Disturbing Pick

This little guy is the same age as the students I teach. :(

View attachment 10721

This pic is disturbing too, using children to promote their hate:

Onward Christian soldiers.....

Cite for us the examples of MILLIONS of Christians arming themselves, preforming suicide bombings, hijackings, random murder of innocents because they were not Christians, lobbing grenades, mortars, rockets and missiles at schools and day care centers as well ass marketplaces, blowing up buses buildings airplanes and other asunder civilian buildings in Gods name.

Ohh and keep it with in the lat 50 years.

We do not have to do suicide bombings, We have planes, tanks, bombs, missles, etc.
we get our kids to do the dying for us.
We are on the side of the lord after all.

Now if the USA was invaded and occupied by ememy forces we might be viewing suicide bombers a bit differently.
And in that case we would have no qualms about nuking millions of children in the agressors homeland.
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Looks familiar.
This one had Duh Geezeuss book instead of the Gawspeel of Mo.
Same difference. Little ones being brainwashed lies and fairy tales by scumbags that want someone to follow in their self righteous, control freak footsteps.


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This little guy is the same age as the students I teach. :(

View attachment 10721

This pic is disturbing too, using children to promote their hate:


Not even close to the same though. And trying to equate them as the same is what is sick.

While those kids aren't Wearing Bombs it sure as hell awful..

It's another example of Indoctrination.. And I can guarantee you, those kids have no fucking clue what those Posters mean..

Indoctrination whatever side is just, Sick..

Example of Horrible Parenting.

I'm grateful to have Parents who didn't tell me what to Believe or Hate.

It's one of the reason my Family is very diverse in the Political Spectrum.
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ONITSHA, Nigeria (Reuters) – Christian youths burned the corpses of Muslims on Thursday on the streets of Onitsha in southeastern Nigeria, the city worst hit by religious riots that have killed at least 146 people across the country in five days. Christian mobs, seeking revenge for the killings of Christians in the north, attacked Muslims with machetes, set fire to them, destroyed their houses and torched mosques in two days of violence in Onitsha, where 93 people died.

‘Christians’ attack Muslims | Think Christian
"On the side of the lord"? WTF? Did I fall asleep in a democracy and wake up in a theocracy?

I think sometimes we forget the people of Afghanistan and Iraq have suffered and died during this war. If it were happening here, I am sure we'd be indoctrinating our children, too.

Onward Christian soldiers.....

Cite for us the examples of MILLIONS of Christians arming themselves, preforming suicide bombings, hijackings, random murder of innocents because they were not Christians, lobbing grenades, mortars, rockets and missiles at schools and day care centers as well ass marketplaces, blowing up buses buildings airplanes and other asunder civilian buildings in Gods name.

Ohh and keep it with in the lat 50 years.

Too, too easy.

Yugoslavia - mass rape, torture, mass murder:

"In Bosnia, some of the reported rape and sexual assault cases committed by Serbs, mostly against Muslims, are clearly the result of individual or small group conduct without evidence of command direction or an overall policy. However, many more seem to be a part of an overall pattern whose characteristics include: similarities among practices in non-contiguous geographic areas; simultaneous commission of other international humanitarian law violations; simultaneous military activity; simultaneous activity to displace civilian populations; common elements in the commission of rape, maximizing shame and humiliation to not only the victim, by also the victim's community; and the timing of the rapes. One factor in particular that leads to this conclusion is the large number of rapes which occurred in places of detention. These rape in detention do not appear to be random, and they indicate at least a policy of encouraging rape supported by the deliberate failure of camp commanders and local authorities to exercise command and control over the personnel under their authority.


The Commission has information that Bosnian Serbs are operating camps where grave breaches of the Geneva Convention and other violations of international humanitarian law, including killing, torture and rape reportedly occur on a large scale. These camps are mostly in Bosnia and Herzegovina and hold Bosnian Muslims for the most part, but also Bosnian Croats. The Bosnian Serbs use camps to facilitate territorial and political control of a geographic region and to expel and eliminate other ethnic and religious populations from that area. The Commission has detailed information concerning some of the locations and physical layouts of some of these camps, including descriptions of the various building where prisoners are detained, interrogated, tortured and killed. The Commission also has information about some camp commanders and military units in the areas and individual violators."

UN Commission on breaches of Geneva Law in former Yugoslavia

The Bosnian Serbs were supported by the Orthodox Church in Greece and were joined by their Crusader brothers who came from abroad to participate in the rape and slaughter of non-Christians. Should I provide you with some eyewitness accounts that describe how Serbian propaganda songs blared over captured mosques' loudspeakers as Muslim women were raped in front of their families? How about the account from the girl who was told by her rapist that she was being impregnated so that she'd have "Christian babies"?

This is nothing compared to what Russian Christians continue to do to Muslims in the Caucasus. Would you like to hear about what happens there, or to Hindus in Tripura, or to animists in Uganda?

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