Don't be blind


not sure exactly what you would expect to see when an aluminum tail hits a blast reinforced concrete wall. :cuckoo:

First of all, when I type in, I get a blank page. Second, where the hell did the image come from? What is the source? The only way that photo is legit is if it was taken split seconds after the impact. We already know there was a SHORT explosion that occurred after the impact, not like there was a 4 minute fireworks display. That doesn't prove anything.

where are the explosions?

The military is always at least a decade ahead of the average citizen technology. It's perfectly logical a building could be taken down without the sound of explosions. Bringing down entire buildings and simply having small explosions go off in them to trap or kill those inside are 2 different things. Also, you might want to speak with the firefighters who saw demolition flashes as the towers fell. Wait! Let me beat you to it.


No. It has more to do with your generation. MOST your age, whether democrat or republican do go by the logic "in AMERICA patriotism means no questions", world leaders from other parts of the world surely could have ulterior motives that stretch beyond "self interest", but not here in the good ole USA despite America's filthy, corrupt, evil history.

[ame=]YouTube - 9/11 Pentagon Roof Collapse and Damage ABC Sept. 11, 2001 6:40 PM[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Pentagon Before Collapse And Witness[/ame]

Once again there are over 100 eye witnesses to seeing the plane hit the pentagon.

The witnesses fall under one of four groups. They don't know what drones look like, they'll buy whatever they are told like you, they question what they saw but don't have the courage to speak out, or they are simply liars working for the global elite.

The Black Boxes were found.

Ollie, seriously. How many of my sources have you checked out that I've provided in this thread that aren't subjective that comes from random bums who have no credibility? Is it safe to assume 15 tops, if that?

I have watched at least 25 hours of videos provided by the so called truthers and at least 50 hours (probably 100 is closer) of video about the attacks all together. I have read the 911 Commissions Report once and am currently rereading it. I think I am rather well versed in what happened that day.

Now, are there unanswered questions? Of course there are.

Are the major points of the 911 Commissions report correct? Of course they are.

DID flights 11 and 174 crash into the twin towers? Yes we all saw it happen.

Did Flight 77 crash into the Pentagon? No doubt about it.

Did flight 93 crash into the ground near Shanksville PA? Yes it certainly did.

Did the US Government have any forewarning of the attacks? Yes, they knew that we would suffer from some type of terrorist attack at some point.

Did the US Government have anything to do with the planning and execution or have any knowledge of the attacks on 9-11-01 prior to the attack? Of course not.

Were there any pre planted explosives in the world trade center? NO there were not.

And you nor any other truther can disprove any of those statements with real physical evidence. Why? Because the above statements are the truth.

Live with it.

Still waiting for the proof of planted materials at Shanksville and the Pentagon.

not sure exactly what you would expect to see when an aluminum tail hits a blast reinforced concrete wall. :cuckoo:

First of all, when I type in, I get a blank page. Second, where the hell did the image come from? What is the source? The only way that photo is legit is if it was taken split seconds after the impact. We already know there was a SHORT explosion that occurred after the impact, not like there was a 4 minute fireworks display. That doesn't prove anything.

The military is always at least a decade ahead of the average citizen technology. It's perfectly logical a building could be taken down without the sound of explosions. Bringing down entire buildings and simply having small explosions go off in them to trap or kill those inside are 2 different things. Also, you might want to speak with the firefighters who saw demolition flashes as the towers fell. Wait! Let me beat you to it.


No. It has more to do with your generation. MOST your age, whether democrat or republican do go by the logic "in AMERICA patriotism means no questions", world leaders from other parts of the world surely could have ulterior motives that stretch beyond "self interest", but not here in the good ole USA despite America's filthy, corrupt, evil history.

[ame=]YouTube - 9/11 Pentagon Roof Collapse and Damage ABC Sept. 11, 2001 6:40 PM[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Pentagon Before Collapse And Witness[/ame]

The witnesses fall under one of four groups. They don't know what drones look like, they'll buy whatever they are told like you, they question what they saw but don't have the courage to speak out, or they are simply liars working for the global elite.

The Black Boxes were found.

Ollie, seriously. How many of my sources have you checked out that I've provided in this thread that aren't subjective that comes from random bums who have no credibility? Is it safe to assume 15 tops, if that?

I have watched at least 25 hours of videos provided by the so called truthers and at least 50 hours (probably 100 is closer) of video about the attacks all together. I have read the 911 Commissions Report once and am currently rereading it. I think I am rather well versed in what happened that day.

Now, are there unanswered questions? Of course there are.

Are the major points of the 911 Commissions report correct? Of course they are.

DID flights 11 and 174 crash into the twin towers? Yes we all saw it happen.

Did Flight 77 crash into the Pentagon? No doubt about it.

Did flight 93 crash into the ground near Shanksville PA? Yes it certainly did.

Did the US Government have any forewarning of the attacks? Yes, they knew that we would suffer from some type of terrorist attack at some point.

Did the US Government have anything to do with the planning and execution or have any knowledge of the attacks on 9-11-01 prior to the attack? Of course not.

Were there any pre planted explosives in the world trade center? NO there were not.

And you nor any other truther can disprove any of those statements with real physical evidence. Why? Because the above statements are the truth.

Live with it.

Still waiting for the proof of planted materials at Shanksville and the Pentagon.

That about sums it up SFC Ollie!

I too am still waiting for the twoofers to present some information to the contrary. So far they can't, I suspect they never will..

The only kind of information they ever come up with is like pointing to a cracked egg in the box and claiming that is evidence that lizards have infiltrated all the eggs.

not sure exactly what you would expect to see when an aluminum tail hits a blast reinforced concrete wall. :cuckoo:

First of all, when I type in, I get a blank page. Second, where the hell did the image come from? What is the source? The only way that photo is legit is if it was taken split seconds after the impact. We already know there was a SHORT explosion that occurred after the impact, not like there was a 4 minute fireworks display. That doesn't prove anything.

where are the explosions?

The military is always at least a decade ahead of the average citizen technology. It's perfectly logical a building could be taken down without the sound of explosions. Bringing down entire buildings and simply having small explosions go off in them to trap or kill those inside are 2 different things. Also, you might want to speak with the firefighters who saw demolition flashes as the towers fell. Wait! Let me beat you to it.


No. It has more to do with your generation. MOST your age, whether democrat or republican do go by the logic "in AMERICA patriotism means no questions", world leaders from other parts of the world surely could have ulterior motives that stretch beyond "self interest", but not here in the good ole USA despite America's filthy, corrupt, evil history.

[ame=]YouTube - 9/11 Pentagon Roof Collapse and Damage ABC Sept. 11, 2001 6:40 PM[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Pentagon Before Collapse And Witness[/ame]

Once again there are over 100 eye witnesses to seeing the plane hit the pentagon.

The witnesses fall under one of four groups. They don't know what drones look like, they'll buy whatever they are told like you, they question what they saw but don't have the courage to speak out, or they are simply liars working for the global elite.

The Black Boxes were found.

Ollie, seriously. How many of my sources have you checked out that I've provided in this thread that aren't subjective that comes from random bums who have no credibility? Is it safe to assume 15 tops, if that?

What makes you different from the witnesses that you insult here?


Just another treasonous scumbag twoofer who hate the country that gave their mother the space to birth and nurture you.



  • $mm_nope_still_retarded.jpg
    35.1 KB · Views: 88

not sure exactly what you would expect to see when an aluminum tail hits a blast reinforced concrete wall. :cuckoo:

First of all, when I type in, I get a blank page. Second, where the hell did the image come from? What is the source? The only way that photo is legit is if it was taken split seconds after the impact. We already know there was a SHORT explosion that occurred after the impact, not like there was a 4 minute fireworks display. That doesn't prove anything.

where are the explosions?

The military is always at least a decade ahead of the average citizen technology. It's perfectly logical a building could be taken down without the sound of explosions. Bringing down entire buildings and simply having small explosions go off in them to trap or kill those inside are 2 different things. Also, you might want to speak with the firefighters who saw demolition flashes as the towers fell. Wait! Let me beat you to it.


No. It has more to do with your generation. MOST your age, whether democrat or republican do go by the logic "in AMERICA patriotism means no questions", world leaders from other parts of the world surely could have ulterior motives that stretch beyond "self interest", but not here in the good ole USA despite America's filthy, corrupt, evil history.

[ame=]YouTube - 9/11 Pentagon Roof Collapse and Damage ABC Sept. 11, 2001 6:40 PM[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Pentagon Before Collapse And Witness[/ame]

Once again there are over 100 eye witnesses to seeing the plane hit the pentagon.

The witnesses fall under one of four groups. They don't know what drones look like, they'll buy whatever they are told like you, they question what they saw but don't have the courage to speak out, or they are simply liars working for the global elite.

The Black Boxes were found.

Ollie, seriously. How many of my sources have you checked out that I've provided in this thread that aren't subjective that comes from random bums who have no credibility? Is it safe to assume 15 tops, if that?

holy crap.... another moron is here for us to fuck with. just when this board was starting to get boring...

ok moron. explain to us all again how there are no images of the pentagon before collapse after i just showed you one. here's another.


it comes from this page. Boston College Magazine Winter 2009 End Notes First response

so basically, we have already proved you are a liar.

now that we have that out of the way let's look at your next claims......

you claim this photo is only legit if taken split seconds after the attack. no jackass. it was taken in the first several minutes by someone stuck in traffic on the road next to the pentagon. the guy feared for his life and got out of the area as soon as he could after snapping the photo. its all on his web site somewhere so feel free to search the internet for it if you want to continue to imply the photo was fake. there were no "fireworks" going off in the photo. its a picture of the fire at the pentagon before the building collapsed. remember the images you claimed dont exist???

next you claim that firefighters saw demolition flashes as the towers fell. please show me a link to a firefighter claiming he saw demolition flashes. not a firefighter claiming he saw flashes, which wouldnt be all that unusual given the amount of electricity being run through a building, but show me a firefighter claiming DEMOLITION FLASHES. sounds to me like you are putting words in their mouth.

people saw a 757 crash into the pentagon. they were not only able to identify it as a passenger plane and a boeing aircraft but actually identify it as a 757.

if it was a drone or any other of the stupid, moronic claims twoofers make.... WHERE IS THE PROOF?!!! holy shit, talk about people blindly buying anything told to them!! :lol:

not sure exactly what you would expect to see when an aluminum tail hits a blast reinforced concrete wall. :cuckoo:

First of all, when I type in, I get a blank page. Second, where the hell did the image come from? What is the source? The only way that photo is legit is if it was taken split seconds after the impact. We already know there was a SHORT explosion that occurred after the impact, not like there was a 4 minute fireworks display. That doesn't prove anything.

The military is always at least a decade ahead of the average citizen technology. It's perfectly logical a building could be taken down without the sound of explosions. Bringing down entire buildings and simply having small explosions go off in them to trap or kill those inside are 2 different things. Also, you might want to speak with the firefighters who saw demolition flashes as the towers fell. Wait! Let me beat you to it.


No. It has more to do with your generation. MOST your age, whether democrat or republican do go by the logic "in AMERICA patriotism means no questions", world leaders from other parts of the world surely could have ulterior motives that stretch beyond "self interest", but not here in the good ole USA despite America's filthy, corrupt, evil history.

[ame=]YouTube - 9/11 Pentagon Roof Collapse and Damage ABC Sept. 11, 2001 6:40 PM[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Pentagon Before Collapse And Witness[/ame]

The witnesses fall under one of four groups. They don't know what drones look like, they'll buy whatever they are told like you, they question what they saw but don't have the courage to speak out, or they are simply liars working for the global elite.

The Black Boxes were found.

Ollie, seriously. How many of my sources have you checked out that I've provided in this thread that aren't subjective that comes from random bums who have no credibility? Is it safe to assume 15 tops, if that?

holy crap.... another moron is here for us to fuck with. just when this board was starting to get boring...

ok moron. explain to us all again how there are no images of the pentagon before collapse after i just showed you one. here's another.


it comes from this page. Boston College Magazine Winter 2009 End Notes First response

so basically, we have already proved you are a liar.

now that we have that out of the way let's look at your next claims......

you claim this photo is only legit if taken split seconds after the attack. no jackass. it was taken in the first several minutes by someone stuck in traffic on the road next to the pentagon. the guy feared for his life and got out of the area as soon as he could after snapping the photo. its all on his web site somewhere so feel free to search the internet for it if you want to continue to imply the photo was fake. there were no "fireworks" going off in the photo. its a picture of the fire at the pentagon before the building collapsed. remember the images you claimed dont exist???

next you claim that firefighters saw demolition flashes as the towers fell. please show me a link to a firefighter claiming he saw demolition flashes. not a firefighter claiming he saw flashes, which wouldnt be all that unusual given the amount of electricity being run through a building, but show me a firefighter claiming DEMOLITION FLASHES. sounds to me like you are putting words in their mouth.

people saw a 757 crash into the pentagon. they were not only able to identify it as a passenger plane and a boeing aircraft but actually identify it as a 757.

if it was a drone or any other of the stupid, moronic claims twoofers make.... WHERE IS THE PROOF?!!! holy shit, talk about people blindly buying anything told to them!! :lol:

To paraphrase agent chrissy, they are "conspiracy dupes".


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