Did Newt Gingrich cause the financial meltdown?


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
Given that a lot of rightwingloons blame the financial meltdown on Fannie and Freddie, and given that Newt was a lobbyist/historian/adviser for Fannie and Freddie, it makes logical sense that his "advice" led to the financial collapse.

What was the advice he gave them?

His advice was the exact opposite of what they did. He advised that it would lead to trouble to encourage those who could not qualify for loans to borrow money and become "home owners." That of course was what was encouraged by Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and all the other Democrats. and THAT is precisely what led to the toxic sub-prime mortgages with the crony bankers bundling them into shaky "derivatives." Then the inevitable happened when the borrowers could not pay and walked away from their rotten mortgages -- the bubble burst, and here we are.

Trying to blame this on Newt is the height of BS. No one is dumb enough to buy that.

Given that a lot of rightwingloons blame the financial meltdown on Fannie and Freddie, and given that Newt was a lobbyist/historian/adviser for Fannie and Freddie, it makes logical sense that his "advice" led to the financial collapse.

What was the advice he gave them?

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Given that a lot of rightwingloons blame the financial meltdown on Fannie and Freddie, and given that Newt was a lobbyist/historian/adviser for Fannie and Freddie, it makes logical sense that his "advice" led to the financial collapse.

What was the advice he gave them?


how much blame on a scale of 100 would you assign F&F for the housing bubble? 10, 30, 50? 75? 90?

Given that a lot of rightwingloons blame the financial meltdown on Fannie and Freddie, and given that Newt was a lobbyist/historian/adviser for Fannie and Freddie, it makes logical sense that his "advice" led to the financial collapse.

What was the advice he gave them?


That's quite a stretch.......

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Interesting question. We will be hearing it a lot over the next four or five months.

If he was the cassandra in the board room, don't expect him to get any credit.
His advice was the exact opposite of what they did. He advised that it would lead to trouble to encourage those who could not qualify for loans to borrow money and become "home owners." That of course was what was encouraged by Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and all the other Democrats. and THAT is precisely what led to the toxic sub-prime mortgages with the crony bankers bundling them into shaky "derivatives." Then the inevitable happened when the borrowers could not pay and walked away from their rotten mortgages -- the bubble burst, and here we are.

Trying to blame this on Newt is the height of BS. No one is dumb enough to buy that.

Given that a lot of rightwingloons blame the financial meltdown on Fannie and Freddie, and given that Newt was a lobbyist/historian/adviser for Fannie and Freddie, it makes logical sense that his "advice" led to the financial collapse.

What was the advice he gave them?


He did get paid for this so-called advise, 1.6 million, advise for what?? He is not making that very clear.
His advice was the exact opposite of what they did. He advised that it would lead to trouble to encourage those who could not qualify for loans to borrow money and become "home owners." That of course was what was encouraged by Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and all the other Democrats. and THAT is precisely what led to the toxic sub-prime mortgages with the crony bankers bundling them into shaky "derivatives." Then the inevitable happened when the borrowers could not pay and walked away from their rotten mortgages -- the bubble burst, and here we are.

Trying to blame this on Newt is the height of BS. No one is dumb enough to buy that.

Given that a lot of rightwingloons blame the financial meltdown on Fannie and Freddie, and given that Newt was a lobbyist/historian/adviser for Fannie and Freddie, it makes logical sense that his "advice" led to the financial collapse.

What was the advice he gave them?


He did get paid for this so-called advise, 1.6 million, advise for what?? He is not making that very clear.

Listen to Laura Ingrams interview with Newt on this subject, I don't think he caused it, but he sure did not stop it either, it sounds to me like he was a lobbyist telling others which Republican congressmen to talk to to promote Freddie and Fannie, that's a lobbyist to me but through the back door. I am suspicious and so is Laura.

Newt Gingrich | Freddie Mac | Fannie Mae | The Daily Caller
His advice was the exact opposite of what they did. He advised that it would lead to trouble to encourage those who could not qualify for loans to borrow money and become "home owners." That of course was what was encouraged by Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and all the other Democrats. and THAT is precisely what led to the toxic sub-prime mortgages with the crony bankers bundling them into shaky "derivatives." Then the inevitable happened when the borrowers could not pay and walked away from their rotten mortgages -- the bubble burst, and here we are.

Trying to blame this on Newt is the height of BS. No one is dumb enough to buy that.

He did get paid for this so-called advise, 1.6 million, advise for what?? He is not making that very clear.

Listen to Laura Ingrams interview with Newt on this subject, I don't think he caused it, but he sure did not stop it either, it sounds to me like he was a lobbyist telling others which Republican congressmen to talk to to promote Freddie and Fannie, that's a lobbyist to me but through the back door. I am suspicious and so is Laura.

Newt Gingrich | Freddie Mac | Fannie Mae | The Daily Caller
I think it would be interesting to see any written advice he gave them and question anyone that was receiving advice as to what he was saying.

I think richstacy pulled what she wrote out of her ass. :lol:
Interesting question. We will be hearing it a lot over the next four or five months.

If he was the cassandra in the board room, don't expect him to get any credit.
He isn't trumpeting his so called advice all over the media....doesn't smell too good.
Given that a lot of rightwingloons blame the financial meltdown on Fannie and Freddie, and given that Newt was a lobbyist/historian/adviser for Fannie and Freddie, it makes logical sense that his "advice" led to the financial collapse.

What was the advice he gave them?



Fannie and Freddie had very little to do with the "meltdown". Watch conservatives flip flop on this if Newt becomes the candidate..and fall in line with reality.

Given that a lot of rightwingloons blame the financial meltdown on Fannie and Freddie, and given that Newt was a lobbyist/historian/adviser for Fannie and Freddie, it makes logical sense that his "advice" led to the financial collapse.

What was the advice he gave them?



Fannie and Freddie had very little to do with the "meltdown". Watch conservatives flip flop on this if Newt becomes the candidate..and fall in line with reality.

I know that, you know that...but the rightwigloons have been all over this board insisting the meltdown was caused by Fannie and Freddie. Newt advised them during the crucial years.
His advice was the exact opposite of what they did. He advised that it would lead to trouble to encourage those who could not qualify for loans to borrow money and become "home owners." That of course was what was encouraged by Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and all the other Democrats. and THAT is precisely what led to the toxic sub-prime mortgages with the crony bankers bundling them into shaky "derivatives." Then the inevitable happened when the borrowers could not pay and walked away from their rotten mortgages -- the bubble burst, and here we are.

Trying to blame this on Newt is the height of BS. No one is dumb enough to buy that.

Given that a lot of rightwingloons blame the financial meltdown on Fannie and Freddie, and given that Newt was a lobbyist/historian/adviser for Fannie and Freddie, it makes logical sense that his "advice" led to the financial collapse.

What was the advice he gave them?


He did get paid for this so-called advise, 1.6 million, advise for what?? He is not making that very clear.

In a recent speech he said he made all that money because he's a celebrity. :lol:

Gotta love it. You can't make this stuff up!
It's interesting to note that one person paid for advice to the F&F institution would be the result of the entire meltdown. No one else responsible? Banks, Congress, employees, corrupt lending policies, VIP's in the firms? Regulations, no regulations... Just one person No one but Newt.

And all he did was give advice that wasn't taken but isn't disputed. This is really far reaching even for those who are thinking beyond the party politics.

Barney Frank et al. had more culpability but even he can't shoulder the entire responsibility.

Let's just think about this a bit.
It's interesting to note that one person paid for advice to the F&F institution would be the result of the entire meltdown. No one else responsible? Banks, Congress, employees, corrupt lending policies, VIP's in the firms? Regulations, no regulations... Just one person No one but Newt.

And all he did was give advice that wasn't taken but isn't disputed. This is really far reaching even for those who are thinking beyond the party politics.

Barney Frank et al. had more culpability but even he can't shoulder the entire responsibility.

Let's just think about this a bit.
What advice did Newt give that wasn't taken?
Given that a lot of rightwingloons blame the financial meltdown on Fannie and Freddie, and given that Newt was a lobbyist/historian/adviser for Fannie and Freddie, it makes logical sense that his "advice" led to the financial collapse.

What was the advice he gave them?


how much blame on a scale of 100 would you assign F&F for the housing bubble? 10, 30, 50? 75? 90?


So if she's wanting to blame Newt for the melt down then she must also blame freddie and Fannie and then she must blame democratic agenda, but she will never blame Newt because when she does she must also blame everything else she doesn't want to blame.
Given that a lot of rightwingloons blame the financial meltdown on Fannie and Freddie, and given that Newt was a lobbyist/historian/adviser for Fannie and Freddie, it makes logical sense that his "advice" led to the financial collapse.

What was the advice he gave them?


how much blame on a scale of 100 would you assign F&F for the housing bubble? 10, 30, 50? 75? 90?


So if she's wanting to blame Newt for the melt down then she must also blame freddie and Fannie and then she must blame democratic agenda, but she will never blame Newt because when she does she must also blame everything else she doesn't want to blame.

You should read the OP for comprehension.
Given that a lot of rightwingloons blame the financial meltdown on Fannie and Freddie, and given that Newt was a lobbyist/historian/adviser for Fannie and Freddie, it makes logical sense that his "advice" led to the financial collapse.

What was the advice he gave them?

Getting rid of the Glass/Steagall Act led to the Financial Crisis which was the work of Republicans in Congress signed off by President Clinton.

A mistake that even Newt is willing to admit.
Why don';t we put some real light on the subject. Below is a video of Barney Frank from C Span. You can see that I was being benevelnt when it ca=me to Frank.

His speech begins at 4:48. For enlightment only.

Housing Finance Regulations
Sep. 10, 2003

Barney Frank speech begins at 4:48

“We are not facing any kind of crisis in F &F. No problem w/ threat to Treasury…System works very well in Housing…Fundamentals are sound…Freddie and Fannie should continue…Exaggerate fears of Crisis.

So much more. Please listen and become informed.

Housing Finance Regulation - C-SPAN Video Library

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