Does One Ever Really 'Leave' Where Raised?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Having a pm discussion with another member, this topic came up. My contention would be that for better or worse, love or loathe the area one was raised in, somehow it represents 'home.' I guess I've been thinking about this after a number of years of visiting other locales around the country, appreciating how much better the weather, scenery, even the 'pace of living' is than Chicago environs.

Now that I am considering applying for positions in other states I'm coming to realize this will always be 'home.' Oh mind you, I'm very aware of the good things about this area, well probably any major metro area and I've enjoyed those benefits more than most. Yet, no one can enumerate the pitfalls of this area as myself. Be it the flatness, the corrupt politics, the out-of-control taxes, the draconian laws...

When I've gone 'east', I've enjoyed the museums, national parks, perhaps the more different will be the change in topography, (not flat) and the vegetation. Going south, weather. Both oceans. West is definitely vastly different than IL. Mountains, temperatures, desert, oceans. Yeah, it would take the ocean to overcome Lake Michigan. ;) Yet, none strike my heart the way the Chicago skyline does, whether from west of the city looking east or out on the Lake looking west. Granted it's a man made beauty, but a sight nevertheless.

Wherever I end up, I know that in my heart I'll always be a 'Chicago girl' at heart. While there's a good chance my kids may move from here, all my 'bestest' friends will stay for the foreseeable future. I almost wish I was 'gone' so I could come here on vacation for a week or so, staying downtown.
Does One Ever Really 'Leave' Where Raised?

Yes, yes, yes, and hell yes. I left where I was raised more than 25 years ago, and there isn't enough money in the world to make me go back.
Yes, most of my sisters have moved away years ago. I live about an hour away and the two remaining sisters travel all the time, one lives in Florida for the winter months.

My daughter is still there so I want to move back eventually but I know the feeling of home and I really miss being there. I love my hometown, I don't think anyone really ran away from it but they saw opportunities elsewhere.
only the smart ones

1809, london was the place to be ... center of the universe
1909 new york city
2009 name it ... where on this planet would a young, bright person have the greatest opportunity for success

follow the money
Does One Ever Really 'Leave' Where Raised?
I suppose they can.
It's been 20 years since I left the town I was raised in, but I still call it home sometimes. And sometimes I call my current city 'home'. I guess it depends on my mood.
My daughters were born in that same town I was raised in, but raised here where we live now. This is home to them.
I've physically left my 'home town', but I haven't lost my roots to it.
only the smart ones

1809, london was the place to be ... center of the universe
1909 new york city
2009 name it ... where on this planet would a young, bright person have the greatest opportunity for success

follow the money

Indeed. Yet, all the 'Americans' who left the 'old country' love to return. Not to live, but to visit.

If family has been here for 'awhile' odds are they started on the east or west coasts. May or may not be there today. If not, tendency to 'return' to see Ellis or Angel Islands. Why? Those are examples of 'macro' of what I'm talking about.

If I leave Chicago, which I will soon, I'll do so for very good reasons. Money being first, but climate and scenery will play a part. Yet, my language, thinking, etc., has been formed here.
left Niagara Falls NY in 67....and never looked would be intresting i guess to go back and see how its changed....and then...SEE YA...
I've been all over, lived coast to coast, and always felt as though where ever I hung my hat was home. But moving back to Wisconsin this time really felt like I was coming back home, even though I didn't grow up in this town. I do however have hundreds of years of ancestors that lived here and have relatives around now, so, I guess it's as close to home as anywhere, even though I was born in a little Iowa town on the Mississippi.

I have relatives though that have never lived anywhere else but the immediate area they were born. I can't imagine such a boring existence. I always wanted to see what was over the next hill, and around the next bend in the road. Got tired of that though too.
Home is that place where, if ya' have to go there, they have to let ya' in.

I can't remember who said that... Frost, maybe.
I've been all over, lived coast to coast, and always felt as though where ever I hung my hat was home. But moving back to Wisconsin this time really felt like I was coming back home, even though I didn't grow up in this town. I do however have hundreds of years of ancestors that lived here and have relatives around now, so, I guess it's as close to home as anywhere, even though I was born in a little Iowa town on the Mississippi.

I have relatives though that have never lived anywhere else but the immediate area they were born. I can't imagine such a boring existence. I always wanted to see what was over the next hill, and around the next bend in the road. Got tired of that though too.

Darling you gotta let me know
Should I stay or should I go?
If you say that you are mine
Ill be here til the end of time
So you got to let me know
Should I stay or should I go? :eusa_whistle:
I still live in the town I grew up in. Daughter is getting ready to start high school in the "fall" (if you call August fall) at the same high school I went to, with some of the teachers I had when I went there.

Family is all around me within 20-25 minutes of me.

But,,,,,,,,,,a change of scenery would be nice. Mountains and an ocean, yeah......:eusa_pray:

So no, I never left the surrounding area, except college.

My biggest regret is not traveling more when I was younger and carefree............
Yet all you 'leavers' posted here. Say you are 'gone', but not giving any comments as in why and why final.

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