Doing the "Kagan" Math


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
This is a hoot. The math which reduced 10,000 potential SCOTUS candidates from Harvard and Yale down to Kagan's selection:

So what Obama was looking at was the universe of would-be Supreme Court justices who run the gamut of legal possibility from Hillary Clinton (Yale '73) to Kagan (Harvard '86). Over that 14-year period, roughly 10,000 students received J.D. degrees from Harvard or Yale. So it is easy to glibly assume that Kagan's chances of being tapped for the Court, despite her Ivy League pedigree, were a daunting 1-in-10,000.


Drum roll, please, maestro. We have gone from 10,000 potential Supreme Court justices to exactly two – Kagan and Federal Appeals Court Judge Merrick Garland (Harvard Law '77). Kagan won the presidential coin toss, so Garland will be kept in reserve if another vacancy opens up. Because the enduring motto of the Supreme Court remains – equal justice under law from Harvard and Yale.

Elena Kagan: Obama's Inevitable Court Choice (She's Harvard)

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