Do Any of You

Joz said:
Of course the UPS man. Their trucks have that distinctive sound. But then there's the Mailman, the Fed Ex man, the.......

One day Tim went into Della's closet and began pulling unopened box upon unopened box from it. Della told Tim she just couldn't stand to hear the UPS truck and not have him stop to bring her something! Guess anything can become addictive.

My keen sense of hearing allows me tell the difference between the mail truck, UPS, and Fed EX....Lots of experience...........LOL
you should do the math on a 12 month secure investment for the 5k and see how much the govt made holding your 5k for you

you should always try and have your money work for you not the govt.
Bonnie said:
My keen sense of hearing allows me tell the difference between the mail truck, UPS, and Fed EX....Lots of experience...........LOL
Isn't that funny how one can pick THAT sound out of all the traffic? My what a glorious sound it can be!

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