Don’t be messing around with In-n-Out Burger

Back in '70 or '71, there was an In-and-Out Burger in Covina. It was close enough to Azusa and Glendora that it attracted cops on their 7 from those departments as well as County Sheriffs.

On day, with a parking lot full of cop cars, a stoner with a gun walked past the cops and up to the counter to rob the place. He was so wasted he didn't even notice the cops and the next thing he knew he was on the bottom of a hog pile with about ten guns to his head.

He kept screaming at the cops ... "How did you get here so fast?!'
In 2005, at the London Oil Exchange, a large group of Greenpeace protestors attempted to shut down the exchange with a protest. They forced their way onto the floor and attempted to send airhorns to the ceiling with ballons. The protestors weren't aware that commodity traders are not a bunch of public school prigs, they are typically from the lower middle classes. Also, they planned the attack after lunch when most traders have had more than a couple of pints. Hilarity ensued...

The trespassers were set upon by traders, most of whom were under the age of 25. “They were kicking and punching men and women,” said a photographer, according to The Times of London. “It was really ugly. … They followed the [Greenpeace] guys into the lobby and kept kicking and punching them there. They literally kicked them on to the pavement.”

“The violence was instant,” reported one aggrieved recipient of a rain of blows to the head. “I’ve never seen anyone less amenable to listening to our point of view.”

“Sod off, Swampy!” shouted one tardy trader, steadying himself against the railings of the balcony of the pub across the street as his colleagues threw the protesters bodily onto the sidewalk. (Swampy was an enviro-protester who gained fame by living unbathed in a tunnel for eight months.)

And the famous anti-environmentalist slogan "Sod Off Swampy!" was born.
I would like to propose a law which would permit the police to mace and detain anyone who repeats themselves more than three times at the top of their voice.
If they continue, post mace, the officer should be permitted to shoot them once in the genitals.

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