Do Masks Work?

I have read studies on both sides of the issue and monitored real world results and reactions. I have reasoned out what the likely outcome will be.

Cool, post 'em.

I have not relied on what others tell me in links, preferring truth to the words of some other bigoted individual.

Definition: I will not be persuaded by anything regardless of merit.

As I have said, I look at studies from both sides, unlike you and your kind.

All of this leads to a different outlook than yours, a more truthful one.

Great, post the studies. Let's talk about them.
So, I'm guessing you never got past that facebook post that make up your core beliefs about masks. Cuz you're lazy and dumb, let's face it.

This is some old shit from 2020, catch up.

N95 was the mask, and the boxes said doesn’t protect against wuhan! Drop mic! Btw, I’m right here, get better material
N95 was the mask, and the boxes said doesn’t protect against wuhan! Drop mic! Btw, I’m right here, get better material

Yes, I've already provided a link. The masks don't prevent COVID however they do slow the spread. This is old news.
And you can't read a simple link or get passed debates of mid 2020.
Box print says it all! You making up scenarios doesn’t trump the print.

doesn’t protect!!!!! How can it therefore slow down what it can’t protect against?
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If the jab is so effective, why the thousands of breakthrough cases? Why the fear of further variants? Why the warnings of heart damage for teens and young adults?

BTW, YOU don't get to decide for others what is a valid reason. That attitude only proves that you bought into the brain washing from your overlords. No reason other than not wanting it is needed, at least when we were a free people.

Your stuoidity and recalcitrance doesn't deserve a reply.
Prove it! Tell us how?
Myself and others have all provided sources about masks working. I've just supplied a source that explains the verbiage on the boxes. The source is from over a year ago, this is an old moronic argument.
Can’t explain why vaccinated people like you are afraid of unvaccinated like me if the vaccine works! That’s not logical and makes you ignorant

I'm not afraid of idiots who chose not to protect themselves and family.
The vast majority in hospitals are antivaxxers. Ask them if they regret it.
You can die how you like. That's your rigjt but don't ask the publically funded medical system to save you. You showed no patriotism to the country. You ignored the best advice in the world because your politics or religion says different. Well whoppee.

I can't believe you have the stupidity to publically declare your stupidity.
Myself and others have all provided sources about masks working. I've just supplied a source that explains the verbiage on the boxes. The source is from over a year ago, this is an old moronic argument.
One that doesn’t work! Box says does not protect, doesn’t say slows down!! Can’t get passed the print dude! Anyone can inject opinion, but the box is from studies the manufacturer did! You’re argument is nonsense
I'm not afraid of idiots who chose not to protect themselves and family.
The vast majority in hospitals are antivaxxers. Ask them if they regret it.
You can die how you like. That's your rigjt but don't ask the publically funded medical system to save you. You showed no patriotism to the country. You ignored the best advice in the world because your politics or religion says different. Well whoppee.

I can't believe you have the stupidity to publically declare your stupidity.
Then why do you argue with me? Why mandate it?

no I don’t regret it. Why would I regret getting something that doesn’t work?
There's no discussion or debate with anti-vaxxers and anti-mask freaks
this past flu season had record lows & along with social distancing & increased washing of ones' hands - wearing a MASK was paramount in the reduction of cases.
One that doesn’t work! Box says does not protect, doesn’t say slows down!! Can’t get passed the print dude! Anyone can inject opinion, but the box is from studies the manufacturer did! You’re argument is nonsense
Yeah, I've already provided a link about the mask boxes which you have chosen to ignore. There have also been various studies about how masks work that have been posted across the board as well.

And in response we get threads like this with claims of masks not working and using the link in the OP which doesn't even say that as "proof".

That right wing echo chamber has most likely permanently fucked with your heads where you have trained yourself to follow a very narrow path and any deviation be it new facts or information short circuits your brain and you have to run back to the path. Whether it was Limbaugh or Hannity or Carlson or Trump, you must always please your daddy.
Cool, post 'em.

Definition: I will not be persuaded by anything regardless of merit.

Great, post the studies. Let's talk about them.
I should do your research for you? Because you are incapable of doing so? Additionally, it appears to be you who "will not be persuaded regardless of merit" or anything that you cannot attack or lie about.

Unlike you, I do not post the works of others, preferring to use their understanding and knowledge to help form my own conclusions. This while you seem to rely on the printed words of others and reposting those words rather than reason on your own. Little minds and all that.

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