DOJ takes Company to Court For Not Hiring Americans


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Go get 'em Jeff Sessions and cut off their fucking balls!

DOJ files suit against company for allegedly not hiring Americans

The Department of Justice announced Thursday it has filed a lawsuit against a Colorado corporation for allegedly discriminating against U.S. workers.

The complaint alleges that in 2016, Crop Production discriminated against at least three United States citizens by refusing to employ them as seasonal technicians in El Campo, Texas, because Crop Production preferred to hire temporary foreign workers under the H-2A visa program.

“In the spirit of President Trump’s Executive Order on Buy American and Hire American, the Department of Justice will not tolerate employers who discriminate against U.S. workers because of a desire to hire temporary foreign visa holders,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement. “… Where there is a job available, U.S. workers should have a chance at it before we bring in workers from abroad.”

This is the first complaint filed stemming from the “Protecting U.S. Workers Initiative,” which was launched on March 1.

A Civil Rights Division official told Fox News that since the initiative’s launch, the division has opened 29 investigations of “potential discrimination against U.S. workers based on a hiring preference for foreign visa workers.”
Thank you President Trump for serving the American people instead of corporate interest like the party elites do.
Nice consistency bro!
Didn't Jefferson say that there is no case of tyranny clearer than the government forcing people to violate their conscience?

And yet you have no problem with forcing this man to make a gay wedding cake because now gay is the new crusade that you progressives shove on everyone like it or not, beliefs or not.

Seriously, what ever happened to liberals having tolerance for other peoples values and beliefs?

Seems to have vanished into the thick smoke screen of self-righteous leftist triumphalism.
The best part of this is that if the Democrats speak out against it, they will REALLY be exposed as hostile to American workers.
if the program is legal and he's conducting business legally, how can you take them to court?

this should be interesting.
if the program is legal and he's conducting business legally, how can you take them to court?

this should be interesting.
If they are not hiring them because of their nationality, it is illegal. But they would have to prove it.
I know i am a broken record but its sad business owners cant hire who they want for whatever reason.
I know i know. Institutional discrimination is awesome..
I know i am a broken record but its sad business owners cant hire who they want for whatever reason.
I know i know. Institutional discrimination is awesome..
No, you don't understand.

Immigration laws governing work visas require employers to seek out and interview Americans BEFORE they resort to hire immigrants. Companies have been breaking the law and ignoring that requirement, and thanks to Democrats AND Republicans, they have been getting away with it.
I know i am a broken record but its sad business owners cant hire who they want for whatever reason.
I know i know. Institutional discrimination is awesome..
No, you don't understand.

Immigration laws governing work visas require employers to seek out and interview Americans BEFORE they resort to hire immigrants. Companies have been breaking the law and ignoring that requirement, and thanks to Democrats AND Republicans, they have been getting away with it.
You are correct. Thanks.
Wonder if that EO was an abuse of power?
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I know i am a broken record but its sad business owners cant hire who they want for whatever reason.
I know i know. Institutional discrimination is awesome..
No, you don't understand.

Immigration laws governing work visas require employers to seek out and interview Americans BEFORE they resort to hire immigrants. Companies have been breaking the law and ignoring that requirement, and thanks to Democrats AND Republicans, they have been getting away with it.
if the program is legal and he's conducting business legally, how can you take them to court?

this should be interesting.

Jesus do some research before you speak! H1B program requires posting the job for 6 months, if the company is not able to locate adequate US citizens or proper VISA work permit holders for the job, then they can go abroad and hire temp worker (mostly from India and China) on H1B VISAs.

Language in the rules for this program state that you can not use this as a means to hire foreign workers over US workers.

Why do employers prefer these programs over US based workers? They can pay them less (which is also illegal) by bending the rules, do not have to pay payroll taxes and provide no benefits while getting highly skilled hat working talent from India and China.

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if the program is legal and he's conducting business legally, how can you take them to court?

this should be interesting.

Employers have been using bad faith tactics to give them justification in not accepting any American workers and hiring H1-Bs instead.

For example, they start with the resume of the H1-B that they are presented by a third party corporation. They then write the job specs to match each and every qualification the H1-B has, and his resume is usually 'fluffed' a great deal, like claiming experience with applications that were merely loaded on the machines, and not actually used by the H1-B.

The employers then use a few small circulation forums to advertise the job in and they turn down anyone that does not have each and every 'requirement' that they put on the job description, like not accepting anyone without Word Perfect experience when they had plenty of experience with Word and the job is for developing in JAVA.

If someone does show up with the exact resume to meet the job description, they close the job, edit the H1-Bs resume and then relist the job with slightly new requirements.

American STEM workers are seeing high unemployment as a result, with around 3 million still looking for work in their degreed careers.

Till they are all hired, we should shut down the H1-B program and its similar visa programs.
if the program is legal and he's conducting business legally, how can you take them to court?

this should be interesting.
If they are not hiring them because of their nationality, it is illegal. But they would have to prove it.

Not true. The H1B is very specific. It can't be used to displace US workers. Rather they just have to prove that they have the skills to do the job.

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If they are not hiring them because of their nationality, it is illegal. But they would have to prove it.
Not true. The H1B is very specific. It can't be used to displace US workers. Rather they just have to prove that they have the skills to do the job.
The problem has been that DOJ has simply not been enforcing the law.

There have been many blatant cases of H1-Bs being trained by American workers then replacing those American workers and DOJ has ignored it all.

That has changed, finally the law is being enforced.
Go get 'em Jeff Sessions and cut off their fucking balls!

DOJ files suit against company for allegedly not hiring Americans

The Department of Justice announced Thursday it has filed a lawsuit against a Colorado corporation for allegedly discriminating against U.S. workers.

The complaint alleges that in 2016, Crop Production discriminated against at least three United States citizens by refusing to employ them as seasonal technicians in El Campo, Texas, because Crop Production preferred to hire temporary foreign workers under the H-2A visa program.

“In the spirit of President Trump’s Executive Order on Buy American and Hire American, the Department of Justice will not tolerate employers who discriminate against U.S. workers because of a desire to hire temporary foreign visa holders,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement. “… Where there is a job available, U.S. workers should have a chance at it before we bring in workers from abroad.”

This is the first complaint filed stemming from the “Protecting U.S. Workers Initiative,” which was launched on March 1.

A Civil Rights Division official told Fox News that since the initiative’s launch, the division has opened 29 investigations of “potential discrimination against U.S. workers based on a hiring preference for foreign visa workers.”
Thank you President Trump for serving the American people instead of corporate interest like the party elites do.

When are Trump's companies going to be charged? He has hired foreigners over Americans at his resorts. Or is he exempt.
The best part of this is that if the Democrats speak out against it, they will REALLY be exposed as hostile to American workers.

Mayberry Sessions should go after the Trump Corporation next. Mar-a-lago requested 70 H1N1 visas to hire Mexicans during "Made in America Week", as hotel maids and cooks. American workers who applied for these jobs weren't even interviewed.

Trump has a long history of hiring illegals and flouting immigration laws. His modelling agency has been cited for it, as well as his construction companies. Set an example. Go after Trump!
This should get some attention

Pennsylvania Company to Pay Record Fine for Illegally Hiring Immigrants

A Pennsylvania tree-trimming company was ordered to pay $95 million in the largest fine against a company for hiring immigrants who didn’t have permission to work in the U.S., according to federal officials.

Asplundh Tree Expert of Willow Grove, Pa., pleaded guilty in federal court in Philadelphia on Thursday to illegally hiring the immigrants. Some of the immigrants were in the U.S. illegally, none had authorization to work in the country, according to court documents.

A federal judge ordered the company to pay $80 million and adhere to an Administrative Compliance Agreement from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE. The details of the agreement weren’t made public.

In a separate civil settlement, ICE said, the company agreed to pay $15 million related to its violation of immigration law.​

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