Does anyone remember that guy who was President just before Trump? He had a funny name...right?

As Trump moves on and does the things that needed to be done for the last 8 years....the guy who was President before him becomes more and more forgettable...except for the spying scandal...and that he had a funny sounding name....

The missile attack on Syria has changed things......since Trump obviously didn't listen to russia......right? You know...the ones allegedly pulling his strings....?

And as Trump moves from success to success.....Gorsuch, the pipeline, moving on the Wall.......finishing up repealing the last guys destructive healthcare plan........the guy who was in office before him.....fades from relevance and history.......
My God. Trump is marching into the history book as the absolute worst, dumbest President on our history - aided by his really stupid voters.

Trump & his team gets caught likely colluding with the Russians & the Trumpettes blame Obama. Figures, they blamed Obma for the shit Bush did. That "destructive" healthcare plan that YOUR party can't repeal or replace after 8 fucking years of bitching about it. But hey, I guess that is Obama's fault too. Right?

There will be no wall stretching across the Mexican border. I guarantee it. The wall will become a fence & after all your orange buddy lies, won't even cover half the border.

When that happens, you'll probably blame Obama for that too.

What happened to the job numbers?

You need to stop watching the Daily Show and thinking it is real......

There is nothing in the Trump/Russia lie of the democrats...just ask bashar al assad.....and his Russian buddies... and he is racking up success after success....and healthcare will be there too....and the wall......just ask Justice Gorsuch......

And were you also guaranteeing hilary by double digits, genius?

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