Did the Russians recover the missing H Bomb?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Reston, Va. is probably not interested in the claim of being the only US city that the US government ever acknowledged to be a simulated target for nuclear destruction with a real bomb. The story is murky with age and political evasiveness but in Feb 1958 a US bomber had little Reston in it's sights and dropped an H Bomb. According to "official" reports bomber was carrying a real 7,000 H bomb and somehow collided with a US fighter plane which was involved in the (cluster phuck ?) operation shortly after the simulated nuclear destruction of Virginia. The bomber was in trouble with a damaged wing and was ordered to jettison the 7,000 pound nuclear device before attempting a landing. The bomber ended up (according to "official" reports) dropping a real H Bomb somewhere near Tybee Island, S.C. but the Military couldn't find it. The Russians tested their first H bomb 3 years later. Is it possible that the US Bomber was really damaged by the Russians and the bomb was recovered by a Russian Sub that monitored the whole scenario? It seems strange to me that the US government has given up looking for the 7,000 lb bomb even after modern technology located a Civil War submarine which, strangely enough, is similar to the size of the lost H bomb.
There are plenty of theories floating around (no pun intended) about the alleged nuclear time bomb ticking off the coast of S.C. This one seems obvious in light of the vicious "Cold War" that history acknowledges but as far as I can tell I'm the first one to throw it out. Crackpot? Maybe but stranger things have happened.
The possibility of a russian sub being right where a US pilot decided to drop a bomb, and also having the ability to retrieve the 7000 pound bomb, is very unlikely. In fact, i dont think you could retrieve something like that with a sub. They arent designed for it. Even if they did have a sub there that was set up for underwater salavage, its obviously not an easy task to quickly find a hydrogen bomb in ocean waters. Back in 1959, i imagine a search like that could take months, if not years.
The possibility of a russian sub being right where a US pilot decided to drop a bomb, and also having the ability to retrieve the 7000 pound bomb, is very unlikely. In fact, i dont think you could retrieve something like that with a sub. They arent designed for it. Even if they did have a sub there that was set up for underwater salavage, its obviously not an easy task to quickly find a hydrogen bomb in ocean waters. Back in 1959, i imagine a search like that could take months, if not years.

First of all our "intelligence" at that time was like a sieve. There were spies in the federal government, the CIA, the Military and the FBI. The USSR probably knew more about the US simulated operations than the US Military did. It wouldn't be hard for the Russians to monitor the operation and if they were set up for it and lucky they might get away with the big one. Regardless of the conspiracy theory it doesn't seem logical that the US would just leave the thing to rot and someday spew it's lethal radiation. Civilian technology found the Titanic and the CS Hunley and the gigantic technological capability of the world's last Super-power isn't even looking for a 7,000 pound 14 ft tube that has the potential to blow up or contaminate the eastern seaboard. Maybe it's not there and they know it.
The possibility of a russian sub being right where a US pilot decided to drop a bomb, and also having the ability to retrieve the 7000 pound bomb, is very unlikely. In fact, i dont think you could retrieve something like that with a sub. They arent designed for it. Even if they did have a sub there that was set up for underwater salavage, its obviously not an easy task to quickly find a hydrogen bomb in ocean waters. Back in 1959, i imagine a search like that could take months, if not years.

First of all our "intelligence" at that time was like a sieve. There were spies in the federal government, the CIA, the Military and the FBI. The USSR probably knew more about the US simulated operations than the US Military did. It wouldn't be hard for the Russians to monitor the operation and if they were set up for it and lucky they might get away with the big one. Regardless of the conspiracy theory it doesn't seem logical that the US would just leave the thing to rot and someday spew it's lethal radiation. Civilian technology found the Titanic and the CS Hunley and the gigantic technological capability of the world's last Super-power isn't even looking for a 7,000 pound 14 ft tube that has the potential to blow up or contaminate the eastern seaboard. Maybe it's not there and they know it.

Civilian technology didnt find the titanic in.... 1959. Even the military didnt have that tech yet. They didnt have robot subs with mounted cameras like the titanic people did.

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