Donald Trump Leads Joe Biden in Every Battleground State: Polling Averages

Inter-indigenous fighting does not excuse white violence. What a goofy suggestion by you.
The Native Americans were NOT poor ,downtrodden Savages. They were brave , fierce fighters ,and would have SPIT on a "White Liberal". They just did not have the technology to defeat the Europeans. Or the organization. Their method of fighting was raids followed by a great battle to settle things. They did not understand a military Campaign.
Trump was a dumb white male who did not have the qualifications to be president. He was gven the job over a vastly more qualified female. This is a phenomenon that happens dailly in this country yet nobody ever considers the possiblity of an unqualified hetero white male getting hired because of his skin color.

One of the things Trump has going for him, is he is not a career politician. Of course to Dimocrats, career politicians are a huge plus.
Not sure. Biden called a voter that. Have no idea what he meant. Then again ,does Biden EVER know what he means? Guess that is what happens when his Grampa was eaten by Cannibals.
Biden believed the phrase came from a John Wayne movie, but the reality is, it came from a senile old man posing as president.
Some Native Americans ate their enemies

Jamestown Settlement and the "Starving Time"​

The Starving Time refers to the winter of 1609–1610 when about three-quarters of the English colonists in Virginia died of starvation or starvation-related diseases. In his unpublished account A Trewe Relacyon, George Percy, who served as president during these grim months, wrote that Englishmen felt “the sharpe pricke of hunger which noe man trewly descrybe butt he which hathe tasted the bitternesse thereof.” Already for two years, the Jamestown colonists had died at alarming rates, mostly of summertime diseases. In 1609, the beginning of the First Anglo-Powhatan War (1609–1614) prompted the Indians to lay siege to the English fort, helping to provoke the famine. Settlers were forced to eat snakes, vipers, rats, mice, musk turtles, cats, dogs, horses, and perhaps even raptors. In addition, multiple gruesome stories suggest, and archaeological evidence has partially corroborated, that settlers devoured each other.

Biden believed the phrase came from a John Wayne movie, but the reality is, it came from a senile old man posing as president.
True. Just a stupid . senile ,grumpy old man. His "State of the Union" was pathetic. Just yelling.
It would be nice if they linked us to that polling.

Five thirty Eight is sorta. .. . . sketchy.

I checked, and yeah, the polls they watch and figure don't include RFKjr. and third parties in their questioning.
(I looked at WI for example.)

Decision Desk HQ has WI and PA up for grabs right now.

2024 Presidential Map Based on the Latest Polls | Biden v Trump v RFK​

31,660 views Apr 25, 2024
"Going forward in these polling update videos we’re going to start including Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for all of the states in which he has claimed to have secured ballot access, and where have a three way average between Kennedy, Biden, and Trump available."

I hate POLLS because the are incompetent and biased therefore is obvious the silly Kennedy and stupid Stein and the uncommitted will chew up a chunk off any Biden gains to make up for the women disgusted with Republicans
You gave been reported to USMB by me who is not Native for your harassment of a Native member by repeated disgusting tropes, sorry pal for your bad behavior
Your confusing me with ( A Canadien ) ( A Rodeo Fan ) ( A Christian ) ( A frequent poster in thread trees about ancient North American Pre Colombian Human poop that Anthropologists and archeologists and scientists determined came from a human who ate other humans )
This is a truly stupid comment coming from a cave dwelling white supremacy moron... this is 100% BS are a narcissist
Cars? Planes? Relativity? Assembly Line Production? Frozen Food? Electricity? Nuclear? Dams? Bridges? Steel? I could go on. But ALL Invented by European Americans.

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