Donald Trump For President?? *YES*

Trump was born rich.

Gullible people think he is a self made millionaire. :doubt:

You mean like the Kennedy's? Teddy, Jack, Bobby and others??

Trump made his fortune by working hard and smart and going to the finest school, Wharton School of Business, and using his inheritance to grow his fortune and provide jobs for thousands of families.... :clap2: :clap2: ( you didn't know that Sunni?) :lol:
HAHA...Awesome!! Too bad Willow, I am out of reps!!! :)
Trump was born rich.

Gullible people think he is a self made millionaire. :doubt:

You mean like the Kennedy's? Teddy, Jack, Bobby and others??

Trump made his fortune by working hard and smart and going to the finest school, Wharton School of Business, and using his inheritance to grow his fortune and provide jobs for thousands of families.... :clap2: :clap2: ( you didn't know that Sunni?) :lol:

If it doesn't have to do with Islam, Sunni doesn't know.:eusa_whistle:
I really hope Trump does run for this position. He has the business expertise and gonads that go with being a wise and "tough love" type of man, not a wuss! As of this post, he would have my vote. He would bring us back to prosperity and fast.

Your opinions?

He's a terrible businessman, and he's a wuss.

According to this, he isn't doing all that well.

There's just one question: How is Donald Trump—the businessman, not the TV star—doing these days? The answer seems to depend on which part of his empire you're talking about.

Examine the performance of Trump's one publicly held company—the casino business—and it's clear that taking your business cues from The Donald is far more likely to lead to fame than to fortune. Once the major source of Trump's nearly billion-dollar wealth, Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts has lost hundreds of millions in market value since going public in 1995. Trump's personal stake—he controls 56% of the company—is worth just $41 million, down from more than half a billion dollars in 1996. The humbled gambling company, whose marquee property is Atlantic City's Taj Mahal, is so burdened with debt—$1.8 billion in all—that it's draining cash. Trump himself admits that he's considering restructuring the debt, perhaps by bringing in new investors, even if that meant he'd give up some control. He notes that "every institution loves me."

Trump strikes me as one of those people with confidence to the point of it being a personality flaw. Too much confidence leads to cockiness, and then you get blinded to the arguments of naysayers and end up making bad decisions sometimes. Maybe whoever the apprentice turns out to be can help Trump turn things around.

Is The Donald a Good Business Man? | Business Pundit

lots more here: Google
Smells too much like Schwarzenegger or Bloomberg.

No legislative paper trail.

Can't trust him.


Yeah, sure, Cal-ee-forn-ee-ah is in such good financial straits??? :cuckoo:

Arny inherited those straights from Gray Davis.

Considering the difficulty he did an amazingly good job of handling the challenge.

I wrote him off as a joke during the recall election but he definitely proved me wrong.
I really hope Trump does run for this position. He has the business expertise and gonads that go with being a wise and "tough love" type of man, not a wuss! As of this post, he would have my vote. He would bring us back to prosperity and fast.

Your opinions?

He's a terrible businessman, and he's a wuss.

According to this, he isn't doing all that well.

There's just one question: How is Donald Trump—the businessman, not the TV star—doing these days? The answer seems to depend on which part of his empire you're talking about.

Examine the performance of Trump's one publicly held company—the casino business—and it's clear that taking your business cues from The Donald is far more likely to lead to fame than to fortune. Once the major source of Trump's nearly billion-dollar wealth, Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts has lost hundreds of millions in market value since going public in 1995. Trump's personal stake—he controls 56% of the company—is worth just $41 million, down from more than half a billion dollars in 1996. The humbled gambling company, whose marquee property is Atlantic City's Taj Mahal, is so burdened with debt—$1.8 billion in all—that it's draining cash. Trump himself admits that he's considering restructuring the debt, perhaps by bringing in new investors, even if that meant he'd give up some control. He notes that "every institution loves me."

Trump strikes me as one of those people with confidence to the point of it being a personality flaw. Too much confidence leads to cockiness, and then you get blinded to the arguments of naysayers and end up making bad decisions sometimes. Maybe whoever the apprentice turns out to be can help Trump turn things around.

Is The Donald a Good Business Man? | Business Pundit

lots more here: Google

Good post.

Got the whiff of Trump when I was a mover. He use to buy buildings..harrass the shit out of the tenants..then turn them into condos and coops.

Slum lord tactics.
I really hope Trump does run for this position. He has the business expertise and gonads that go with being a wise and "tough love" type of man, not a wuss! As of this post, he would have my vote. He would bring us back to prosperity and fast.

Your opinions?

He's a terrible businessman, and he's a wuss.

According to this, he isn't doing all that well.

There's just one question: How is Donald Trump—the businessman, not the TV star—doing these days? The answer seems to depend on which part of his empire you're talking about.

Examine the performance of Trump's one publicly held company—the casino business—and it's clear that taking your business cues from The Donald is far more likely to lead to fame than to fortune. Once the major source of Trump's nearly billion-dollar wealth, Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts has lost hundreds of millions in market value since going public in 1995. Trump's personal stake—he controls 56% of the company—is worth just $41 million, down from more than half a billion dollars in 1996. The humbled gambling company, whose marquee property is Atlantic City's Taj Mahal, is so burdened with debt—$1.8 billion in all—that it's draining cash. Trump himself admits that he's considering restructuring the debt, perhaps by bringing in new investors, even if that meant he'd give up some control. He notes that "every institution loves me."

Trump strikes me as one of those people with confidence to the point of it being a personality flaw. Too much confidence leads to cockiness, and then you get blinded to the arguments of naysayers and end up making bad decisions sometimes. Maybe whoever the apprentice turns out to be can help Trump turn things around.

Is The Donald a Good Business Man? | Business Pundit

lots more here: Google

Good post.

Got the whiff of Trump when I was a mover. He use to buy buildings..harrass the shit out of the tenants..then turn them into condos and coops.

Slum lord tactics.

his dad built a ton of middle income housing. everything i heard about daddy trump was very positive.

Yeah, sure, Cal-ee-forn-ee-ah is in such good financial straits??? :cuckoo:

Arny inherited those straights from Gray Davis.

Considering the difficulty he did an amazingly good job of handling the challenge.

I wrote him off as a joke during the recall election but he definitely proved me wrong.

Relative to Trump and not the RINO, Arnold:

"Through the years we have watched Donald Trump Rise and Fall, only to rise again. A man that truly understandings the ups and downs of business. It is believed that a good business man must be humbled a few time before greatness. This is the only way a good leader can be developed. A business person must know what they have to lose.

"Donald Trump is a amazing person. His true leadership shows in his approach to his employees. He does not judge them for their education, but by their performance and ability to lead. Not all great leaders can have degrees. Street smarts and business experience can crush a college educated person.

"Here are a few items we would like to point out about Donald Trump:
- A person that knows success and tells us to brag about. Blow your own horn.
- Do not judge a person by their education, but always respect those who have one.
- Learn to make the deal, by knowing what you want and how your going to get there.
- Surround yourself with great people."

Donald Trump, True Leader, True Business Man | Business
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He was a complete failure. He ran on undong the damage Gumby did and Schwarzenegger made everything worse.

I had near zero expectations when Arny was elected. I thought, well this will be a movie!

I live here in the Golden state. I watch it all. Arny is such a great public servant that I would be ecstatic if he was willing and enabled to become our nation's next president.

He's a rightwinger with exceptional common sense, he thinks outside the box and he seems to have mastered compromise.

He's as good as any governor anywhere including New Jersey.
He's no rightwinger. He's a Kennedy. He commuted the sentence of a murderer, who was the son of a Democrat assembly leader.

He never said "no" to the unions and only had his tax increases stopped via referendum. He'ds no different than Jerry Brown or Gumby.

Everything that was bad when Gumby was governor is worse today. The only thing California has going for it now is the weather.
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Nobody who inherits their money and then loses a half billion dollars in a decade deserves to be our president!
Palin has a better shot than Trump

Trump is a cartoon character
I really hope Trump does run for this position. He has the business expertise and gonads that go with being a wise and "tough love" type of man, not a wuss! As of this post, he would have my vote. He would bring us back to prosperity and fast.

Your opinions?

Well glad you asked. He is not a natural born citizen and not eligible to be president. Other than that, he would probably be ideal at corrupting DC worse than it already is. :eusa_angel:

It would be nice if you all would pick candidates from the middle class who know where your head is at. Do you think Trump buys his own gas or food or clothes or who he is going to be sleeping with tonight?? Think Truck Driver!!
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He's no rightwinger. He's a Kennedy. He commuted the sentence of a murderer, who was the son of a Democrat assembly leader.

He never said "no" to the unions and only had his tax increases stopped via referendum. He'ds no different than Jerry Brown or Gumby.

Everything that was bad when Gumby was governor is worse today. The only thing California has going for it now is the weather.

How bout Fred Thompson, Donald Trump or Sarah Palin instead? Newt Gingrich? McCain?

Your idiotic opinions about things and folks you know next to nothing about about are still insufficient since you don't have a single credible "right wing" alternative to run against Obama.

Obama will probably win in 2012 merely because the right has no candidates capable of beating him.

THAT is a sad, sad commentary.

Meanwhile Arny is as good a candidate as Reagan (Arny would clearly make a better president) and you can't even see it because your toxic little opinion forbids it.

I feel so sorry for you and your party.
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He's no rightwinger. He's a Kennedy. He commuted the sentence of a murderer, who was the son of a Democrat assembly leader.

He never said "no" to the unions and only had his tax increases stopped via referendum. He'ds no different than Jerry Brown or Gumby.

Everything that was bad when Gumby was governor is worse today. The only thing California has going for it now is the weather.

How bout Fred Thompson, Donald Trump or Sarah Palin instead? Newt Gingrich? McCain?

Your idiotic opinions about things and folks you know next to nothing about about are still insufficient since you don't have a single credible "right wing" alternative to run against Obama.

Obama will probably win in 2012 merely because the right has no candidates capable of beating him.

THAT is a sad, sad commentary.

Meanwhile Arny is as good a candidate as Reagan (Arny would clearly make a better president) and you can't even see it because your toxic little opinion forbids it.

I feel so sorry for your and your party.

Save it. The only way Republicans lose is if they run the same guys who ran in 2008.

It's early.

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