Do you think the Allies would win WWII if the MSM showed politicians saying these things?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Senator Obama(D) .."American troops are air-raiding German villages and killing civilians,"
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "WWII War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops have killed innocent German civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Germans in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

What would our soldiers done in WWII if this was one of the rules of engagements?
“Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force,” the laminated card reads.
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It's been said that live coverage of the Vietnam War for the first time gave Americans at home a modicum of a sense of what war is really like.

Any coverage that spares American military personnel from living out the wet dreams of chickenhawks works for me.
Senator Obama(D) .."American troops are air-raiding German villages and killing civilians,"
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "WWII War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops have killed innocent German civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Germans in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

What would our soldiers done in WWII if this was one of the rules of engagements?
“Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force,” the laminated card reads.

You left out Bush trying to hide the coffins coming home.
Senator Obama(D) .."American troops are air-raiding German villages and killing civilians,"
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "WWII War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops have killed innocent German civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Germans in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

What would our soldiers done in WWII if this was one of the rules of engagements?
“Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force,” the laminated card reads.

What if Vietnam hadn't been exposed by the media?
Senator Obama(D) .."American troops are air-raiding German villages and killing civilians,"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "WWII War is lost",

U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops have killed innocent German civilians in cold blood,”

Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Germans in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

What would our soldiers done in WWII if this was one of the rules of engagements?

“Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force,” the laminated card reads.

"…with the corporal in eyeglasses who everybody knew was probably a subversive. Captain Black knew he was a subversive because he wore eyeglasses and used words like panacea and utopia, and because he disapproved of Adolf Hitler, who had done such a great job of combating un-American activities in Germany."
Senator Obama(D) .."American troops are air-raiding German villages and killing civilians,"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "WWII War is lost",

U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops have killed innocent German civilians in cold blood,”

Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Germans in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

What would our soldiers done in WWII if this was one of the rules of engagements?

“Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force,” the laminated card reads.

"…with the corporal in eyeglasses who everybody knew was probably a subversive. Captain Black knew he was a subversive because he wore eyeglasses and used words like panacea and utopia, and because he disapproved of Adolf Hitler, who had done such a great job of combating un-American activities in Germany."

:lol: Props for knowing your Heller...and for explaining why some on this board are terrified of big words.
This is not WWII, and that is a fact many neo-cons have yet to realize.
It's been said that live coverage of the Vietnam War for the first time gave Americans at home a modicum of a sense of what war is really like.

Any coverage that spares American military personnel from living out the wet dreams of chickenhawks works for me.
You never heard of any treaties or agreements that the USA signed with countries i.e. SEATO???
This is not WWII, and that is a fact many neo-cons have yet to realize.

So WWII was just, but Iraq wasn't? Did you know that the Desert Storm which was waged to protect vital oil so you idiots didn't pay $6/gal in gas was never over until
Saddam was put to death...i.e. 1991 CEASE FIRE. But of course ignorant people like you don't believe in treaties, agreements. You skip car payments, never made a house payment, never made a single payment after you signed an agreement. That's what you do!
This is not WWII, and that is a fact many neo-cons have yet to realize.

So WWII was just, but Iraq wasn't? Did you know that the Desert Storm which was waged to protect vital oil so you idiots didn't pay $6/gal in gas was never over until
Saddam was put to death...i.e. 1991 CEASE FIRE. But of course ignorant people like you don't believe in treaties, agreements. You skip car payments, never made a house payment, never made a single payment after you signed an agreement. That's what you do!
You should not write when you are drinking.
This is not WWII, and that is a fact many neo-cons have yet to realize.

So WWII was just, but Iraq wasn't? Did you know that the Desert Storm which was waged to protect vital oil so you idiots didn't pay $6/gal in gas was never over until
Saddam was put to death...i.e. 1991 CEASE FIRE. But of course ignorant people like you don't believe in treaties, agreements. You skip car payments, never made a house payment, never made a single payment after you signed an agreement. That's what you do!
You should not write when you are drinking.

Traitors like you that support the terrorist/barbarians killing our troops just as these people did should be treated as traitors.
Senator Obama(D) .."American troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops have killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
These statements were traitorous and should have been roundly condemned and even prosecuted.
When people like you and the above condone helping the bad guys and criticizing our good guys something is really wrong with your education! You are not an ignorant person. So the only conclusion is you hate our military and America so much you agree with those statements. Really disgusting how you have such disdain for the deaths of Americans protecting your rights to freedom.
Senator Obama(D) .."American troops are air-raiding German villages and killing civilians,"
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "WWII War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops have killed innocent German civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Germans in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

What would our soldiers done in WWII if this was one of the rules of engagements?
“Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force,” the laminated card reads.

We would have lost, no doubt about it, as the PC police exerted pressure. It is how all doves do business.

Some have brought up Vietnam. Actually, they should have started with the Korean war if they wanted to show correlation. These wars were not really fought with the intent to win, there was no public support to win them at all costs. As long as the losses were (for lack of a better word or descriptor) manageable, it went on. As soon as it was seen as to many losses for the eventual prize, (whatever that was) the public support turned South. These wars could not be measured in ground gains, treasure stealing, or the old.....they lost more than us, so we are winning. These wars were more ideological, so as soon as the status quo was returned, public support dissipated. Look at the 1st Gulf War if you doubt me.

Our mini-wars today are fought the way they are for world consumption, but in the process and because of it, loose American support rather quickly. There are few Americans breathing over 18, that are not aware that even when taking nuclear weapons out of the mix, that very few country's could withstand an American military assault and survive longer than 8 to 10 weeks on the battlefield if America was serious. Many, many of them, less than that.

So, the American population asks a very important question of Washington-----------> If it is so bad we have to put our children to war, why are we not just destroying them with as minimal loss of life as possible, as quickly as possible, and get the hell out of there?! Imagine what many soldiers parents think----------> my son/daughter may get a medal because he/she got killed without firing a shot in defense of themselves, because of Washingtons rules of engagement! HELLLLOOOOOOOO, they would rather have their son/daughter back instead of the medal! At least if they could defend themselves, they may have come home. Add to that, because we don't roll the enemy, these kids have to stay their longer than reasonably necessary, adding to the probability they will be killed.

Why invest in all these wonderful systems that destroy everything......paid for with our tax dollars.....then send our children to a phony war where they don't even reap the benefit of what our tax dollars paid for to protect them? Which parent on this board is willing to do that to their children, for political purposes? Raise your hand! I don't care if you are left or right, raise it if you would do this to your children willingly.

And so, this is why ISIS is such a hot topic today; in fact, the whole Middle East. We Americans from both left and right do NOT want to have to solve this problem. We like hearing all these candidates tell us all about the Kurds, Sunni's, this, that, and the other. Yes, we want them to solve this problem for us. Nothing would make us happier than for them to do this, so we can avoid another quagmire for our sons and daughters in a far away land. America NEVER wants war for war's sake. And yet, they know if we do not get these peoples help, they are afraid Washington will execute this war like the last wars we fought, politically. NOBODY but Washington wants it that way, not one American.

You see, if Saudi Arabian troops just roll, the American press won't report so called atrocities so much. (they must want to protect their sons and daughters) Kurds? Same thing. American leftists will be insulated from what war really is, and they won't be able to blame Washington, and Washington likes that. Politics, politics. The left has the narrative even when your son and daughter's life is on the line. Sigh!

Back to the OP------------> We would win virtually every conventional war we fought today in spite of leftists doves, if we actually fought the war to win. The war would be over before they could gather their forces to complain. They would be relegated to doing what they continue to do now, calling the victor of said conflict a "war criminal." Ideology is more important to them than victory, or their sons and daughters lives I guess.

The world today is a very dangerous place, and our homeland is becoming less safe as time goes by. (how much less safe is yet to be determined) If you look at history, then look at today, you see war clouds gathering by historical standards. They could dissipate, but then again, they may not. How you want the next war run if one comes to pass; or the foreign policy initiative to avoid it, goes along way in determining who you vote for, and that is the bottom line!

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