Donald Trump is right again!!

Mrs. M.

Man Feed Guest Writer
Nov 2, 2015

“In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” - George Orwell

The outrage over Trump's call to halt Muslim immigration has been unprecedented. Britain is being targeted by ISIS invaders posing as Syrian refugees yet a petition to ban Donald Trump from entering their country is now the top priority! His crime? Stating that there should be a temporary ban on Muslim immigration until we can figure out what is going on.

At least one Mayor in America has insinuated that he would ban Donald Trump from entering his city if he could. What do these British and American politicians share in common? Neither has the moral fortitude to say or do the right thing for their country.

There is nothing so infuriating as watching someone else do what you don't have the guts to do yourself.

Trump has refused to apologize for speaking the truth. It has not only created a huge backlash here in America but in other countries where Islam has already silenced the majority.

Common sense tells us we cannot continue to permit Muslim immigration to flow unchecked. We need to examine exactly who we are allowing in.

The victims of the Boston bombing who are without limbs today because of two Muslim suspects not taken off the streets by HLS, deserve consideration. The Muslim terror attack in San Bernardino, California was an act of war on American soil. Neighbors who feared being accused of profiling chose to remain silent. We cannot afford to be intimidated into silence again!

No coward ever won a battle. The stature of a mouse cannot stand against the roar of a lion. This is the land of the free and the home of the brave! It is high time we act like it and stand our ground!

Muslim immigration should be examined closely. By their own admission, Islam is not just a religion but a “way of life.” Which life are Muslim immigrants coming to America for? Islamic or American?

The Koran and the Constitution cannot co-exist together.

Islamic law permits child brides, honor killings, multiple wives, cruel and unusual punishment, slavery and involuntary servitude.

Our Constitution does not.

Islam is the antithesis of our Constitution. If Muslim immigrants came here for the American way of life, why is Sharia law creeping into our courtrooms? Why is State after State having to vote for and pass “American Law for American Courtrooms” in our own land?

If we do not speak up, Oklahoma will become the next Syria and Minnesota, the next Mogadishu. Those who desire to come to America should be willing to follow our laws, not try to enforce their own. This is America. Those who desire to live here must abide by America's Constitution not Mecca's.

On November 13th 2015, France suffered an Islamic terrorist attack resulting in the death of 120 french citizens with multitudes wounded and scarred for life. Since then they have shut down 3 mosques, arrested over 232 suspects and seized a massive cache of war-grade weapons. The latest raid comes as authorities in other European countries are cracking down on mosques which have been suspected of being breeding grounds for terrorists cells.

No one should have to apologize for speaking the truth. We need to ban Muslim immigration and have a look inside the Mosques here in America.

It's time to protect our homeland.

Donald Trump is right again.


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I can't say I don't agree. Soon whitey and abdul will be having a reckoning. There'll be a time when they are winning. Many of us will die and so will political correctness.

After that, we will become hard, as they have(from us making them hard), and perhaps when our veteren base is strong, after victory, we will look for revenge. Not sure though.

Interesting times. I daresay we'll miss the boredom.
How 70,000 Muslim Clerics Are Standing Up To Terrorism

Almost 70,000 Muslim clerics have come together to pass a fatwa against global terrorist organizations, including the Taliban, al Qaeda and the militant group that calls itself the Islamic State.

During an annual gathering of South Asian Sunni Muslims in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh this week, almost 1.5 million attendees signed a document protesting global terrorist activity, according to The Times of India.

This bolstered "clerics from across the world, who were part of the event, [to pass] the fatwa," said one of the clerics, Mufti Mohammed Saleem Noori. They want to spread the message that they don't consider groups like the Islamic State to be true Islamic organizations -- nor do they view members of these organizations as Muslims.
Trump is incorrect.

Banning even if it is a Temp Ban will be feeding into the propaganda that ISIL and Al-Qaeda are selling. They will point to the fact that they are winning because of the fear that those like you have of a Muslim that might enter this country, and that is letting them win.

Also you brought up the California shooters and left out the fact that the Husband was born here, and did not come in on a visa. With your ban it would have not stopped him at all seeing he was a Natural Born U.S. citizen and not a K-1 visa immigrant like his wife.

Also you brought up the Boston Bombers and I will toss in the Fort Hood shooter for free to point out that every few years you get a radical Muslim that our government fails to catch but during that same period of time you get those like the Sandy Hook shooter ( Adam Lanza ), The Aurora Shooter ( James Holmes ), Planned Parenthood Shooter ( Robert Dear ), Tucson Shooting ( Jared Lee Loughner ) and countless other mass shooters and not once has someone like Trump offer how we can stop them from killing innocent people.

It is easy for those like you to write about how Trump is correct because he feed off your fear and lack of understanding that your chances of being killed by a International Muslim terrorist is lesser than being killed by a homegrown one that can not be banned from being in this country.

So until those like you and Trump start addressing the fact you are more likely to be killed by a homegrown terrorist and how us Americans can try to stop them then all I can do is say no, the ban is not going to work because of the fact you can not ban Muslim's from every country around the world and even if you do it will not prevent the next attack.

ISIL will just use a homegrown agent like they did with the Husband in the California shooting and you can not throw Natural Born American's out either because they do have rights and trying to deny them their rights because of their religion is Unconstitutional as can be!

So Trump is incorrect and this hysteria about another possible attack is getting sickening because the reality is I could be killed by someone like Tim McVeigh before I am killed by someone like Osama Bin-Laden.


If someone write that the American Born Mass Shooters like Adam Lanza should not be grouped in with those like the Fort Hood shooter because of his mental illness, well name one Mass Shooter or Terrorist that is not mentally ill in the damn head!
"No coward ever won a battle. The stature of a mouse cannot stand against the roar of a lion. This is the land of the free and the home of the brave! It is high time we act like it and stand our ground!"

And most on the right are doing no such thing: they're exhibiting their fear, cowardice, and contempt for the rule of law by seeking to disadvantaging Muslims for no other reason than who they are, who seek only to contrive and propagate lies, and who seek to use the politics of fear to advance their hateful, wrongheaded agenda.

As as consequence Trump is in fact wrong.
"No coward ever won a battle. The stature of a mouse cannot stand against the roar of a lion. This is the land of the free and the home of the brave! It is high time we act like it and stand our ground!"

And most on the right are doing no such thing: they're exhibiting their fear, cowardice, and contempt for the rule of law by seeking to disadvantaging Muslims for no other reason than who they are, who seek only to contrive and propagate lies, and who seek to use the politics of fear to advance their hateful, wrongheaded agenda.

As as consequence Trump is in fact wrong.

It's so fun to watch you pull words from your ass.

I am not far right, but I can't help but wonder when you are going to connect the dots to your blathering. You only make these accusations, you never ever prove them.
Just to make it easier to spot them when you come out from under your are some Syrians.


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Islamophobes.....Here is your lesson for today. Be sure to read the whole think before commenting.
Thomas Jefferson’s Quran: How Islam Shaped the Founders Thomas Jefferson’s Quran: How Islam Shaped the Founders

Many Protestant Americans, for example, disdained the Roman Catholic Church because of their memories of the bitter religious wars of the Protestant Reformation. Further, Pennsylvania’s constitution and laws allowed voting, sitting on juries, and holding office only to those who professed a belief in the divine inspiration of the Old and New Testaments.

By contrast, Thomas Jefferson, a central figure in Spellberg’s book, had a strong, lifelong commitment to religious liberty. Jefferson rejected toleration, the alternative perspective and one embraced by John Locke and John Adams, as grounded on the idea that a religious majority has a right to impose its will on a religious minority, but chooses to be tolerant for reasons of benevolence. Religious liberty, Jefferson argued, denies the majority any right to coerce a dissenting minority, even one hostile to religion. Jefferson rejected using government power to coerce religious belief and practice because it would create a nation of tyrants and hypocrites, as it is impossible to force someone to believe against the promptings of his conscience. Jefferson embraced religious liberty and separation of church and state to protect the individual human mind and the secular political realm from the corrupting alliance of church and state.

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