Do FOX Watchers Turn You Against Things?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Two guys next door to me almost always preference things with ''you guys'' and ''your president'

What is wierd is that I tell them I never voted for Obama and that the nuts who went after Bush loudly were not Dems or Libs but usually the lunatic left fringe. They ignore everything and insist I must be a leftist Obama supporter.

These two guys have been so crazed and ignorant I am starting to discount almost everything they say. They act like I am either with them or against them on everything. There is no room for anything but what is fed to them on the righy wing blogs or FOX commentators.

One guy keeps telling me he has ''the tapes'' which I assume are copies of doctored snippets of Dems. courtesy of Hannity & Friends.

sad and wierd. almost like talking to a mirror image of Chris the progressive nitwit from VA.
One guy keeps telling me he has ''the tapes'' which I assume are copies of doctored snippets of Dems. courtesy of Hannity & Friends.

"Tapes" of what?


I think it is tapes of he and his gay lover (the two neighbors) doing the nasty.

DevNell should steer clear of that...unless he is curious.
Strange. Very, very strange. Not their odd behavior. What I find strange is that they talk to you. If you were my neighbor, I'd send you over some cookies at Christmas along with a nice card, wave to you now and then when I was out in the yard, and tell the press, "I never saw any kind of odd behavior displayed by him..." when they stuck the microphone under my nose. Other than that, I probably wouldn't talk to you.:lol:
One guy keeps telling me he has ''the tapes'' which I assume are copies of doctored snippets of Dems. courtesy of Hannity & Friends.

"Tapes" of what?


I guess Hannity & Friends have followers taping their tape snippeets as evidence of truth. I guess the tapes reinforce their world view. If it was on FOX and they tape it...they have reference material ..

crazy, I know
Don't insult Olbermann like that by comparing him to O'Reilly...that's offensive.

Chris sometimes get a bit carried away, but he's usually pretty good otherwise.
Don't insult Olbermann like that by comparing him to O'Reilly...that's offensive.

Chris sometimes get a bit carried away, but he's usually pretty good otherwise.


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