DOJ hid Flaws in Evidence used to convict Americans


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is not a GOP vrs Dem thing as this has been going on for some time, but it is still outrageous.

Old Rocks & rdean will disagree with you on that point. They will believe anything someone in a white coat or with a certificate tells them to believe. They have been brainwashed by the CSI effect.

4 out of 5 finger print experts on human prints have been proven to change their analysis based on the description of the crime. It is quite shocking that we have been locking up the wrong people for a hundred years & we have double the largest per-capita incarceration of any country in the world.

Every time you fire a gun the ballistic fingerprint, firing pin marking & shell casing markings change. How many people have been convicted by faulty ballistic fingerprint analysis?

This conclusion was also made by the state of California and documented in Feasibility of a California Ballistics Identification System, Attn. Gen. Bill Lockyer, Calif. Dept. of Justice, Jan. 2003 (referenced here as CAAGR). The CAAGR documents that shell casing "ballistic fingerprints" varied so greatly, even in a laboratory trial, that 38% of trial guns firing ammunition from the same manufacturer couldn't match the second shell casing fired from the gun with the first -- the guns were all new semi-automatic pistols purchased for the California State Police. Also, under laboratory conditions, when the second shell casing was from a different source of ammunition than the first, 62% of the second casings could not be matched to the first.

This is mind blowing stuff for the science dupes

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Nothing new here. Happens in the local courts all over this country. Once you are arrested you are assumed to be guilty and the state will strive to see you will be convicted of something. Why this country elects prosecutors is beyond me. They have to campaign like other politicians so they must campaign on their record of arrests to conviction ratio. It becomes not a search for justice but for face time on the news.
Really good comments.

Why we elect prosecutors is a mystery, but I think it has something to do with this thought that if we elect them they will be beholden to the public.

Not true.

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