Donald Trump - The Nazi


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
I think the reason Trump is receiving so much flak is that he's right on target!
Donald Trump: The 'Fascist' Who Cuts Taxes And Deregulates

Everybody knows by now that President Trump is a fascist. He's a Nazi just like the white supremacists who marched in Charlottesville, Va., on Aug. 12. We know this because the mainstream media, a host of dimwit celebrities, various Democratic politicians and the highly reputable antifa tell us he is.

What we really know, though, is these groups don't know anything except how to shriek louder and longer than everyone else. A few also well know how to break other people's property and set things that don't belong to them on fire. But they don't know their history, and therefore don't know what they're talking about.

But we're here to help them out, so let's make some comparisons.

First, take a look at taxes. Trump wants to cut them. But the Nazis were no tax-cutters.

"These Nazi radicals think of nothing except 'distributing the wealth,' " a German businessman wrote in a letter that was mentioned in "The Vampire Economy: Doing Business Under Fascism," a book written in 1939 by German author Guenter Reimann.

"Some businessmen were studying Marxist theories, so that they will have a better understanding of the present economic system. ... You cannot imagine how taxation has increased."

The Nazi regime doubled the corporate tax rate from 20% to 40% between 1936 and 1939, according to "Hitler's Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State" by Gotz Aly. The Nazi government then soaked the rich during the war, doubling their taxes, says Aly.

Which modern-day U.S. political party does that sound more like? Trump's or the party of his most vocal critics'?

Meanwhile, Benito Mussolini's Fascist government in Italy raised taxes in 1936, and when he "introduced new taxes in October 1937 ... his popular support faded with the economy," Jude Wanniski wrote in "The Way The World Works." Fuel taxes were raised in the 1930s, according to Generation History, with the additional revenue spent on programs such as "state bureaucracy, prestige projects" and "welfare measures."

Donald Trump: The 'Fascist' Who Cuts Taxes And Deregulates | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
I think the reason Trump is receiving so much flak is that he's right on target!
Donald Trump: The 'Fascist' Who Cuts Taxes And Deregulates

Everybody knows by now that President Trump is a fascist. He's a Nazi just like the white supremacists who marched in Charlottesville, Va., on Aug. 12. We know this because the mainstream media, a host of dimwit celebrities, various Democratic politicians and the highly reputable antifa tell us he is.

What we really know, though, is these groups don't know anything except how to shriek louder and longer than everyone else. A few also well know how to break other people's property and set things that don't belong to them on fire. But they don't know their history, and therefore don't know what they're talking about.

But we're here to help them out, so let's make some comparisons.

First, take a look at taxes. Trump wants to cut them. But the Nazis were no tax-cutters.

"These Nazi radicals think of nothing except 'distributing the wealth,' " a German businessman wrote in a letter that was mentioned in "The Vampire Economy: Doing Business Under Fascism," a book written in 1939 by German author Guenter Reimann.

"Some businessmen were studying Marxist theories, so that they will have a better understanding of the present economic system. ... You cannot imagine how taxation has increased."

The Nazi regime doubled the corporate tax rate from 20% to 40% between 1936 and 1939, according to "Hitler's Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State" by Gotz Aly. The Nazi government then soaked the rich during the war, doubling their taxes, says Aly.

Which modern-day U.S. political party does that sound more like? Trump's or the party of his most vocal critics'?

Meanwhile, Benito Mussolini's Fascist government in Italy raised taxes in 1936, and when he "introduced new taxes in October 1937 ... his popular support faded with the economy," Jude Wanniski wrote in "The Way The World Works." Fuel taxes were raised in the 1930s, according to Generation History, with the additional revenue spent on programs such as "state bureaucracy, prestige projects" and "welfare measures."

Donald Trump: The 'Fascist' Who Cuts Taxes And Deregulates | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
By the same logic, is the reason why Obama received so much flak was because he was right on target?

Polls are great, but the best poll will come in November 2018.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
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I knew most of our "friends" would ignore this.
I knew most of our "friends" would ignore this.

nobody responds to your bs because youre a dumbass ..

1930's .. foreign leaders .. a conventional war .. currency .. economy .. etc etc


another century/economy/population/military conflict/currency/ etc etc

in your tiny little mind you actually BEEEEEEEEELEVE you have a valid comparison when all you have is a horseshit thread trying to justify Trump and degrade Dems ..

so dont be too disapointed when you get left standing in the corner scratching your ass and sniffing your finger.
I knew most of our "friends" would ignore this.

nobody responds to your bs because youre a dumbass ..

1930's .. foreign leaders .. a conventional war .. currency .. economy .. etc etc


another century/economy/population/military conflict/currency/ etc etc

in your tiny little mind you actually BEEEEEEEEELEVE you have a valid comparison when all you have is a horseshit thread trying to justify Trump and degrade Dems ..

so dont be too disapointed when you get left standing in the corner scratching your ass and sniffing your finger.
Good gawd you are dumb as fuck
Perhaps we need more history books?

And they had a great deal of expertise in doing this, since they designed the Armenian Holocaust.

Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia

People, these are the kind of DARK EVIL UNDERCURRENTS that run under the surface at the Democrat Party, the Party of Slavery and Oppression and Black Genocide, will always be The Party of Slavery and Oppression and Genocide.
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I knew most of our "friends" would ignore this.

nobody responds to your bs because youre a dumbass ..

1930's .. foreign leaders .. a conventional war .. currency .. economy .. etc etc


another century/economy/population/military conflict/currency/ etc etc

in your tiny little mind you actually BEEEEEEEEELEVE you have a valid comparison when all you have is a horseshit thread trying to justify Trump and degrade Dems ..

so dont be too disapointed when you get left standing in the corner scratching your ass and sniffing your finger.
Good gawd you are dumb as fuck

I dont buy into the trickle down theory because its never been a success building long term economies

you do.

and I'm dumb as fuck.

go suck exhaust pipes Gomer.
Respond to this, dimocrap scum.......

How many of you low-life, bottom-feeding, lying degenerate know that a SITTING U.S. SENATOR is about to go on trial for bribery and corruption??

It isn't so much that another dimocrap scumbag is being prosecuted for what the entire dimocrap scum party is guilty of -- Criminality.

It's that no one seems to give a fuck when it's a dimocrap.

If this were a Republican? It would be Armegeddon. End times, The world is coming to an end............

There would be demonstrations, speeches on the House and Senate Floor, wall to wall media coverage, the lead on EVERY Nightly News Cast.......

It isn't so much that dimocrap ideas suck (they do, mostly - Not all, but mostly) it's that dimocrap scum THEMSELVES Suck.

THE most dishonest, low-life, corrupt, criminal pieces of shit to ever disgrace the surface of the Planet. All of them. From the highest elected official to the lowest voter. They suck. And they are scum

dimocraps are scum.

How many of you knew about Menendez going to trial??

I doubt very many at all.

And why is he still in the Senate? If he were a Republican, he would be forced, by the Party, to resign.

But dimocrap scum have no honor. Reason #4 why they are such scum.
someone call the asylum and report an escape ... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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