Do We Really Have 'Thoughts on Race'?

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Or do we just have feelings?

I mean, for God's sake, how many people actually THINK in a calm and cool way about the issue of race? All I ever see is people yell, cry, scream, weep, moan, pray, kill, shoot, knife, ooga-booga and booga-ooga over race.

They march, they chatter, they stay hushed, they speechify, they crucify.

They whip out any of a half-dozen well-worn cliches:

Skin color doesn't matter to me.

We're all one race, the human race.

It's what's inside that counts.

Anyone who wants to judge by the color of the skin is crazy.

Race is just a social construct.

Race relations would go fine if only we could get rid of Jesse and Al.

Race relations would go fine if only we could get rid of David Duke.

But think?

They don't THINK.

We post pictures of dancing Hitlers when someone says something we disagree with on race (and that's the so-called CONSERVATIVES). We fire people from their jobs. We bash them in the media. We run them out of office.

We call people "racists" over anything and everything. Whites call the NAACP racist, blacks call the tea party racist, even Jimmy Carter is an anti-Semite and Hillary Clinton is a racist. Nobody's safe.

I think the reason nobody THINKS about race is because if they did, the conclusions wouldn't be pretty. You'd have concede at some point that race is real, and that if matters, and that races all mashed together isn't really some kind of utopia -- it's more of a hell on earth.
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You're a perfect example of the paucity of the discourse. It's either inside the boundaries of what everyone else thinks, or it's "hatred."


I mean, do you really have any THOUGHTS on race yourself?

Have you read 'The Bell Curve', by Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein? What is your thought on their exposition of the correlation between race and IQ and its heritability?

Never mind.

On with the dancing Hitlers.
Oh, horseshit. You hate non-whites; you've made that abundantly clear. Now you want to justify that hatred by giving it a gloss of intellectualism.

The only people you're going to sway are your fellow haters. Normal people? Not so much.
What gives you the right to declare anyone else's thinking, experience, study, discourse etc. on race invalid, WilliamJoyce? If you're looking for fellow racists they ain't hard to find on the 'net.

If you just want acceptance by normal people, stop spouting hateful bullshit.
I feel very strongly about race and my emotions show it - especially NASCAR and NHRA.
There are three main races: caucazoid, mongoloid, and negroid. My personal opinion, all three were here before Adam was put in the garden (mainly because Cain was afraid the people in the "cities" would hurt him). At the time of the flood, Noah was a direct descendent of Adam. I believe his sons' wives were from the three races, or they were included with the pairs "of each species" that were on the ark. I think it is in Ezekiel that the Lord tells of His punishment for the Hebrews turning away from Him: one-third was killed, one-third will be left and suffer disease and starvation, and one-third was sold into slavery, into Asia, Europe, Africa, and into lands of which you do not know. I believe these "slaves" mixed with the three main races: Negroid, Mongoloid, and Caucasoid. The places that were good to the "slaves", were "blessed" by the Lord. The places that treated the "slaves" badly, were punished by the Lord.
Because of this, the mixing of the three races with the Hebrews (the Lord's chosen people), all people can now be "blessed". The people through the blessings of the Lord, can be equal. If the people deny the Lord (it does not matter the race), they are NOT "blessed", and in some cases, punished.
The people that desire the Lord, desire truth, wisdom, and justice. The ones that don't are "lost" (that would be lost to truth, wisdom, and justice, as well as the Lord). Because of that they can "appear" to be different, intellectually or physically, but if they accept the Lord as their Savior, they "change", and become familiar to those that "believe". I believe it is easy to spot a non-believer. They do not listen to reason, and appear to be without wisdom, no matter what intellect they have. I believe "truth" is the great uniter, and the name is Yeshua, the Lord.
Or do we just have feelings?

I mean, for God's sake, how many people actually THINK in a calm and cool way about the issue of race? All I ever see is people yell, cry, scream, weep, moan, pray, kill, shoot, knife, ooga-booga and booga-ooga over race.

They march, they chatter, they stay hushed, they speechify, they crucify.

They whip out any of a half-dozen well-worn cliches:

Skin color doesn't matter to me.

We're all one race, the human race.

It's what's inside that counts.

Anyone who wants to judge by the color of the skin is crazy.

Race is just a social construct.

Race relations would go fine if only we could get rid of Jesse and Al.

Race relations would go fine if only we could get rid of David Duke.

But think?

They don't THINK.

We post pictures of dancing Hitlers when someone says something we disagree with on race (and that's the so-called CONSERVATIVES). We fire people from their jobs. We bash them in the media. We run them out of office.

We call people "racists" over anything and everything. Whites call the NAACP racist, blacks call the tea party racist, even Jimmy Carter is an anti-Semite and Hillary Clinton is a racist. Nobody's safe.

I think the reason nobody THINKS about race is because if they did, the conclusions wouldn't be pretty. You'd have concede at some point that race is real, and that if matters, and that races all mashed together isn't really some kind of utopia -- it's more of a hell on earth.

Um, if that's really all you ever see, maybe you should reconsider the people you hang around, dude.

Yeah, there are people who think calmly and coolly on the subject of race. They're generally people who don't think about it often, though, because that usually indicates that they're past race being important to them.

If you really believe that last paragraph, then that just indicates to me that YOU are not one of the people who actually THINKS about race instead of feeling.
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I think the reason nobody THINKS about race is because if they did, the conclusions wouldn't be pretty. You'd have concede at some point that race is real, and that if matters, and that races all mashed together isn't really some kind of utopia -- it's more of a hell on earth.

Nope, I've thought about and I don't have to conclude that race is real, and I think that races mashed together are not necessarily utopia nor hell on earth, though I do think that people like you try to make it hell on earth.
What gives you the right to declare anyone else's thinking, experience, study, discourse etc. on race invalid, WilliamJoyce? If you're looking for fellow racists they ain't hard to find on the 'net.

If you just want acceptance by normal people, stop spouting hateful bullshit.

Do you consider the mountains of evidence that shows races exist invalid? I don't think people should be treated differently but I don't consider it evil to notice the measurable differences and disparate outcomes of the different races.

Why should egalitarian rhetoric be considered 'true and righteous' when all of the physical evidence refutes it?

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