Does anyone remember...


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
...a thread in which a poster claimed that Churchill did not say this?

If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain | Quote Investigator

The earliest evidence located by QI appeared in an 1875 French book of contemporary biographical portraits by Jules Claretie. A section about a prominent jurist and academic named Anselme Polycarpe Batbie included the following passage. Boldface has been added to excerpts: 1

M. Batbie, dans une lettre trop célèbre, citait un jour, pour expliquer ses variations personnelles et bizarres, ce paradoxe de Burke: « Celui qui n’est pas républicain à vingt ans fait douter de la générosité de son âme; mais celui qui, après trente ans, persévère, fait douter de la rectitude de son esprit. »

Here is one possible translation to English.

Mr. Batbie, in a much-celebrated letter, once quoted the Burke paradox in order to account for his bizarre political shifts: “He who is not a républicain at twenty compels one to doubt the generosity of his heart; but he who, after thirty, persists, compels one to doubt the soundness of his mind.”
In 1984 the “Wall Street Journal” reproduced the information provided in Laurence J. Peter’s book: 16

“A man who is not a liberal at 16 has no heart,” ventured British statesman Benjamin Disraeli, and “A man who is not a conservative at 60 has no head.” It is often true that younger citizens tend to be more liberal and that the older and more successful people become, the more conservative they become.

By 1986 the saying had moved to the lips of Winston Churchill as indicated by the following excerpt from the “The Hartford Courant” of Hartford, Connecticut: 17

Winston S. Churchill supposedly once observed that anyone who was not a liberal at 20 years of age had no heart, while anyone who was still a liberal at 40 had no head. If there’s any truth to the observation, one wonders what to make of today’s college students.
Churchill was a Conservative when he was 25 and a Liberal when he was 35.


Winston Churchill - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
BS. Churchill was a devout hater of leftist political platforms. There's a reason FDR is sitting in-between the two. Churchill wanted to strangle Stalin.
Hey dumbass. You might be able to deny reality inside that pointy head of yours, but the facts are facts. You don't get to make up alternate ones.

Churchill was a Conservative when he was 25 and a Liberal when he was 35. Fact.

He then became a Conservative again in 1924 and remained one until his death.

And he did not say the quote attributed to him.
Churchill was a Conservative when he was 25 and a Liberal when he was 35.


Winston Churchill - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
BS. Churchill was a devout hater of leftist political platforms. There's a reason FDR is sitting in-between the two. Churchill wanted to strangle Stalin.
Hey dumbass. You might be able to deny reality inside that pointy head of yours, but the facts are facts. You don't get to make up alternate ones.

Churchill was a Conservative when he was 25 and a Liberal when he was 35. Fact.

And he did not say the quote attributed to him.
Yeah, a leftist who hated all leftist positions and views. :cuckoo:
Churchill was a Conservative when he was 25 and a Liberal when he was 35.


Winston Churchill - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
BS. Churchill was a devout hater of leftist political platforms. There's a reason FDR is sitting in-between the two. Churchill wanted to strangle Stalin.
Hey dumbass. You might be able to deny reality inside that pointy head of yours, but the facts are facts. You don't get to make up alternate ones.

Churchill was a Conservative when he was 25 and a Liberal when he was 35. Fact.

He then became a Conservative again in 1924 and remained one until his death.

And he did not say the quote attributed to him.
If he did not say it, why is it attributed to him by AZ QUOTES, that makes it their business to research quotes?

Churchill was a Conservative when he was 25 and a Liberal when he was 35.


Winston Churchill - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
BS. Churchill was a devout hater of leftist political platforms. There's a reason FDR is sitting in-between the two. Churchill wanted to strangle Stalin.
Hey dumbass. You might be able to deny reality inside that pointy head of yours, but the facts are facts. You don't get to make up alternate ones.

Churchill was a Conservative when he was 25 and a Liberal when he was 35. Fact.

He then became a Conservative again in 1924 and remained one until his death.

And he did not say the quote attributed to him.
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
I see this thread has been moved to the forum I first considered using for its opening post. Thanks for the confirmation that my first inclination was correct.

Nonetheless, here is a fact about quotes:

Someone being quoted as having said something in particular does not mean that person was the first or only one to have said it. I have been quoted as having said, "Liberalism is a mental disorder."

Thousands, if not millions of people have been quoted using those identical words.
Churchill was a Conservative when he was 25 and a Liberal when he was 35.


Winston Churchill - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
BS. Churchill was a devout hater of leftist political platforms. There's a reason FDR is sitting in-between the two. Churchill wanted to strangle Stalin.
Hey dumbass. You might be able to deny reality inside that pointy head of yours, but the facts are facts. You don't get to make up alternate ones.

Churchill was a Conservative when he was 25 and a Liberal when he was 35. Fact.

He then became a Conservative again in 1924 and remained one until his death.

And he did not say the quote attributed to him.
If he did not say it, why is it attributed to him by AZ QUOTES, that makes it their business to research quotes?

Famous quotes don't count if they can not be attributed and documented. When and where did Churchill make this quote?
Churchill was a Conservative when he was 25 and a Liberal when he was 35.


Winston Churchill - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Apparently, his stint as a liberal lasted only 20 years...and he never accepted the tenets of socialism, as our liberal idiots do today. He switched back to conservatism for the rest of his life.

The ages at which he changed from one to the other has nothing to do with he belief in the truthfulness of the quote. He was being quite honest in admitting he had once lived in a prolonged period of adopted stupidity.
Churchill was a Conservative when he was 25 and a Liberal when he was 35.


Winston Churchill - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
BS. Churchill was a devout hater of leftist political platforms. There's a reason FDR is sitting in-between the two. Churchill wanted to strangle Stalin.
Hey dumbass. You might be able to deny reality inside that pointy head of yours, but the facts are facts. You don't get to make up alternate ones.

Churchill was a Conservative when he was 25 and a Liberal when he was 35. Fact.

He then became a Conservative again in 1924 and remained one until his death.

And he did not say the quote attributed to him.
If he did not say it, why is it attributed to him by AZ QUOTES, that makes it their business to research quotes?

Famous quotes don't count if they can not be attributed and documented. When and where did Churchill make this quote?
I suggest you contact AZ QUOTES and ask them for verification.
Maybe it’s like Yogi Berra who said “I’ve never said most to the things I said”.

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