Do American Conservatives and Libertarians adore dictatorships, totalitarianism?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Do American Conservatives and Libertarians adore dictatorships, totalitarianism?

Is there enough evidence out there to make a legitimate case that American Conservatives and Libertarians hate liberalism so much, they have turned their collective backs on the liberal values that were undoubtedly the foundation, of the United States of America?

let us start by taking a look at a recent thread here @ USMB:
. The incomparable Neal Boortz puts things in proper perspective...

Let's see if we have this right: | Nealz Nuze |

Here it is impossible to deny the right wing lunatic @ USMB who goes by the anon-nitwit-name The Professor argues the USA should be more like North Korean, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, China, Venezuela, Cuba...


We have people like The Professor admiring Americans like Neal Boortz who made his bones with angry America (conservative/libertarian wingnuts) writing speeches for Lester Maddox. Poor Neal, the self-described Libertarian with the education from the then-unaccredited John Marshall Law School

We had the great Conservative hero, the late Senator Jesse Helms with his unbridled support of the regimes: Zimbabwe Rhodesia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chile, South Africa (the apartheid gov)... be continued...

message to American supporters of Israel: In 1977, Helms was the sole senator to vote against prohibiting American companies from joining the Arab League boycott of Israel,[40] although this was primarily because the bill also relaxed discrimination against communist countries.[41] In 1982, Helms even called for the U.S. to break diplomatic relations with Israel during the 1982 Lebanon War.[42] Jesse Helms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No, we don't like Obama.

All Barry needs is one of those funny little totalitarian mustaches for full effect.

you mean like this:

Do American Conservatives and Libertarians adore dictatorships, totalitarianism?

Is there enough evidence out there to make a legitimate case that American Conservatives and Libertarians hate liberalism so much, they have turned their collective backs on the liberal values that were undoubtedly the foundation, of the United States of America?

let us start by taking a look at a recent thread here @ USMB:
. The incomparable Neal Boortz puts things in proper perspective...

Let's see if we have this right: | Nealz Nuze |

Here it is impossible to deny the right wing lunatic @ USMB who goes by the anon-nitwit-name The Professor argues the USA should be more like North Korean, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, China, Venezuela, Cuba...


We have people like The Professor admiring Americans like Neal Boortz who made his bones with angry America (conservative/libertarian wingnuts) writing speeches for Lester Maddox. Poor Neal, the self-described Libertarian with the education from the then-unaccredited John Marshall Law School

We had the great Conservative hero, the late Senator Jesse Helms with his unbridled support of the regimes: Zimbabwe Rhodesia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chile, South Africa (the apartheid gov)... be continued...

message to American supporters of Israel: In 1977, Helms was the sole senator to vote against prohibiting American companies from joining the Arab League boycott of Israel,[40] although this was primarily because the bill also relaxed discrimination against communist countries.[41] In 1982, Helms even called for the U.S. to break diplomatic relations with Israel during the 1982 Lebanon War.[42] Jesse Helms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

looks like the Nile is at flood stage

You are projecting, Dante.

Do you think the Leftist totalitarianism push we are experiencing this is anything new?

Is Obama the first smooth talking populist that worked the common man into a lather to believe the bad rich people were controlling all of 'our wealth'?

This disaster has been repeated MANY times throughout history, and always ends badly.
Do American Conservatives and Libertarians adore dictatorships, totalitarianism?

Is there enough evidence out there to make a legitimate case that American Conservatives and Libertarians hate liberalism so much, they have turned their collective backs on the liberal values that were undoubtedly the foundation, of the United States of America?

let us start by taking a look at a recent thread here @ USMB:
. The incomparable Neal Boortz puts things in proper perspective...

Let's see if we have this right: | Nealz Nuze |

Here it is impossible to deny the right wing lunatic @ USMB who goes by the anon-nitwit-name The Professor argues the USA should be more like North Korean, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, China, Venezuela, Cuba...


We have people like The Professor admiring Americans like Neal Boortz who made his bones with angry America (conservative/libertarian wingnuts) writing speeches for Lester Maddox. Poor Neal, the self-described Libertarian with the education from the then-unaccredited John Marshall Law School

We had the great Conservative hero, the late Senator Jesse Helms with his unbridled support of the regimes: Zimbabwe Rhodesia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chile, South Africa (the apartheid gov)... be continued...

message to American supporters of Israel: In 1977, Helms was the sole senator to vote against prohibiting American companies from joining the Arab League boycott of Israel,[40] although this was primarily because the bill also relaxed discrimination against communist countries.[41] In 1982, Helms even called for the U.S. to break diplomatic relations with Israel during the 1982 Lebanon War.[42] Jesse Helms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's see.

Conservatives supported the Contras, which engaged in large numbers of human rights violations, including outright murder through what became known as death squads.

Then there was the conservative support to the racist Apartheid regime of South Africa.

And who can forget the Heritage Foundation's and Grover Norquist's support for Joseph Savimbi and UNITA in Angola?
Are you normally this incredibly stupid, or is this just a moment you're having?

Citing one poster on USMB as the end all in conservative/libertarian views has got to be the biggest reach I've seen in a while.

Libertarians are about as close to classical liberalism as it gets today. the left wing "progressive" liberals are nothing short of full blown communist totalitarians. Like Obama.

And there are no true conservatives left on the right except the social conservative kind. Which is not what conservatism is about.
You are projecting, Dante.

Do you think the Leftist totalitarianism push we are experiencing this is anything new?

Is Obama the first smooth talking populist that worked the common man into a lather to believe the bad rich people were controlling all of 'our wealth'?

and I argued in the past that Ronald Reagan was not the first smooth talking populist to be elected that work the common volk into a lather over...

This disaster has been repeated MANY times throughout history, and always ends badly.

wow! you underwhelm with your vast knowledge of how to use propaganda. do you have nazi envy?
In other words, it is not a moment. Got it.

i didn't deflect. I answered your ridiculous charges. And, they are just that, ridiculous.
For the most part no, I don't think so.

Not so for the rightie-nutters on this board howver......
Do American Conservatives and Libertarians adore dictatorships, totalitarianism?

Is there enough evidence out there to make a legitimate case that American Conservatives and Libertarians hate liberalism so much, they have turned their collective backs on the liberal values that were undoubtedly the foundation, of the United States of America?

let us start by taking a look at a recent thread here @ USMB:
. The incomparable Neal Boortz puts things in proper perspective...

Let's see if we have this right: | Nealz Nuze |

Here it is impossible to deny the right wing lunatic @ USMB who goes by the anon-nitwit-name The Professor argues the USA should be more like North Korean, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, China, Venezuela, Cuba...


We have people like The Professor admiring Americans like Neal Boortz who made his bones with angry America (conservative/libertarian wingnuts) writing speeches for Lester Maddox. Poor Neal, the self-described Libertarian with the education from the then-unaccredited John Marshall Law School

We had the great Conservative hero, the late Senator Jesse Helms with his unbridled support of the regimes: Zimbabwe Rhodesia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chile, South Africa (the apartheid gov)... be continued...

message to American supporters of Israel: In 1977, Helms was the sole senator to vote against prohibiting American companies from joining the Arab League boycott of Israel,[40] although this was primarily because the bill also relaxed discrimination against communist countries.[41] In 1982, Helms even called for the U.S. to break diplomatic relations with Israel during the 1982 Lebanon War.[42] Jesse Helms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you fucking kidding me?

You don't see libertarians advocating for more laws, regulations and bigger government do you? NO you don't dummy.

Meanwhile progressives do nothing BUT advocate more laws, more legislation and bigger government..

Who are the authoritarians again????

Once again progressives are delusional....
Maybe lefties think Stalin was a libertarian or conservative. Anything is possible with the union based education system these days. After all FDR called him "uncle Joe".
No, only Socialist/Progressive & Neocon Globalists do. Adoring Dictatorships & Totalitarianism is what they're all about. Real Conservatives are not Big Government Globalists.

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