Donna Brazil: “DeSantis is running on a 1950s America, not a 2050 America, the America of the future. Biden has really good advantage going into 2024"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
uh, 1st of all, DeSantis is 30 years younger than Biden, so DeSantis is the candidate of the future.

2nd, were the 50s that bad? i would argue they weren't!

Every election they paint the GOP this way and it's always the exact same timeframe used in their example "the fifties". Regardless of ones beliefs, some originality would be welcome especially from a career political profiteer.
Seems like Wokeness, protecting parental and student's rights are very current issues.

DeSantis is running on a 1950s America, not a 2050 America​

  • 1950s America was perhaps the best America ever was, on the rise rapidly and booming after winning WWII.

  • 2050 America doesn't exist but judging by the last two years, by the time we get to 2050, there will be no America left or one no one wants to live in. The "future" is not always a good thing, just ask the Poles the week before Nazi Germany invaded, or the Indonesians a week before Mount Tambora exploded how the "future" worked out for them.
Great times!
Your dream America.
Any sane person would take the 1950s.
Yep, without the racism it was a great period. Glad we all worked our way forward, but unfortunately we ended up losing a huge amount of the great period achievements and carried on tradition's due to white guilt and leftist race hustler's attempting to fuel hatred, divide and/or play upon the past situation's like never before.. They are like a Doberman on a Pitbull once the pitbull turned his back.

Then we get hit with Vietnam and the kid's just going looney because of that failed debacle, but we worked our ways into the seventies, and now we have civil right's and better relations with our African American friend's and neighbor's, and that kept on improving and going until Obama and the crew consisting of some of the worst race hustler's in history (Biden, Hillary and etc), started us going backwards faster than anyone could spit. So here we all are today, again with division like we haven't seen since the 50's, otherwise when it comes to race relations, but fortunately we are still moving forward together, regardless of the leftist trying everything it can to isolate each group for political reasoning, power ambition's, and control.
uh, 1st of all, DeSantis is 30 years younger than Biden, so DeSantis is the candidate of the future.

2nd, were the 50s that bad? i would argue they weren't!

Third, Biden doesn't have a really good advantage going into 2024. In fact, he doesn't have an advantage at all. When you have much higher disapproval numbers than approval numbers and most of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction, that's hardly called an advantage.

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