Does Willard Romney have a "truth" problem?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
He became an over night moderate and then he forgot about his 5 TRILLION DOLLAR tax cut plan. Then his VP admitted it a few nights later/

So Willard, are you coming out in the next debate and admit that you lied?
You might also want to ask your VP and POTUS that. Since it appears Biden lied his fat ass off... and dropped your messiah in the shit with it.
Romney never had a 5 trillion dollar tax cut plan, democrats said he did but that doesn't make it true.
Romney never had a 5 trillion dollar tax cut plan, democrats said he did but that doesn't make it true.

Until he gives some hard details it is whatever to seems to be from the bare outline provided and it seems to be a pile of campaign crap.
Romney never had a 5 trillion dollar tax cut plan, democrats said he did but that doesn't make it true.

Until he gives some hard details it is whatever to seems to be from the bare outline provided and it seems to be a pile of campaign crap.

why, you don't care that Obama doesn't..what's Obama's tax plan?
Raise taxes on rich and tax the shit of "things" people use on the little people..
No, Romney does not have a truth problem, but President Obama does.
I watched a PBS special on Romney and Obama.
There was a 5th grade class mate of Obama's who said that he was lying in 5th grade about being Indonesian Royalty.
Obama has been a liar since he was a little kid.
Romney never had a 5 trillion dollar tax cut plan, democrats said he did but that doesn't make it true.

Until he gives some hard details it is whatever to seems to be from the bare outline provided and it seems to be a pile of campaign crap.
You mean all those "hard details" like the hopey-changey that Obiedoodle ran on in '08? :lol:
Romney never had a 5 trillion dollar tax cut plan, democrats said he did but that doesn't make it true.

Until he gives some hard details it is whatever to seems to be from the bare outline provided and it seems to be a pile of campaign crap.

why, you don't care that Obama doesn't..what's Obama's tax plan?
Raise taxes on rich and tax the shit of "things" people use on the little people..

Obama's tax plan is not a radical departure from what we have now so it's not that hard to understand but a 20% taxbreak across the board that somehow does not explode the deficit and does not cut deductions on the middle class? You explain it.
Romney never had a 5 trillion dollar tax cut plan, democrats said he did but that doesn't make it true.

Until he gives some hard details it is whatever to seems to be from the bare outline provided and it seems to be a pile of campaign crap.

Cutter Admitted they lied about that 5 Trillion.. How many times do we have to post it.Cutter: Yeah, we’ve been lying about the $5 trillion we said Romney’s lying about « Hot Air There are more on google but find them your damn self
Romney never had a 5 trillion dollar tax cut plan, democrats said he did but that doesn't make it true.

Until he gives some hard details it is whatever to seems to be from the bare outline provided and it seems to be a pile of campaign crap.

Cutter Admitted they lied about that 5 Trillion.. How many times do we have to post it.Cutter: Yeah, we’ve been lying about the $5 trillion we said Romney’s lying about « Hot Air There are more on google but find them your damn self
Um... Did you watch the video?
He became an over night moderate and then he forgot about his 5 TRILLION DOLLAR tax cut plan. Then his VP admitted it a few nights later/

So Willard, are you coming out in the next debate and admit that you lied?

No, he doesn't. But you sure as hell do.
He became an over night moderate and then he forgot about his 5 TRILLION DOLLAR tax cut plan. Then his VP admitted it a few nights later/

So Willard, are you coming out in the next debate and admit that you lied?

No concern at all about how Obama and Biden are lying though right?
Jim is getting nervous about this election. He is starting to troll the forum. That is always the tell tale sign.
He became an over night moderate and then he forgot about his 5 TRILLION DOLLAR tax cut plan. Then his VP admitted it a few nights later/

So Willard, are you coming out in the next debate and admit that you lied?

Romney has always been a Moderate, his Record in Mass Proves it.

The 5 Trillion dollar tax cut is a lie alright. A Democrat Lie. Even the Princeton Economist Obama sighted in the first debate says that is simply not true, and says Romney's Plan "will work"

The only person with a Lying problem I see, Other than this Admin, is you.

He became an over night moderate and then he forgot about his 5 TRILLION DOLLAR tax cut plan. Then his VP admitted it a few nights later/

So Willard, are you coming out in the next debate and admit that you lied?

In the next debate, he'll claim to have managed Aerosmith during the early 80's. On Wednesday, they'll be here defending him; "He never said he didn't manage Aerosmith..."
He became an over night moderate and then he forgot about his 5 TRILLION DOLLAR tax cut plan. Then his VP admitted it a few nights later/

So Willard, are you coming out in the next debate and admit that you lied?

No concern at all about how Obama and Biden are lying though right?

It is a matter of expectation. Obama&CO lie so often and so outrageously that no one thinks to call them on it. They are the Palestinians of American political life. The press sure isn't going after them.
Romney has a reputation as a truth teller so anything that might be even 1% off from someone's idea of truth gets him scored.
Until he gives some hard details it is whatever to seems to be from the bare outline provided and it seems to be a pile of campaign crap.

why, you don't care that Obama doesn't..what's Obama's tax plan?
Raise taxes on rich and tax the shit of "things" people use on the little people..

Obama's tax plan is not a radical departure from what we have now so it's not that hard to understand but a 20% taxbreak across the board that somehow does not explode the deficit and does not cut deductions on the middle class? You explain it.

Obama put more taxes on the average US citizen with his ObamaCare crap than any other President has laid upon us...EVER! You people just do not understand the financial impact of that DEMOCRATIC bill.

It truly does amaze me how easily and completely the majority of Obama worshipers have been DUPED!

Obama is a Marxist. His goal is to destroy capitalism and the free market. Give hime another 4 years and he'll have the country's economy in a full-fledged RECESSION! That's when he will REALLY take over....and tax rates won't mean shit because the government will be controlling everybody's bank accounts (read Obamacare) and the necessities of life will be rationed out according to how the government sees fit.
He became an over night moderate and then he forgot about his 5 TRILLION DOLLAR tax cut plan. Then his VP admitted it a few nights later/

So Willard, are you coming out in the next debate and admit that you lied?

No concern at all about how Obama and Biden are lying though right?
Yeah... Good reason to vote for Gary, Ron.

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