Doctor-feel-good Bernie Sanders.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Doctors take a Hippocratic Oath to do no harm so when they prescribe a medication, they put restrictions on the strengths and dosages contained in drugs. They don’t tell patients that if you take one pill you’ll feel better so go ahead and take the whole bottle all at once-you’ll feel great! Lucky for us, most doctors are not Bernie Sanders, a political doctor-feel-good on the campaign trail pushing Medicare for All.

Medicare is not perfect, but it works well because it is designated for a limited bloc of the population based on age, tax contributions and a few other factors. Before Medicare was implemented in 1965 seniors over 65 often found themselves shut out of private health insurance because their health liability was too high especially in an era before prescription drugs controlled risk factors like high blood pressure and age-related diabetes.

Most reasonable observers realize that the finite scope of the Medicare Program it what makes it work because it is supported by healthy, able-bodied younger taxpayers who wait their turn for the coverage offered for those of advancing age. But the schizophrenic nature of American academia, mass media and the political left have foisted such a bizarre sense of entitlement onto the population that the petulant expectation of everything for free fogs public perception to the extent that the obvious goes unrecognized.

So now we have Bernie Sanders out there peddling the full-bottle spiel like it’s a ground-breaking new idea. Well, the Soviets, the Cubans and Venezuelans might have a case for patent infringement on the concept of government health coverage for everyone. They certainly don’t have a weight problem in Venezuela; the only fat citizens are in the government.

Let’s do a thought experiment: We know that handicap parking spaces exist to ease the lives of people disabled in some way. They work because they are there only for some special users. There is some fraud but largely they work quite well. What would happen if we just issued everyone in the country handicap parking privileges?

The wheels don’t need to turn very long before most of us figure out that intended purpose of the program is destroyed, chaos ensues and everyone is worse off but mostly the weak, the sick and the frail, just like all authoritarian societies.

Bernie is the bartender and he is serving the same Kool Aid that’s always spiked with poison.
Doctors take a Hippocratic Oath to do no harm so when they prescribe a medication, they put restrictions on the strengths and dosages contained in drugs. They don’t tell patients that if you take one pill you’ll feel better so go ahead and take the whole bottle all at once-you’ll feel great! Lucky for us, most doctors are not Bernie Sanders, a political doctor-feel-good on the campaign trail pushing Medicare for All.

Medicare is not perfect, but it works well because it is designated for a limited bloc of the population based on age, tax contributions and a few other factors. Before Medicare was implemented in 1965 seniors over 65 often found themselves shut out of private health insurance because their health liability was too high especially in an era before prescription drugs controlled risk factors like high blood pressure and age-related diabetes.

Most reasonable observers realize that the finite scope of the Medicare Program it what makes it work because it is supported by healthy, able-bodied younger taxpayers who wait their turn for the coverage offered for those of advancing age. But the schizophrenic nature of American academia, mass media and the political left have foisted such a bizarre sense of entitlement onto the population that the petulant expectation of everything for free fogs public perception to the extent that the obvious goes unrecognized.

So now we have Bernie Sanders out there peddling the full-bottle spiel like it’s a ground-breaking new idea. Well, the Soviets, the Cubans and Venezuelans might have a case for patent infringement on the concept of government health coverage for everyone. They certainly don’t have a weight problem in Venezuela; the only fat citizens are in the government.

Let’s do a thought experiment: We know that handicap parking spaces exist to ease the lives of people disabled in some way. They work because they are there only for some special users. There is some fraud but largely they work quite well. What would happen if we just issued everyone in the country handicap parking privileges?

The wheels don’t need to turn very long before most of us figure out that intended purpose of the program is destroyed, chaos ensues and everyone is worse off but mostly the weak, the sick and the frail, just like all authoritarian societies.

Bernie is the bartender and he is serving the same Kool Aid that’s always spiked with poison.

But, but, FEELZ!
Might as well try Bernie’s way, since we aren’t doing so well currently.

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