Donald Trump 'Splained


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
I think I have decoded Donald Trump.

He's a political equivalent of a FLUFFER to a Porn Star.

His job right now is to troll Obama in Meat Space while the GOP figures out a decent candidate to run in 2012.

That's my theory, and I'm STICKING to it (as stickiness is so popular here these days).
I think I have decoded Donald Trump.

He's a political equivalent of a FLUFFER to a Porn Star.

His job right now is to troll Obama in Meat Space while the GOP figures out a decent candidate to run in 2012.

That's my theory, and I'm STICKING to it (as stickiness is so popular here these days).

What is 'Meat Space'?

Trump is a real estate agent, and Obama is a used car salesman. The political world is not any more complicated than that.
Meat Space (or Meatspace) is the real, non cyber world. Haven't you read any William Gibson?
Trump, along with being uber-rich, is a celebrity egomaniac. He's no doubt soaking up this attention like a puppy wanting his belly scratched.

Palin has abandoned all pretense of being taken seriously as a political force by first bailing on the governor's job she was elected to and then taking up the mantle of reality television personality.

This frees her up to be as big a lightening rod and demagogue as any Conservative has the stomach to follow. After listening to Limbaugh, Beck and the local Brown shirter Jim Quinn, I do believe the Conservative stomach can be fed the political equivalent of styrofoam and survive.

All that's left in the election pre-season is for Romney (the presumptive nominee given GOP history) or Huckabee or Little Ricky Santorum to step up and make the inevitable gaffes and mis-steps candidates make while energizing a rabidly reactionary base. These gaffes and preposterous positions will come back to haunt them once they realize they must suddenly tack to the center if they want to win in November 2012.

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