Did the Supreme Court Set a Date?


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Hello and good morning.

Did I miss it? Did the Supreme Court set a date for when they are going to hand down their ruling about the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare)? I recall that it was reported they would make a ruling in June on the matter but I had not heard that the Court had set a date when they would make a ruling.

Where I come down on it is this; I don't see how the government can force you to buy health insurance based on my reading of the Constitution. This isn't like auto liability insurance because you can opt out of driving; you can't opt out of living.

For me, this is yet another reason why this nation needs to further perfect the Constitution. This sort of unpredictable ruling schedule.

It's not happening here...let me repeat it...it is NOT happening here but a ruling overturning the ACA would be seen to many if not most as a body blow to the Obama administration. Again, the Roberts court isn't doing it but a court--one whose members are appointed by and approved by politicians--could be used as a political tool. Obviously, if this ruling were happening in August or September, there would be a much larger impact than it will have if it happens in June as was reported it would be--next week I suppose.

Again, the Roberts court is set to rule next week. However, there doesn't seem to be anything preventing the Court from handing down rulings whenever they wish and this could easily be used for political purposes.
How can the Supreme Court rule against it? It was passed Democratically! Doesn't that make it "unprecedented"?
How can the Supreme Court rule against it? It was passed Democratically! Doesn't that make it "unprecedented"?

It was passed 'Democratically', alright. Several Senators had to be bribed in order to go along with it!

Do you have proof of this wild accusation, or is it just another in the long line of fabricated right wing lies?
Where I come down on it is this; I don't see how the government can force you to buy health insurance based on my reading of the Constitution. This isn't like auto liability insurance because you can opt out of driving; you can't opt out of living.

If you're sick or injured and don't have insurance, can the ambulance/emergency room opt out of providing service? I don't see how your analysis holds water. We're supposed to be making health care affordable, but the opponents seem to be giving a thumbs up to free loaders! IMO, it's the price we need to pay to live in the kind of country where that wouldn't happen
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Where I come down on it is this; I don't see how the government can force you to buy health insurance based on my reading of the Constitution. This isn't like auto liability insurance because you can opt out of driving; you can't opt out of living.

If you're sick or injured and don't have insurance, can the ambulance/emergency room opt out of providing service?

Yes, if you are comparing Constitutional reading to Constitutional reading.
Hello and good morning.

Did I miss it? Did the Supreme Court set a date for when they are going to hand down their ruling about the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare)? I recall that it was reported they would make a ruling in June on the matter but I had not heard that the Court had set a date when they would make a ruling.

Where I come down on it is this; I don't see how the government can force you to buy health insurance based on my reading of the Constitution. This isn't like auto liability insurance because you can opt out of driving; you can't opt out of living.

For me, this is yet another reason why this nation needs to further perfect the Constitution. This sort of unpredictable ruling schedule.

It's not happening here...let me repeat it...it is NOT happening here but a ruling overturning the ACA would be seen to many if not most as a body blow to the Obama administration. Again, the Roberts court isn't doing it but a court--one whose members are appointed by and approved by politicians--could be used as a political tool. Obviously, if this ruling were happening in August or September, there would be a much larger impact than it will have if it happens in June as was reported it would be--next week I suppose.

Again, the Roberts court is set to rule next week. However, there doesn't seem to be anything preventing the Court from handing down rulings whenever they wish and this could easily be used for political purposes.

my own personal opinion is that we are forced to pay for social security insurance. we are forced to buy car insurance. we are forced to pay for wars we don't agree on. we have to abide by federal regulations passed under the commerce clause, etc. the only difference is that the people whose idea it was in the first place no longer care for it b/c it was signed off on by this president.

the court *should* uphold it... but with this court. eh...

if you want to watch the court, go to SCOTUSblog

How can the Supreme Court rule against it? It was passed Democratically! Doesn't that make it "unprecedented"?

It was passed 'Democratically', alright. Several Senators had to be bribed in order to go along with it!

Do you have proof of this wild accusation, or is it just another in the long line of fabricated right wing lies?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3OVcI6yDQI]Health Care Bribes - YouTube[/ame]
Hello and good morning.

Did I miss it? Did the Supreme Court set a date for when they are going to hand down their ruling about the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare)? I recall that it was reported they would make a ruling in June on the matter but I had not heard that the Court had set a date when they would make a ruling.

Where I come down on it is this; I don't see how the government can force you to buy health insurance based on my reading of the Constitution. This isn't like auto liability insurance because you can opt out of driving; you can't opt out of living.

For me, this is yet another reason why this nation needs to further perfect the Constitution. This sort of unpredictable ruling schedule.

It's not happening here...let me repeat it...it is NOT happening here but a ruling overturning the ACA would be seen to many if not most as a body blow to the Obama administration. Again, the Roberts court isn't doing it but a court--one whose members are appointed by and approved by politicians--could be used as a political tool. Obviously, if this ruling were happening in August or September, there would be a much larger impact than it will have if it happens in June as was reported it would be--next week I suppose.

Again, the Roberts court is set to rule next week. However, there doesn't seem to be anything preventing the Court from handing down rulings whenever they wish and this could easily be used for political purposes.

my own personal opinion is that we are forced to pay for social security insurance. we are forced to buy car insurance. we are forced to pay for wars we don't agree on. we have to abide by federal regulations passed under the commerce clause, etc. the only difference is that the people whose idea it was in the first place no longer care for it b/c it was signed off on by this president.

the court *should* uphold it... but with this court. eh...

if you want to watch the court, go to SCOTUSblog


Oh dear... same old shit, different day, huh?
Do you have proof of this wild accusation, or is it just another in the long line of fabricated right wing lies?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3OVcI6yDQI]Health Care Bribes - YouTube[/ame]

Factual information, not a propaganda video from some GOP group.

It is factual, and it is on the record. Go look it up yourself if you don't like the easy version.

ETA: Besides, sources YOU like, such as MSNBC and HuffandPuff, didn't bother to report it because it made the Dear Leader look too bad...
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... we are forced to pay for wars we don't agree on.

how true ...

they voted on this the Friday after the hearings in March, and have had that much time to work it out - and with agreement could have made a ruling the first week of June -

could it be Kennedy has chosen to uphold the "Law" and Chief Justice Roberts is using his position to delay the ruling in hopes of changing Kennedy's decision ??? - stand your ground justice Kennedy, you have chosen correctly.

Factual information, not a propaganda video from some GOP group.

It is factual, and it is on the record. Go look it up yourself if you don't like the easy version.

ETA: Besides, sources YOU like, such as MSNBC and HuffandPuff, didn't bother to report it because it made the Dear Leader look too bad...

In otherwords you have no factual evidence and are just spreading more fabricated radical right wing lies.
Hello and good morning.

Did I miss it? Did the Supreme Court set a date for when they are going to hand down their ruling about the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare)? I recall that it was reported they would make a ruling in June on the matter but I had not heard that the Court had set a date when they would make a ruling.

Where I come down on it is this; I don't see how the government can force you to buy health insurance based on my reading of the Constitution. This isn't like auto liability insurance because you can opt out of driving; you can't opt out of living.

For me, this is yet another reason why this nation needs to further perfect the Constitution. This sort of unpredictable ruling schedule.

It's not happening here...let me repeat it...it is NOT happening here but a ruling overturning the ACA would be seen to many if not most as a body blow to the Obama administration. Again, the Roberts court isn't doing it but a court--one whose members are appointed by and approved by politicians--could be used as a political tool. Obviously, if this ruling were happening in August or September, there would be a much larger impact than it will have if it happens in June as was reported it would be--next week I suppose.

Again, the Roberts court is set to rule next week. However, there doesn't seem to be anything preventing the Court from handing down rulings whenever they wish and this could easily be used for political purposes.

my own personal opinion is that we are forced to pay for social security insurance. we are forced to buy car insurance. we are forced to pay for wars we don't agree on. we have to abide by federal regulations passed under the commerce clause, etc. the only difference is that the people whose idea it was in the first place no longer care for it b/c it was signed off on by this president.

the court *should* uphold it... but with this court. eh...

if you want to watch the court, go to SCOTUSblog


The Commerce Clause must mean that the Federal Government now has the unfettered right to control all human activity. How did the Founders miss that?
Factual information, not a propaganda video from some GOP group.

It is factual, and it is on the record. Go look it up yourself if you don't like the easy version.

ETA: Besides, sources YOU like, such as MSNBC and HuffandPuff, didn't bother to report it because it made the Dear Leader look too bad...

In otherwords you have no factual evidence and are just spreading more fabricated radical right wing lies.

All 3 Senators got the goodies in exchange for their votes, that is a FACT. Spin whatever you want, but anyone with 2 functioning brain cells knows what happened.
Hello and good morning.

Did I miss it? Did the Supreme Court set a date for when they are going to hand down their ruling about the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare)? I recall that it was reported they would make a ruling in June on the matter but I had not heard that the Court had set a date when they would make a ruling.

Where I come down on it is this; I don't see how the government can force you to buy health insurance based on my reading of the Constitution. This isn't like auto liability insurance because you can opt out of driving; you can't opt out of living.

For me, this is yet another reason why this nation needs to further perfect the Constitution. This sort of unpredictable ruling schedule.

It's not happening here...let me repeat it...it is NOT happening here but a ruling overturning the ACA would be seen to many if not most as a body blow to the Obama administration. Again, the Roberts court isn't doing it but a court--one whose members are appointed by and approved by politicians--could be used as a political tool. Obviously, if this ruling were happening in August or September, there would be a much larger impact than it will have if it happens in June as was reported it would be--next week I suppose.

Again, the Roberts court is set to rule next week. However, there doesn't seem to be anything preventing the Court from handing down rulings whenever they wish and this could easily be used for political purposes.

my own personal opinion is that we are forced to pay for social security insurance. we are forced to buy car insurance. we are forced to pay for wars we don't agree on. we have to abide by federal regulations passed under the commerce clause, etc. the only difference is that the people whose idea it was in the first place no longer care for it b/c it was signed off on by this president.

the court *should* uphold it... but with this court. eh...

if you want to watch the court, go to SCOTUSblog


The Commerce Clause must mean that the Federal Government now has the unfettered right to control all human activity. How did the Founders miss that?

Did the Founders think we should leave people on the side of the road because they don't have insurance? If we're going to take care of everyone regardless, we need to make sure as many contribute as possible. Would those who chose not to get insurance be willing to sign a document that they "opt out" of living, should the unthinkable happen?

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