DNC Launches Major Citizen-Tracker Project, Urging Activists To Film GOP


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
In a strong sign that YouTube videos and camera phones will be ever-important in this year’s election, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is launching a new program called “The Accountability Project” encouraging anyone to upload videos catching and “documenting” Republican candidates at public events.

They are hoping to then point-out any “misinformation, lies and double-speak” they see from “candidates try to make misleading attacks and false claims under the radar,” the DNC said in a release announcing the project.

The DNC move is a sure sign that “macaca” moments are now a regular part of the political landscape. The term “macaca moment” quickly became part of the political lexicon in 2006 when Republican Senatorial candidate George Allen used the term “macaca” in reference to an India-American aide to his opponent taping an event. He later apologized for using the derogatory term saying he didn’t know what it meant. Allen ended up losing his re-election to Democratic challenger, Jim Webb.

The DNC pointed to that very instance in their announcement, saying, “It was just one moment. Who knows what else is being said when the cameras aren't running

DNC Launches Major Citizen-Tracker Project, Urging Activists To Film GOP


despwate deplorabwle dems amuse me to no end. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I love reading the comments section.
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democrat board meetings

In a strong sign that YouTube videos and camera phones will be ever-important in this year’s election, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is launching a new program called “The Accountability Project” encouraging anyone to upload videos catching and “documenting” Republican candidates at public events.

They are hoping to then point-out any “misinformation, lies and double-speak” they see from “candidates try to make misleading attacks and false claims under the radar,” the DNC said in a release announcing the project.

The DNC move is a sure sign that “macaca” moments are now a regular part of the political landscape. The term “macaca moment” quickly became part of the political lexicon in 2006 when Republican Senatorial candidate George Allen used the term “macaca” in reference to an India-American aide to his opponent taping an event. He later apologized for using the derogatory term saying he didn’t know what it meant. Allen ended up losing his re-election to Democratic challenger, Jim Webb.

The DNC pointed to that very instance in their announcement, saying, “It was just one moment. Who knows what else is being said when the cameras aren't running

DNC Launches Major Citizen-Tracker Project, Urging Activists To Film GOP


despwate deplorabwle dems amuse me to no end. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I love reading the comments section.

Hey, if you are scared, just say you are scared....jeeez.
The Muslim Mulatto Marxist in the White House is looking for Macaca moments across all our 57 states!

57 states! ARRRRghh! What a fucking rube!!

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYY73RO_egw]YouTube - Michelle Obama: First Time proud of USA[/ame]
Yup, typical Dem tactic. Because they don't have issues to speak about that the public wants to hear. They are stuck on big govenment and getting control of everything and everyone.
Yup, typical Dem tactic. Because they don't have issues to speak about that the public wants to hear. They are stuck on big govenment and getting control of everything and everyone.

Uhhh...yeah. How's that whole two page Federal budget outline proposed by the GOP working out? Or the 18 page healthcare overhaul? Or the prescription drug program that benefits big Pharma? And let's not forget the two police actions the LAST GOP admin got us into...
Yup, typical Dem tactic. Because they don't have issues to speak about that the public wants to hear. They are stuck on big govenment and getting control of everything and everyone.

Uhhh...yeah. How's that whole two page Federal budget outline proposed by the GOP working out? Or the 18 page healthcare overhaul? Or the prescription drug program that benefits big Pharma? And let's not forget the two police actions the LAST GOP admin got us into...

talk to us about the demonRats and big Pharma huh? whydonchya? and secret backroom deals ,,, and transparancey,,, and open borders,and a health care plan no body wanted,, how's that working out for yas in da polls?? sinking like the titanic ye bee. "big fucking deal" hey?? :lol::lol:
Sounds like something loyal Socialists/Communists would do. The DNC is clearly pretty desperate at this point. All they have left is personal smears. They have failed miserably and i think most of America understands this. They can't possibly run on their beliefs & policies so they will have to rely on petty personal smears. Will that be enough for them? I doubt it. Petty smears & Blame BOOOOOOOOOSH wont work for them this time around. Time for them to go. Make 2010 count people.
In a strong sign that YouTube videos and camera phones will be ever-important in this year’s election, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is launching a new program called “The Accountability Project” encouraging anyone to upload videos catching and “documenting” Republican candidates at public events.

They are hoping to then point-out any “misinformation, lies and double-speak” they see from “candidates try to make misleading attacks and false claims under the radar,” the DNC said in a release announcing the project.

The DNC move is a sure sign that “macaca” moments are now a regular part of the political landscape. The term “macaca moment” quickly became part of the political lexicon in 2006 when Republican Senatorial candidate George Allen used the term “macaca” in reference to an India-American aide to his opponent taping an event. He later apologized for using the derogatory term saying he didn’t know what it meant. Allen ended up losing his re-election to Democratic challenger, Jim Webb.

The DNC pointed to that very instance in their announcement, saying, “It was just one moment. Who knows what else is being said when the cameras aren't running

DNC Launches Major Citizen-Tracker Project, Urging Activists To Film GOP


despwate deplorabwle dems amuse me to no end. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I love reading the comments section.

if republicans came up with this you'd be jumping for joy at how clever republicans are

you'd also say things like "if you don't do or say something wrong then you've got nothing to worry about"

i guess these ideas are only bad when dems have them

remember "me willow! repubs GOOD! dems BAD! me willow! me nuts!"
In a strong sign that YouTube videos and camera phones will be ever-important in this year’s election, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is launching a new program called “The Accountability Project” encouraging anyone to upload videos catching and “documenting” Republican candidates at public events.

They are hoping to then point-out any “misinformation, lies and double-speak” they see from “candidates try to make misleading attacks and false claims under the radar,” the DNC said in a release announcing the project.

The DNC move is a sure sign that “macaca” moments are now a regular part of the political landscape. The term “macaca moment” quickly became part of the political lexicon in 2006 when Republican Senatorial candidate George Allen used the term “macaca” in reference to an India-American aide to his opponent taping an event. He later apologized for using the derogatory term saying he didn’t know what it meant. Allen ended up losing his re-election to Democratic challenger, Jim Webb.

The DNC pointed to that very instance in their announcement, saying, “It was just one moment. Who knows what else is being said when the cameras aren't running

DNC Launches Major Citizen-Tracker Project, Urging Activists To Film GOP


despwate deplorabwle dems amuse me to no end. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I love reading the comments section.

if republicans came up with this you'd be jumping for joy at how clever republicans are

you'd also say things like "if you don't do or say something wrong then you've got nothing to worry about"

i guess these ideas are only bad when dems have them

remember "me willow! repubs GOOD! dems BAD! me willow! me nuts!"

Something like this is NEEDED now that Mitch McConnell has forced both Rand Paul and Sharon Angle into hiding....
In a strong sign that YouTube videos and camera phones will be ever-important in this year’s election, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is launching a new program called “The Accountability Project” encouraging anyone to upload videos catching and “documenting” Republican candidates at public events.

They are hoping to then point-out any “misinformation, lies and double-speak” they see from “candidates try to make misleading attacks and false claims under the radar,” the DNC said in a release announcing the project.

The DNC move is a sure sign that “macaca” moments are now a regular part of the political landscape. The term “macaca moment” quickly became part of the political lexicon in 2006 when Republican Senatorial candidate George Allen used the term “macaca” in reference to an India-American aide to his opponent taping an event. He later apologized for using the derogatory term saying he didn’t know what it meant. Allen ended up losing his re-election to Democratic challenger, Jim Webb.

The DNC pointed to that very instance in their announcement, saying, “It was just one moment. Who knows what else is being said when the cameras aren't running

DNC Launches Major Citizen-Tracker Project, Urging Activists To Film GOP


despwate deplorabwle dems amuse me to no end. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I love reading the comments section.

Campbell Robertson offered a brief follow-up story Thursday on the strange case of “conservative provocateur James O'Keefe,” who was arrested in January as part of a group posing as phone repairmen at the New Orleans office of Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu. O'Keefe says they were investigating reports that Landrieu's constituents were having trouble getting through to her office during the health care debate.

Robertson still managed to squeeze in some slant on O'Keefe, who along with Hannah Giles dealt a near-mortal blow to ACORN, the left-wing activist housing group, with hidden-camera videos of he and Giles posing as a pimp and prostitute and soliciting advice on how to illegally conceal money from the IRS. Robertson wrote that "The heavily edited videos severely damaged Acorn’s reputation."

heavily edited means LIES!

and these guys are HEROS to conservatives everywhere

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