DOJ confirms Trump lied.......Apology coming?

That was one of his really big and malicious lies. Hateful and malicious, but he will not apologize. He is too much of a coward to apologize.
Republicans NEVER apologize They just blame others for their own mistakes
DOJ confirms no evidence supporting Trump claim Obama wiretapped him

The Justice Department confirmed in a court filing there is no evidence that Trump Tower was targeted for surveillance by the Obama administration — contradicting President Trump's controversial claim first made in March.

A "Motion for Summary Judgment" filed Friday evening in D.C. district court says neither the FBI nor the Justice Department's National Security Division have records confirming wiretaps that Trump accused the Obama administration of ordering.

So Trump accused an ex president of criminal activity with no proof
Will he apologize?
One more Trump lie Mexicos ex president just said "we will never pay for the FN wall... Trump is a lying machine
/----/ Liberal Journalists Falsely Accuse Jeff Sessions of Calling Illegal Immigrants 'Flith'

Republicans want to starve children and throw old people in the street with no medicine.

Republicans want dirty air and dirty water.

Republicans want to reinstate slavery.

Republicans want to burn down Black churches.

Republicans hate women and minorities.

Republicans hate the environment.

Republicans hate immigrants.

The list goes on and on. I'm surprised you had to ask.
Admirable try

But has nothing to do with accusing someone of criminal activity with no proof
/----/ oh please, stop spinning. Libs accused Trump of colluding with the Russians with zero proof.
There is ample proof
Enough to warrant an independent investigation

Not a shred of proof. That's just a lie you tell yourselves.

Trumps own Justice Department claims he is a liar

Irrelevant. The left accused Trump with zero proof.
Does anyone in their right mind think that Obama would put his name on a warrant to wiretap candidate Trump? Of course they had a surveillance on candidate Trump just like the JFK administration got away with wiretapping MLK. As long as a democrat administration controls the Justice Dept. and the media they can get away with anything. How many people went to jail over the throughly botched "operation fast/furious"? The short answer is zero. The media couldn't drop the story fast enough when it was determined that a U.S. Border Patrol Officer was killed by one of the weapons.
Admirable try

But has nothing to do with accusing someone of criminal activity with no proof
/----/ oh please, stop spinning. Libs accused Trump of colluding with the Russians with zero proof.
There is ample proof
Enough to warrant an independent investigation

Not a shred of proof. That's just a lie you tell yourselves.

Trumps own Justice Department claims he is a liar

Irrelevant. The left accused Trump with zero proof.

Trump lied......Dems and the rest of the world called him on it
0bama was never honest in his entire life. He looked America straight in the eye and told lie after lie after lie.

And you hypocritical assholes didn't care. Now all of a sudden you do care. You people suck.


Link to what? Is there a place in the internet that shows how democrats are hypocrites?
A link to list all the lies Obama told during his two Presidential campaigns and eight years as President. Something to prove your allegation (lie?) about President Obama telling lie after lie and a comparison to the lies after lies told by trump.
There is a multitude of these lists available listing the lies of trump. The list the lies told, the date the lie was told, and an explanation why it is a lie. One example is the list by a Canadian paper that lists 500 lies trump told during his campaign. Another is a list of 1,000 lies he told between his inauguration and August 1. That is the kind of list you need to show links to if you are going to compare the lies of President Obama and PINO trump.

Already been done hundreds of times in this site.
No, it has not. You are lying. If it were, you would be able to provide even one such list that lists hundreds of his provable lies let alone a thousand lies in his first eight months as President. So, you are lying to defend being able to provide lists of provable lies told by President Obama that is even remotely comparable to the trump lists of lies by telling a lie.

Fuck off, you are too stupid to talk to.
/----/ oh please, stop spinning. Libs accused Trump of colluding with the Russians with zero proof.
There is ample proof
Enough to warrant an independent investigation

Not a shred of proof. That's just a lie you tell yourselves.

Trumps own Justice Department claims he is a liar

Irrelevant. The left accused Trump with zero proof.

Trump lied......Dems and the rest of the world called him on it
Again irrelevant. Trump was accused of collaboration with the Russians with no proof.

Link to what? Is there a place in the internet that shows how democrats are hypocrites?
A link to list all the lies Obama told during his two Presidential campaigns and eight years as President. Something to prove your allegation (lie?) about President Obama telling lie after lie and a comparison to the lies after lies told by trump.
There is a multitude of these lists available listing the lies of trump. The list the lies told, the date the lie was told, and an explanation why it is a lie. One example is the list by a Canadian paper that lists 500 lies trump told during his campaign. Another is a list of 1,000 lies he told between his inauguration and August 1. That is the kind of list you need to show links to if you are going to compare the lies of President Obama and PINO trump.

Already been done hundreds of times in this site.
No, it has not. You are lying. If it were, you would be able to provide even one such list that lists hundreds of his provable lies let alone a thousand lies in his first eight months as President. So, you are lying to defend being able to provide lists of provable lies told by President Obama that is even remotely comparable to the trump lists of lies by telling a lie.

Fuck off, you are too stupid to talk to.
So, you can't find a link to back up the nonsense defense for trump either. Melt down little snowflake, melt down.
Obama wiretapped Trump and there is currently nothing preventing all future incumbents from doing that to their challengers in the future.
There is ample proof
Enough to warrant an independent investigation
/----/ Care to share some of this proof you know exists?
Russia hacked the DNC servers
Trump used the information in his campaign
Trump officials repeatedly met with the Russians
Trump offered concessions to the Russians
Trump lied about his people meeting with the Russians
Trump had extensive financial dealings with Russia which he lied about

More than enough proof to warrant an independent investigation
/---/ That is just your opinion and wishful thinking. No proof
Nope, that information comes from the FBI.
/---/ The FBI doesn't release evidence of on going investigations. But nice try.
Says you, listening to your hallucinations. The FBI says otherwise
There is ample proof
Enough to warrant an independent investigation

Not a shred of proof. That's just a lie you tell yourselves.

Trumps own Justice Department claims he is a liar

Irrelevant. The left accused Trump with zero proof.

Trump lied......Dems and the rest of the world called him on it
Again irrelevant. Trump was accused of collaboration with the Russians with no proof.
He was investigated for collaboration. He has not been accused.......yet
Trump will lie to cover his lie. We aren't dealing with normal people with Trump or his followers. It is a cult.
Our President outright lied about Obama being engaged in criminal activity and his own Justice department confirmed it
Not a shred of proof. That's just a lie you tell yourselves.

Trumps own Justice Department claims he is a liar

Irrelevant. The left accused Trump with zero proof.

Trump lied......Dems and the rest of the world called him on it
Again irrelevant. Trump was accused of collaboration with the Russians with no proof.
He was investigated for collaboration. He has not been accused.......yet

He's been accused multiple times by the left, in exactly the same sense that 0bama was accused.
obama illegally wiretapped and got his lacky holdovers at the DOJ to swear he didn't. Get every demofart out of government, then have the investigation.
Trumps own Justice Department claims he is a liar

Irrelevant. The left accused Trump with zero proof.

Trump lied......Dems and the rest of the world called him on it
Again irrelevant. Trump was accused of collaboration with the Russians with no proof.
He was investigated for collaboration. He has not been accused.......yet

He's been accused multiple times by the left, in exactly the same sense that 0bama was accused.
No actually...Trump is a confirmed liar

Accusing a President of criminal activity with no proof is despicable
Irrelevant. The left accused Trump with zero proof.

Trump lied......Dems and the rest of the world called him on it
Again irrelevant. Trump was accused of collaboration with the Russians with no proof.
He was investigated for collaboration. He has not been accused.......yet

He's been accused multiple times by the left, in exactly the same sense that 0bama was accused.
No actually...Trump is a confirmed liar

Accusing a President of criminal activity with no proof is despicable

Jesus Christ you are an idiot. Trump has been accused of collaboration with out evidence. It's despicable, but you are ok with that.

Try to keep up with the discussion idiot.
Jesus Christ you are an idiot. Trump has been accused of collaboration with out evidence. It's despicable, but you are ok with that.

Try to keep up with the discussion idiot.

there is not NO evidence... there is in FACT accumulating evidence.

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