Does romney’s mormon beliefs influence his policies with israel?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Damn right it does.

Israelis are happy with a Mormon in the White House
As far as Israel is concerned, many Christians believe that Romney’s support for the Jewish state is stronger than Obama’s. But how might Romney’s Mormon faith influence his policies vis-à-vis Israel?
Mormons teach that they are the direct descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Book of Mormon states that the Israelite tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim were exiled from Jerusalem and settled in America. According to Mormon doctrine, this migration fulfilled the prophecy of Jacob on his son, Joseph: "Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well; whose branches run over the wall" (Genesis 49:22). The Book of Mormon also tells of a group from the Tribe of Judah who came to the Americas after its defeat by Babylon around 600 BCE
Yedidiah, a Messianic Jewish officer in the Israeli army is not convinced that a Mormon president in the White House is good for Israel. “I can’t understand how an intelligent government official can believe all those strange Mormon doctrines,” he said about Romney. In spite of the fact that while visiting Israel in July of this year Romney made it clear that Israel is “the highest national-security priority,” many Israelis are still undecided. “There are too many things about Romney that I don’t know,” the Messianic officer said. “Obama has not been bad for Israel. At least we know where he stands.”
Israelis are happy with a Mormon in the White House | The Way, Christianity without walls

DNA Science Challenges LDS History
Murphy insists that the Book of Mormon, touted by fellow members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) as the “most correct book on earth,” is incorrect when it claims that Native Americans are of Jewish descent. In a 2002 essay titled “Lamanite Genesis, Genealogy, and Genetics,” he stated, “So far, DNA research lends no support to traditional Mormon beliefs about the origins of Native Americans.”

DNA Science Challenges LDS History | CRI

Mormons Still Baptizing Dead Jews Despite Agreements to End Practice
Feb 15, 2012
LDS leaders have apologized for the baptism of the parents of famed Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal, but the persistent posthumous baptizing of Holocaust victims has outraged Jewish leaders. Plus, Mitt Romney talks about the practice in a 2007 Newsweek interview.
Mormons Still Baptizing Dead Jews Despite Agreements to End Practice - The Daily Beast
If Mormons are descendents of Jews, why are their religions so different? Not an ounce of resemblance.

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