Doctor: Trump Possibly Suffering From A ‘Degenerative Brain Disorder’


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Dr. Ford Vox is a brain specialist and evaluates people with brain injuries on a daily basis. The doctor explains how during Trump’s decades in the public eye he’s been known for being brash, outspoken and easily confrontational. Also, Trump has taken his frank and no-nonsense style from his business and personal life into his presidency.

During a recent news conference Trump slurred his words causing some Americans to suggest he was having a stroke.

As Dr. Vox continues, he lists symptoms exhibited by Trump that fall into three main categories: problems with language and executive function; problems with social cognition and behavior; and problems with memory, attention, and concentration.

Typically, Trump launches several of his mindless Twitter attacks on new groups or persons each week. Then there are his ludicrous orders to regulatory agencies, such as his paranoid ban of seven words used by the CDC earlier this week.

In regards to these issues, a growing number of medical experts as well as numerous White House officials have voiced concerns about Trump’s “mental health."

Unfortunately, the doctors’ and White House officials’ so-called concerns are likely motivated by Trump’s defense team, not by their “worry” for the safety of the nation.

Included in his interview with Vanity Fair, political strategist and longtime Trump ally, Roger Stone stated, “ ‘It's only a matter of time before special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe and the Trump sexual misconduct allegations that number well into the double digits catch up to the president.’ “ Stone added, “ ‘It’s painfully obvious Mueller will bring charges, and will indict him [Trump] on some process-related matter.’ “

In recent weeks, Mueller began picking off Trump’s corrupt cronies for their part in the Russian scandal. As Mueller follows the money trail it will lead to more indictments and plea deals. Understanding this to be true, Trump’s lawyers must make plans for his defense.

Since there is no doubt of Trump’s guilt on all charges, it is apparent his lawyers Ty Cobb and John Dowd realize there is only one defense strategy open to them. They must successfully argue a “diminished capacity” defense to keep Trump out of prison.

To this end, Cobb and Dowd have spoken to doctors and other professionals, urging them to publish articles theorizing that Trump has mental health issues. Also, it is on his lawyers’ advice that Trump continue to consistently make a total ass of himself, to help reinforce their basis for a “diminished capacity” plea.

However, the world has watched Trump in his public life for decades, so most see his obnoxious behavior as nothing new. Rational people know for a fact he is, and always has been, a greedy, sadistic prick, which, is NOT a degenerative brain disorder, but is Trump’s own, well established personality.

Only a jury of complete fools would acquit Trump of any charge Mueller brings against him.

Most of the Trumpflakes here show the same signs of degenerative brain disease and dementia.

Just look at 'em on this thread, triggered by reality and sent into hysterics. Normal people with well-functioning brains don't get sucked into the Trump cult, unless they're actively evil.
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Most of the Trumpflakes here show the same signs of degenerate brain disease and dementia.

Just look at 'em on this thread, triggered by reality and sent into hysterics. Normal people with well-functioning brains don't get sucked into the Trump cult, unless they're actively evil.
Shut up fatass.
I can't get over the idea of having Ty Cobb for an attorney. :wtf:

I guess it's more creative than "John Miller". Sort of.
yes, he's always been greedy and narcissistic...but that's what kinda made him cute in yesteryear

until the last 10-15 years or so, he was never like this...

He never shouted the way he does now, all he does is yell.... he never used simple minded 1st grade at most language, and he never repeated what he said, over and over and over and over again in a 2 minute span.....

i.e,- There is no collusion, there is no collusion, there is no collusion and did I say, there is no collusion....? :cuckoo:

Has he had a head injury at some point?

Or is he just practicing brainwashing techniques on his minions???

only his hairdresser knows......
yes, he's always been greedy and narcissistic...but that's what kinda made him cute in yesteryear

until the last 10-15 years or so, he was never like this...

He never shouted the way he does now, all he does is yell.... he never used simple minded 1st grade at most language, and he never repeated what he said, over and over and over and over again in a 2 minute span.....

i.e,- There is no collusion, there is no collusion, there is no collusion and did I say, there is no collusion....? :cuckoo:

Has he had a head injury at some point?

Or is he just practicing brainwashing techniques on his minions???

only his hairdresser knows......

I actually liked watching the Apprentice and thought that he was a pretty fair guy.. but he can't take any negativity , it is making him pretty mean I will agree.

This article below was from last May...people were speculating on his mental health back then....

I do not believe his counsel knew the Mueller team would get so close to him and his team with this investigation back in, it is not his lawyers getting the articles written on his mental health....people are concerned for REAL.

Experts: Trump’s Speaking Style “Raises Questions About His Brain Health”
When Donald Trump is allowed to speak without the aid of notes or a teleprompter, he has a tendency to say alarming things. There is, of course, his uncontrollable compulsion to promote his business interests at every turn, like when he told Maria Bartiromo about the “beautiful piece of chocolate cake” he was eating at Mar-a-Lago while U.S. destroyers were raining missiles down on Syria. There are his outrageous and easily debunked claims, such as his off-the-cuff remark about how he invented the phrase “priming the pump.” There are the wildly cringe-worthy moments, like when he implied Frederick Douglass was still alive or asked a black reporter to set up a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus, assuming that they must be friends. But above all else, the one thing that consistently sticks out as cause for concern are Trump’s crimes against the English language.

The majority of Trump sentences are sentence fragments. Words are arranged in a way that only he can understand (“There is no collusion between certainly myself and my campaign, but I can always speak for myself, and the Russians, zero”). His limited vocabulary has the sophistication of a 7-year-old, which might explain why, when commenting on the bombing of an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester earlier this week, he described the perpetrators as “evil losers.” As mere arm-chair psychologists and speakers of the English language, many have concluded, based on his oratory style, that something is wrong with the president. MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough has described the president as “a man in decline,” Andrew Sullivan has mused that he is “incapable of accepting reality” and “bonkers,” and Keith Olbermann has suggested, more bluntly, that Trump has a “mental illness.”

But what do actual psychologists think? Are things actually as bad as they seem, neurologically speaking?
Why special snowflake?

Do you report all of Mind wars daily posts and Easy 65's daily posts from the real fake news and conspiracy sites like the gateway pundit and info wars?

I haven't seen any Easy threads lately.
I mock mindwars endlessly.
This thread was pure trolling bullshit.
Don't like that I called him on it? Tough shit darlin. Sit & spin

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