DNC Chairman makes it official --- Pro-lifers BANNED from party


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The self-proclaimed "Party of Diversity" says diverse opinions on the issues are not allowed.

Democrats Reel from DNC Chair’s Announcement That Party Will Exclude Pro-Life Candidates

april 29 2017 Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez’s announcement that pro-lifers are not welcome in his party has planted the seeds of rebellion among some Democrats and sharpened the view that the party is now primarily defined by its embrace of abortion on demand.

“Every Democrat, like every American, should support a woman’s right to make her own choices about her body and her health,” Perez said, as the HuffPost reported. “That is not negotiable and should not change city by city or state by state.”
Freedom and justice doesn't get any more basic that the control of one's own body.

My bet is a jackass like the OP would throw a fit if it was his own reproduction that was being controlled by others.

Oh, but that's different, right?
The self-proclaimed "Party of Diversity" says diverse opinions on the issues are not allowed.

Democrats Reel from DNC Chair’s Announcement That Party Will Exclude Pro-Life Candidates

april 29 2017 Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez’s announcement that pro-lifers are not welcome in his party has planted the seeds of rebellion among some Democrats and sharpened the view that the party is now primarily defined by its embrace of abortion on demand.

“Every Democrat, like every American, should support a woman’s right to make her own choices about her body and her health,” Perez said, as the HuffPost reported. “That is not negotiable and should not change city by city or state by state.”

Perez is an ass. That is what's wrong with both sides, no one can have a different opinion other than theirs.
Wow, exact same policy was put in place in Liberal party in Canada, Trudeau received same criticism.

Why in God's name do Democrats want to be like Canadians?
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Freedom and justice doesn't get any more basic that the control of one's own body.
My bet is a jackass like the OP would throw a fit if it was his own reproduction that was being controlled by others.

You bet wrong because i think first trimester abortions should be legal in all cases. But that also means forcing men to pay child support must end too. The father is halfway responsible for the pregnancy but when abortion is legal, the woman is 100% responsible for the birth - and she should pay for it. THINK
Wow, exact same policy was put in place in Liberal party in Canada, Trudeau received same criticism.

Why in God's name do Democrats want to be like Canadians?

I know you meant that tongue in cheek but as a matter of fact liberals always seem to think anything European or Canadian beats anything the US has to offer. They have long admired the plunging birthrates, low religious attendance and stagnating economies of the world.
Wow, exact same policy was put in place in Liberal party in Canada, Trudeau received same criticism.

Why in God's name do Democrats want to be like Canadians?

I know you meant that tongue in cheek but as a matter of fact liberals always seem to think anything European or Canadian beats anything the US has to offer. They have long admired the plunging birthrates, low religious attendance and stagnating economies of the world.

We're nearly the same kind of economy outside of the fact that we don't offer any healthcare, free college and are much harder when it comes to welfare..The funny thing is Americans work hard as slaves pretty much (far harder then most european countries or canada)and most of the wealth goes to the top 1%....We're stagnating in science, tech and in every way but hell lets point fingers at much freer and fairer societies.

WTF does religion have to do with anything? and the strongest growing economies on earth like China, India and the rest of the developing world are all mixed economies that would laugh at the concept of not investing in their country as it is part of why the west is dying.
Freedom and justice doesn't get any more basic that the control of one's own body.

My bet is a jackass like the OP would throw a fit if it was his own reproduction that was being controlled by others.

Oh, but that's different, right?
So you are saying Democrats have no choice in what they support?
But you proclaim a women's right to choose?
And then you throw pro life women out?

Do you have any fuckin idea just how stupid that makes you look?
The democratic party needs to be open to all people that want more investment in infrastructure, science, and education...

We can't be turning away pro-lifers!
We can't be turning away men
We can't be turning away people that work.

We have to be the party of making sure America remains the only super power on earth throughout this century.
The self-proclaimed "Party of Diversity" says diverse opinions on the issues are not allowed.

Democrats Reel from DNC Chair’s Announcement That Party Will Exclude Pro-Life Candidates

april 29 2017 Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez’s announcement that pro-lifers are not welcome in his party has planted the seeds of rebellion among some Democrats and sharpened the view that the party is now primarily defined by its embrace of abortion on demand.

“Every Democrat, like every American, should support a woman’s right to make her own choices about her body and her health,” Perez said, as the HuffPost reported. “That is not negotiable and should not change city by city or state by state.”

There is no less diverse group than the Democrat Party ideologically. And abortion is the central sacrament of their godless religion of liberalism. They will allow nothing less than absolute ideological purity there. The "state by state" quote is telling as well. like Marxists everywhere they believe in extreme central control.
Anybody remember Bill Casey?

Also bear in mind their definitions of diversity actually consist of "fewer whites", "fewer males" and "fewer heterosexuals". Not actual differences.
Freedom and justice doesn't get any more basic that the control of one's own body.

My bet is a jackass like the OP would throw a fit if it was his own reproduction that was being controlled by others.

Oh, but that's different, right?

reproduction isn't being controlled by anyone....not allowing women to murder their babies..that is the issue....
There are no pro-lifers, only pro-birthers. After a child is born you fakes could not care less if the child died the same day because of no healthcare coverage.

Being pro-birth is easy, it's the path lazy people that don't want to spend any money or do any work take. "I'm pro-birth, see you next Sunday".
The democratic party needs to be open to all people that want more investment in infrastructure, science, and education...

We can't be turning away pro-lifers!
We can't be turning away men
We can't be turning away people that work.

We have to be the party of making sure America remains the only super power on earth throughout this century.
Well in short it appears you and the DNC no longer agree! You are really stuck here. To smart to be a Democrat and to stupid to be a Republican.
The self-proclaimed "Party of Diversity" says diverse opinions on the issues are not allowed.

Democrats Reel from DNC Chair’s Announcement That Party Will Exclude Pro-Life Candidates

april 29 2017 Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez’s announcement that pro-lifers are not welcome in his party has planted the seeds of rebellion among some Democrats and sharpened the view that the party is now primarily defined by its embrace of abortion on demand.

“Every Democrat, like every American, should support a woman’s right to make her own choices about her body and her health,” Perez said, as the HuffPost reported. “That is not negotiable and should not change city by city or state by state.”
Wonder if Manchin,Donnelly,Casey,Heitkamp are switching the the GOP then.....
There are no pro-lifers, only pro-birthers. After a child is born you fakes could not care less if the child died the same day because of no healthcare coverage.

Being pro-birth is easy, it's the path lazy people that don't want to spend any money or do any work take. "I'm pro-birth, see you next Sunday".
Oh you shit eating Democrats are pro life as long as the life is not......
Police officer
Tea party member
Or they support the Constitution
The self-proclaimed "Party of Diversity" says diverse opinions on the issues are not allowed.

Democrats Reel from DNC Chair’s Announcement That Party Will Exclude Pro-Life Candidates

april 29 2017 Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez’s announcement that pro-lifers are not welcome in his party has planted the seeds of rebellion among some Democrats and sharpened the view that the party is now primarily defined by its embrace of abortion on demand.

“Every Democrat, like every American, should support a woman’s right to make her own choices about her body and her health,” Perez said, as the HuffPost reported. “That is not negotiable and should not change city by city or state by state.”

Perez is an ass. That is what's wrong with both sides, no one can have a different opinion other than theirs.

There can never ever be a different opinion than the sovereignty of one's body. We can never ever give up control of that. Whether its reproduction or any other issue, one's body is one's own, no matter what.

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