Do you support release of "original" transcript of Trump/Ukraine call?

Do you support release of "original" transcript of Trump/Ukraine call?

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Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not from a partial summary. If Americans could see and hear the ORIGINAL transcript - they could make up their own minds as to whether they think it was a clear-cut quid pro quo.

White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked the ORIGINAL transcript in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman said it wasn't accurate? Eisenberg told Vindman not to discuss the phone call with ANYONE. Why?
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Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not the partial summary transcript.
It is a waste of your time to suggest that there is something in a different copy of the transcript. Whatever copy it is read from, it will still be a nothing burger. Give up on this, it's a waste of your time.
Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not the partial summary transcript.
It is a waste of your time to suggest that there is something in a different copy of the transcript. Whatever copy it is read from, it will still be a nothing burger. Give up on this, it's a waste of your time.

How do you know that? How could you know that?
we don't give a F anymore---you people have been doing this dumbshit since 2016
the transcript means NOTHING
Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not the partial summary transcript. If Americans could see and hear the ORIGINAL transcript - they could make up their own minds as to whether they think it was a clear-cut quid pro quo.

White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked the transcript in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman said it wasn't accurate? Eisenberg told Vindman not to discuss the phone call with ANYONE. Why?
It has already been released, you fucking moron.
Didn’t he release the actual call?

No, he didn't. He released a summary, and it even says that it's a summary of the call at the bottom of the first page.

And, I wish people would quit calling it a "transcript". Transcripts are word for word accurate, whereas summaries aren't.
Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not the partial summary transcript. If Americans could see and hear the ORIGINAL transcript - they could make up their own minds as to whether they think it was a clear-cut quid pro quo.

White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked the transcript in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman said it wasn't accurate? Eisenberg told Vindman not to discuss the phone call with ANYONE. Why?
nobody gives a F about that dumbshit
Ukraine/Collusion/etc etc wolf wolf
how many times can you say ''WOLF"" ????
Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not the partial summary transcript. If Americans could see and hear the ORIGINAL transcript - they could make up their own minds as to whether they think it was a clear-cut quid pro quo.

White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked the transcript in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman said it wasn't accurate? Eisenberg told Vindman not to discuss the phone call with ANYONE. Why?
It ha already been released, you fucking moron.

You clearly missed the part at the bottom of the first page where it says that it's a summary, and is not a word for word documentation of what was said in the call. A summary has been released, but the transcript is still on the server. helps to know what words mean. Let me help you out..............

[ suhm-uh-ree ]
noun, plural sum·ma·ries.
1. a comprehensive and usually brief abstract, recapitulation, or compendium of previously stated facts or statements.
2. brief and comprehensive; concise.
3. direct and prompt; unceremoniously fast: to treat someone with summary dispatch.
4. (of legal proceedings, jurisdiction, etc.) conducted without, or exempt from, the various steps and delays of a formal trial.

[ tran-skript ]
1. a written, typewritten, or printed copy; something transcribed or made by transcribing.
2. an exact copy or reproduction, especially one having an official status.
3. an official report supplied by a school on the record of an individual student, listing subjects studied, grades received, etc.
4. a form of something as rendered from one alphabet or language into anot
Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not the partial summary transcript. If Americans could see and hear the ORIGINAL transcript - they could make up their own minds as to whether they think it was a clear-cut quid pro quo.

White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked the ORIGINAL transcript in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman said it wasn't accurate? Eisenberg told Vindman not to discuss the phone call with ANYONE. Why?

It's all academic at this point. You have already failed.
If trump is going read something at his "fire side chat"...He needs to read the transcript....not his doctored summary...

What is he afraid of....if the call was" perfect?"
  • trump is a DICK....
Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not the partial summary transcript. If Americans could see and hear the ORIGINAL transcript - they could make up their own minds as to whether they think it was a clear-cut quid pro quo.

White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked the transcript in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman said it wasn't accurate? Eisenberg told Vindman not to discuss the phone call with ANYONE. Why?
It ha already been released, you fucking moron.

You clearly missed the part at the bottom of the first page where it says that it's a summary, and is not a word for word documentation of what was said in the call. A summary has been released, but the transcript is still on the server. helps to know what words mean. Let me help you out..............

[ suhm-uh-ree ]
noun, plural sum·ma·ries.
1. a comprehensive and usually brief abstract, recapitulation, or compendium of previously stated facts or statements.
2. brief and comprehensive; concise.
3. direct and prompt; unceremoniously fast: to treat someone with summary dispatch.
4. (of legal proceedings, jurisdiction, etc.) conducted without, or exempt from, the various steps and delays of a formal trial.

[ tran-skript ]
1. a written, typewritten, or printed copy; something transcribed or made by transcribing.
2. an exact copy or reproduction, especially one having an official status.
3. an official report supplied by a school on the record of an individual student, listing subjects studied, grades received, etc.
4. a form of something as rendered from one alphabet or language into anot
It's not a "summary." it's a transcription, recorded as events happen. The boilerplate at the bottom is meaningless. All that does is give them a pass in case their record isn't 100% accurate. However, it's the only record available. There is no unedited version available.
Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not the partial summary transcript. If Americans could see and hear the ORIGINAL transcript - they could make up their own minds as to whether they think it was a clear-cut quid pro quo.

White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked the transcript in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman said it wasn't accurate? Eisenberg told Vindman not to discuss the phone call with ANYONE. Why?
It has already been released, you fucking moron.

Second that! :up: ^^^
Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not the partial summary transcript. If Americans could see and hear the ORIGINAL transcript - they could make up their own minds as to whether they think it was a clear-cut quid pro quo.

White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked the transcript in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman said it wasn't accurate? Eisenberg told Vindman not to discuss the phone call with ANYONE. Why?
It ha already been released, you fucking moron.

You clearly missed the part at the bottom of the first page where it says that it's a summary, and is not a word for word documentation of what was said in the call. A summary has been released, but the transcript is still on the server. helps to know what words mean. Let me help you out..............

[ suhm-uh-ree ]
noun, plural sum·ma·ries.
1. a comprehensive and usually brief abstract, recapitulation, or compendium of previously stated facts or statements.
2. brief and comprehensive; concise.
3. direct and prompt; unceremoniously fast: to treat someone with summary dispatch.
4. (of legal proceedings, jurisdiction, etc.) conducted without, or exempt from, the various steps and delays of a formal trial.

[ tran-skript ]
1. a written, typewritten, or printed copy; something transcribed or made by transcribing.
2. an exact copy or reproduction, especially one having an official status.
3. an official report supplied by a school on the record of an individual student, listing subjects studied, grades received, etc.
4. a form of something as rendered from one alphabet or language into anot
It's not a "summary." it's a transcription, recorded as events happen. The boilerplate at the bottom is meaningless. All that does is give them a pass in case their record isn't 100% accurate. However, it's the only record available. There is no unedited version available.

Sorry, but you are an idiot. It's not "boilerplate" as you call it, it's telling you that it's not a word for word account of what happened, and it even says that there may be some parts left out. Not my fault you don't know or understand what words mean.

By the way, I'll help you out yet again, but this is getting tedious. You really should read a dictionary sometime.

or boil·er plate
[ boi-ler-pleyt ]
1. plating of iron or steel for making the shells of boilers, covering the hulls of ships, etc.
2. Journalism.

  1. syndicated or ready-to-print copy, used especially by weekly newspapers.
  2. trite, hackneyed writing.
3. the detailed standard wording of a contract, warranty, etc.
4. Informal. phrases or units of text used repeatedly, as in correspondence produced by a word-processing system.
5. frozen, crusty, hard-packed snow, often with icy patches.

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