Discord shutters alt-right and Nazi servers...


Diamond Member
May 19, 2012
Discord shutters alt-right and Nazi servers, but they're not completely gone | PC Gamer

It was noticed recently that a number of Discord servers including Atomwaffen Division, Nordic Resistance Movement, and Ironmarch, seemed to have disappeared, very suddenly and without notice. And it's true, although not without complications: Discord confirmed with Polygon that the servers were shut down for violating its terms of service, but some of them appear to have bounced back rather quickly.

"Discord has a Terms of Service (ToS) and Community Guidelines that we ask all of our communities and users to adhere to. These specifically prohibit harassment, threatening messages, or calls to violence," a Discord rep told the site. "Though we do not read people’s private messages, we do investigate and take immediate appropriate action against any reported ToS violation by a server or user. There were a handful of servers that violated these ToS recently and were swiftly removed from the platform."

I didn't even know Discord needed Nazi servers. I've been yelling racial slurs at random gamers years before Discord existed.
'The rise of Islamo-fascism, Zizek points out, went hand in hand with the disappearance of the secular left in Muslim countries, a disappearance the West did much to promote.''
(www. Terry Eagleton Reviews Slavoj Zizek)

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