Does anybody know...


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
...what is in the current health care bill? I seem to recall Nancy Pelosi saying the other day that Congress should just pass the bill and then find out what's in it. Was I mistaken?
From her remarks at the 2010 Legislative Conference for National Association of Counties
"“But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."


They don't know what's in it, particularly what it would look like when it's "reconciled". They're just panicking because they're facing the fall elections with NOTHING accomplished but ginormous reckless spending.

I just heard a U.S. Congressman on FoxNews, a Democrat although I didn't catch his name, saying that this bill isn't wanted by his constituents and that it's political at this point. They're being told that if they don't pass it, they'll lose their seats. The stupidity of it is that if they do pass this behemoth against the will of the people... they're gonna lose those seats anyway.

These people are being asked to throw themselves off the cliff in the hope that whatever Democrats remain after the purge can somehow turn it around by 2012 and save Barry.
From her remarks at the 2010 Legislative Conference for National Association of Counties
"“But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."


They don't know what's in it, particularly what it would look like when it's "reconciled". They're just panicking because they're facing the fall elections with NOTHING accomplished but ginormous reckless spending.

I just heard a U.S. Congressman on FoxNews, a Democrat although I didn't catch his name, saying that this bill isn't wanted by his constituents and that it's political at this point. They're being told that if they don't pass it, they'll lose their seats. The stupidity of it is that if they do pass this behemoth against the will of the people... they're gonna lose those seats anyway.

These people are being asked to throw themselves off the cliff in the hope that whatever Democrats remain after the purge can somehow turn it around by 2012 and save Barry.

Your so right. Pelosi wants the Dems to walk the plank for this bs bill. Sure hope most aren't willing to do so.

Of course those who are going to retire can vote for it without having to pay the piper. They are retiring so obviously won't care one way or the other.

Was watching O'Reilly last night and apparantly there is a massive education bill within the HC bill.

This bill says the Govt wants to give everyone who wants it a college education. By Govt I mean all us taxpayers are going to foot the bill for college for anyone who wants to go.

Gotta wonder what other gems are hidden in the 2,000+ page monstrosity of a bill.

Gee. Wonder how much taxes we will all be paying to cover that piece of insanity.??

The Clowns in DC are all insane.
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...what is in the current health care bill? I seem to recall Nancy Pelosi saying the other day that Congress should just pass the bill and then find out what's in it. Was I mistaken?

It would not surprise me one bit and Ibet milquetoastharry seconded the emotion.
Just one more reason I don't trust my government.
I kind of feel I'm at a carnival game booth, I know I'm going to get something, I'm just not sure what it is.

Yeah...and when all is said and done you will spend 10 times more than the value of what you end up getting.
Great analogy on.
Just one more reason I don't trust my government.
I kind of feel I'm at a carnival game booth, I know I'm going to get something, I'm just not sure what it is.

I know one thing all us taxpayers will be getting. SHAFTED.
Just one more reason I don't trust my government.
I kind of feel I'm at a carnival game booth, I know I'm going to get something, I'm just not sure what it is.

I know one thing all us taxpayers will be getting. SHAFTED.

I wont go as far as saying we will all get shafted.
Instead, as I see it, some will gain, others will lose.....but we will be handing over a very important part of our economy AND lifestyle to the government which has never proven to be anything but a headache for all of us.
Imagine dealing with the DMV or the Post Office for heart surgery for your Dad.
Pelosi's comment is all the justification anyone should need to vote against the bill, if he hasn't figured that out already.
Just one more reason I don't trust my government.
I kind of feel I'm at a carnival game booth, I know I'm going to get something, I'm just not sure what it is.

I know one thing all us taxpayers will be getting. SHAFTED.

I wont go as far as saying we will all get shafted.
Instead, as I see it, some will gain, others will lose.....but we will be handing over a very important part of our economy AND lifestyle to the government which has never proven to be anything but a headache for all of us.
Imagine dealing with the DMV or the Post Office for heart surgery for your Dad.

The DMV is a state level operation.....

I have never had any problem with the post office.
Just order the operation by priority mail and all will be fine.
I know one thing all us taxpayers will be getting. SHAFTED.

I wont go as far as saying we will all get shafted.
Instead, as I see it, some will gain, others will lose.....but we will be handing over a very important part of our economy AND lifestyle to the government which has never proven to be anything but a headache for all of us.
Imagine dealing with the DMV or the Post Office for heart surgery for your Dad.

The DMV is a state level operation.....

I have never had any problem with the post office.
Just order the operation by priority mail and all will be fine.

LAst I checked, the U.S. Government is tha largest insurer in the world via Medicare, Medicaid, VA, SSI, schips, etc.

They routinely deny care for all sorts of reasons.. plus they bleed red ink and are bankrupt.

Yeah.. let's double down on this record of achievement.

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