Donald Trump Can't Name A Single Verse From His Favorite Book - The Bible

Funny watching the same people who defended Obama's Christianity now doubt Trump's Christianity. Hypocrites coming and posting sh** on this board day after day, year after year. How sad their lives must be.
That's funny... he continues to make you look like the amateur hour as he climbs in the polls with each of these little blips and you perceive that as having a laugh at his expense?

Oh, and Trump doesn't need anyone defending him, he does quite well all on his own.
Nothing will be funnier than Trump continuing to top the Republican polls.
I think what of lot Republicans don't realize, is that when they support and defend Trump they are allowing Trump to characterize the party. If by some chance he get's nominated, I think we will see a lot of Republican congressmen distancing themselves from him in the general election.
I think Trump is how many of the base would like their party to be characterised, one has only to look at his support here.
Funny watching the same people who defended Obama's Christianity now doubt Trump's Christianity. Hypocrites coming and posting sh** on this board day after day, year after year. How sad their lives must be.
Is Obama a Christian? I'd be surprised. The funniest thing I've ever seen was Bill Clinton being photographed going into church with a big ol' bible under his arm. Still, I guess every US politician has to pander a bit to the batshit crazies.
i don't think every member of the DNC put together could name one bible verse.
Maybe so but they don't have to pander to the Christian Coalition the way the GOP does.

Pander to the Christian Coalition the way the GOP does? You mean by nominating a candidate (McCain) who refused to be seen in public with Ralph Reed, followed by a candidate (Romney) who was a Mormon?

By this thread, it seems the only people who are really concerned about The Donald's failure to deliver fire and brimstone from the Scriptures are liberal lefties. It genuinely seems to bother you.

I can only hope that next time we see a fluff interview with Hillary, Bernie or Crazy Joe, this most concerning issue will be raised with them and we'll get to hear about their favored verses. I particularly would LOVE to hear Biden reciting scripture. It could sway my vote, seriously!
If by some chance he get's nominated, I think we will see a lot of Republican congressmen distancing themselves from him in the general election.

By some chance? You do watch the polls, right? Uhm.. he's stomping the shit out of everybody else right now. Seems like you'd be saying "if by some chance he doesn't win the nomination."

I predict the exact OPPOSITE happens. You will see MANY congressmen have that "come to Jesus" moment and align with his message. Cruz is already holding joint rallies with him.
i don't think every member of the DNC put together could name one bible verse.
Maybe so but they don't have to pander to the Christian Coalition the way the GOP does.

Pander to the Christian Coalition the way the GOP does? You mean by nominating a candidate (McCain) who refused to be seen in public with Ralph Reed, followed by a candidate (Romney) who was a Mormon?

By this thread, it seems the only people who are really concerned about The Donald's failure to deliver fire and brimstone from the Scriptures are liberal lefties. It genuinely seems to bother you.

I can only hope that next time we see a fluff interview with Hillary, Bernie or Crazy Joe, this most concerning issue will be raised with them and we'll get to hear about their favored verses. I particularly would LOVE to hear Biden reciting scripture. It could sway my vote, seriously!

Ralph Reed is your idea of a fine example of modern American conservative Christianity?

lol, I might have to agree with you on that.
After proclaiming many times on the campaign trail that The Bible is his favorite book, Donald Trump was at a loss to cite one favorite verse, saying it was "too personal" to share.

Wow, that seems odd.

I'm really surprised, most people that believe in the bible ONLY know a few favorite versus and ignore the rest. All that stuff about helping the poor is just far too much a burden for kristians.
i don't think every member of the DNC put together could name one bible verse.
Maybe so but they don't have to pander to the Christian Coalition the way the GOP does.

Pander to the Christian Coalition the way the GOP does? You mean by nominating a candidate (McCain) who refused to be seen in public with Ralph Reed, followed by a candidate (Romney) who was a Mormon?

By this thread, it seems the only people who are really concerned about The Donald's failure to deliver fire and brimstone from the Scriptures are liberal lefties. It genuinely seems to bother you.

I can only hope that next time we see a fluff interview with Hillary, Bernie or Crazy Joe, this most concerning issue will be raised with them and we'll get to hear about their favored verses. I particularly would LOVE to hear Biden reciting scripture. It could sway my vote, seriously!

Ralph Reed is your idea of a fine example of modern American conservative Christianity?

lol, I might have to agree with you on that.

No, Ralph Reed is my idea of the Executive Director of Christian Coalition of America who Flopper claimed the GOP panders to. Pay attention, dimwit!
It would appear impossible to ask gotcha questions of people who don't set themselves up for it by lying through their teeth.
So that's what your getting excited about, Trump not wanting to recite the Bible to some DemStooge reporter?
Recite the bible?? That stupid, conceited, arrogant son-of-a-bitch doesn't know a verse. When he said his favorite book is the bible I laughed out loud. If there is a hell.....which I strongly doubt, that arsehole has a front row seat.

Matthew 19:
23And Jesus said to His disciples, "Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24"Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." 25When the disciples heard this, they were very astonished and said, "Then who can be saved?"…
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i don't think every member of the DNC put together could name one bible verse.
Maybe so but they don't have to pander to the Christian Coalition the way the GOP does.

Pander to the Christian Coalition the way the GOP does? You mean by nominating a candidate (McCain) who refused to be seen in public with Ralph Reed, followed by a candidate (Romney) who was a Mormon?

By this thread, it seems the only people who are really concerned about The Donald's failure to deliver fire and brimstone from the Scriptures are liberal lefties. It genuinely seems to bother you.

I can only hope that next time we see a fluff interview with Hillary, Bernie or Crazy Joe, this most concerning issue will be raised with them and we'll get to hear about their favored verses. I particularly would LOVE to hear Biden reciting scripture. It could sway my vote, seriously!

Ralph Reed is your idea of a fine example of modern American conservative Christianity?

lol, I might have to agree with you on that.

No, Ralph Reed is my idea of the Executive Director of Christian Coalition of America who Flopper claimed the GOP panders to. Pay attention, dimwit!

Reed hasn't held that position since 1997.

Do you know what year this is?
The best part of the Trump spectacle is that the more liberals have a laugh at his expense,

the more the RWnuts feel obligated to defend him.
The gift that keeps on giving...
I think what of lot Republicans don't realize, is that when they support and defend Trump they are allowing Trump to characterize the party. If by some chance he get's nominated, I think we will see a lot of Republican congressmen distancing themselves from him in the general election.

It's all bullshit anyway.
Like any of the recent Presidents did anything FOR the people.
We just keep getting hosed.
Trump is our weapon of protest.

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