher
Don't fall for the Obamas and his comrades in arms game folks.

get ready to vote THEM ALL OUT in the NEXT ELECTION.
Don't fall for the Obamas and his comrades in arms game folks.

get ready to vote THEM ALL OUT in the NEXT ELECTION.

You might be very surprised by my response to the above opinion, Stephanie.

Here it is:

That's fine by me.

When my choice is Sham Democrats pretending to be liberals, or Sham Republicans pretending to be conservatives, I understand that they have a distiction without a difference.

I feel very much the same way when choosing between Coke and Pepsi, to be honest.
Extended the tax cuts, Guantanamo Bay open, Iraq on-going, Afghanistan on-going, CEO's and Capitalists all-up-in-dat administration, Patriot Act, etc etc etc etc

No, the media just made it up that he's behaving Centerist.
You guys would't know a real leftist if he put your asses in a gulag.

Such creatures exist but Obama isn't one of them.

He's a Republican lite, actually.

His actions and policies prove that beyond doubt to anybody who isn't slightely right of a John Bircher

Priceless, just priceless.


It really doesn't matter what Obama says. It's what he does that really matters. That's why I want to remind everyone that no matter what he says in today's State of the Union Address, he's still a liberal and always will be, regardless how centrist he or the media tries to make him sound.

The latest fad seems to be which members of congress will be sitting together at the SOTU. In an act of symbolism some members from opposing parties will be noted by the media to be sitting together which breaks with recent tradition. In a congress that is so divided they will attempt to show us they have turned over a new leaf. After all of the "We won, so deal with it" talk, there is going to be an attempt to show unity. Seems kind of strange after all of the nastiness the Dems showed us the last several years. Now they want to get along and share responsibilities. Well, don't fall for it.

After two years of unprecedented spending, and 4 years of political maneuvering, back-door deals, and behind closed door policies, the Democrats and the President finally feel it's time to act responsibly. Oh, and guess what; Obama is gonna ask for more money for a bailout. I promise you, he will. He can't help it. Instead of calling it a tax he will call it "INVESTMENT".


Nope, I don't think anything has changed. The election may have put the brakes to this runaway government, but it's only temporary. They still intend on spending us into abject poverty, and they still intend on assuring that the United States pays for past transgressions against others simply for being a great country.

Don't fall for the hype. The only way to keep a liberal or a progressive from legislating anti-business policies and practicing "Crony Economics" is by getting rid of them. They will still endeavor to fight climate change and they fully intend on spending billions to do it. The result will be higher prices for everything in our lives. Get ready for five dollar a gallon gas to be the new low point.


Spending a minimum of $100 dollars every time you go to the store will be normal. Soon you will have to take out a loan just to put food on the table. We're only a few months away from that now regardless of the fact the Bush tax cuts are still in place. The pain from the last two years are just about to hit us. And the media will continue to show us a Centrist President who is thinking about the Middle Class, taking up the cause of the little man.

Well, don't buy it.

I don't buy what your selling. You suggest nothing but the status quo, meaning, as a nation we must remain divided. Of course you add the usual hate and fear rhetoric.
The cost of fuel is a result of other nations rising demand, primjarily China and India, the Oil Cartels market manipulation and the foolish ideology of you and other self defined conservatives.
Investing in America makes more sense and cents then investing in the Middle East. We'll lose less lives and treasure if we surrender to the war on terror. Terror won. We simply refuse to admit it. Along the way we also lost the war on drugs. Better we had said Just Say No to terror. We would have likely lost less lives and and our economy might not be so troubled.
Let's move forward and embrace green energy, together. Ignore the liars and stupid who continue to deny alternative energy; invest at home. Cut the military budget and use those funds to develop wind, solar, geothermal, etc; build public transportation, solar roofs on all government buildings in the sun belts, wind power in those places it's practicle and provide alternatives to commuters in terms of electric vehicles, light and heavy rail, ferry boats and safe bicycle routes. Let's look at and begin to plan for the new generation of nuclear power and let's let the Middle East eat and drink their crude oil.
Europe and Russia need to step up and watch their borders. Let Putin play the role of GWB and declar war on terror now that his airport has been hit; let us make it clear that we are done and if any terrorist decides to hit us again we will notify his place of birth of our displeasure by air mail.
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Extended the tax cuts, Guantanamo Bay open, Iraq on-going, Afghanistan on-going, CEO's and Capitalists all-up-in-dat administration, Patriot Act, etc etc etc etc

No, the media just made it up that he's behaving Centerist.

Every big government program Bush ever installed. Is it a suprise that Obama continued them?

I'd call Obama... "Bush Plus".
Extended the tax cuts, Guantanamo Bay open, Iraq on-going, Afghanistan on-going, CEO's and Capitalists all-up-in-dat administration, Patriot Act, etc etc etc etc

No, the media just made it up that he's behaving Centerist.

Every big government program Bush ever installed. Is it a suprise that Obama continued them?

I'd call Obama... "Bush Plus".

I'd suggest you consider all the events and politics of the past two years and put your bias aside. Of course if you decide to choose the willfully ignorant course you'll have plenty of company.
Extended the tax cuts, Guantanamo Bay open, Iraq on-going, Afghanistan on-going, CEO's and Capitalists all-up-in-dat administration, Patriot Act, etc etc etc etc

No, the media just made it up that he's behaving Centerist.

Every big government program Bush ever installed. Is it a suprise that Obama continued them?

I'd call Obama... "Bush Plus".

I'd suggest you consider all the events and politics of the past two years and put your bias aside. Of course if you decide to choose the willfully ignorant course you'll have plenty of company.

My bias is aside. Now put yours aside. Honestly give me five things that Bush did that Obama stopped, cut, or turned around. If you can do that I'll give you ten programs in return that he not only didn't cut but EXPANDED. The list of things that weren't cut is far longer. Every single one of them besides the Bush Tax Cuts were big government programs. Either both Bush and Obama are centrists... or they both love big government.
Every big government program Bush ever installed. Is it a suprise that Obama continued them?

I'd call Obama... "Bush Plus".

I'd suggest you consider all the events and politics of the past two years and put your bias aside. Of course if you decide to choose the willfully ignorant course you'll have plenty of company.

My bias is aside. Now put yours aside. Honestly give me five things that Bush did that Obama stopped, cut, or turned around. If you can do that I'll give you ten programs in return that he not only didn't cut but EXPANDED. The list of things that weren't cut is far longer. Every single one of them besides the Bush Tax Cuts were big government programs. Either both Bush and Obama are centrists... or they both love big government.

My bias is my own, I acknowledge it and embrace it. That said, Obama has little choice given what he inherited. Simple solutions to complex problems are the bane of rational thought.
For example, the common criticism of Obama is he blames Bush. Actually he doesn't place enough blame on Bush&Co, for nearly all of our current problems are a result of their incompetence, neglect or ideololgy.

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