Did Liberalism Cause Virginia Tech Shootings?


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
I find it deplorable - and have written so in a prior column - that liberals immediately exploited the tragic massacre at Virginia Tech University to promote their crusade for abolition of gun ownership. They chose to politicize this calamity even before the murderer was identified.

Yet, unfortunately, they did just that. They did so in the most loathsome manner possible by blaming Republicans, the NRA, gun owners, and conservatives. People like Democrat Congressman Jim Moran, New York Times columnist Michael Daly, and other, similarly vile people, immediately assigned blame to gun laws and gun ownership as if they somehow knew, unqualifiedly, that this was the reason.

Just as unfortunate as the misinformation campaign by the aforementioned, is the fact that it now creates the obligation, among those who know better, to respond with the truth. Indeed, a response is absolutely necessary lest it seem that what the gun control zealots are saying is true.

It is ironic that liberals want to blame conservatives and Republicans for the Virginia Tech disaster. Indeed, far from being a validation of liberal policies towards gun ownership, the fact is, the Virginia Tech catastrophe, is quite the opposite. What happened in Blacksburg, Va., on Monday proves that liberal policies have, once again, failed to protect the innocent.

The first evidence that liberal ideas either contributed to, or were the cause, of the VA Tech tragedy is that of the very words of the murderer, Cho Seung-Hui. A videotape and some writings he made before, and during the killing spree, which he sent to NBC, revealed his motivation. Among his reasons were his resentment of "rich kids," and their "Mercedes," their "golden necklaces," their "trust funds," their "debaucheries" and their "hedonistic" lifestyle.

This hatred of the "rich" is right out of the leftist and liberal Democratic Party philosophy of class warfare. It is they who are always demonizing the wealthy - claiming they want to starve the poor, or send the poor to war for oil so they can profit from it. Democrat leaders like Charlie Rangel, Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid, and Howard Dean, among others, routinely portray the wealthy as greedy and evil.

The second substantiation that liberal concepts caused the massacre was that the murderer, despite having a history of criminally insane behavior, was not incarcerated. Almost 18 months ago, a Virginia court order, dated December 13, 2005, stated the murderer "is mentally ill and in need of hospitalization, and presents an imminent threat to self and others as a result of mental illness..." He was taken by police to a psychiatric facility, Carilion St. Albans Behavioral Health Center, where the next day Dr. Roy Crouse, a psychiatrist found that he was "mentally ill," yet did "not present an imminent danger to himself/others" and did, "not require involuntary hospitalization." (This is contradicted by another form signed by a Judge Paul Barnett which states the murderer is a danger to himself, yet recommends outpatient treatment).

The killer was represented by an attorney at that time. This was a requirement established "civil libertarian" attorneys. Indeed the "danger to himself or others" sole criterion for involuntary hospitalization is the direct result of the "civil libertarian" philosophy of not placing mentally ill people in institutions. Indeed, "civil libertarians" are quite proud of the fact that they changed these laws. They rejoice that they caused millions of mentally ill people to roam the streets and make it difficult for them to be arrested. This was essentially codified by a 1975 Supreme Court ruling.

The third proof that liberalism was responsible for the Virginia Tech carnage was the leftwing policy that Va. Tech's campus was a "gun free zone." Guns were not permitted to be carried on campus. Consequently, the students were unable to defend themselves and kill the murderer.

Compare this to Pearl (Mississippi) High School, Vice Principal, Joel Myrick, who in October 1997, realized that a 16-year-old student was killing students. Myrick went to his vehicle got his gun and returned in time to stop the killer. Myrick, by doing this, was in violation of the Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990.

Ironically, eight months before the Virginia Tech student killer was able to walk out of psychiatric facility, in April 2005, another VT student was disciplined for carrying a gun on campus. A VT spokesman said, "We think we have the right to adhere to and enforce that policy because, in the end, we think it's a common-sense policy for the protection of students, staff and faculty as well as guests and visitors..."

An armed VT student or VT students might have prevented the slaughter just as Joel Myrick did at his Mississippi high school

Liberals need to be very careful if they want to use the Virginia Tech incident to validate their ideas because, if anything, it disproves them.

They also discredit themselves by claiming that nearly all studies disprove that guns are used in self-defense. This is patently false.

The May 1997 National Institute of Justice report titled, "Guns in America; National Survey on Private Ownership and Use of Firearms cited two studies that furnished significant - if divergent - numbers for defensive gun use.

The National Crime Victimization Survey data concluded that guns are used about 108,000 per year for self-defense. The National Survey of the Private Ownership of Firearms determined that people defended themselves with guns 2,500,000 times per year. Philip Cook, the director of Duke University's Public Policy Institute and a member of the apolitical National Consortium on Violence Research, states that the actual figure is somewhere in between these two.

Whatever the actual figure, the fact is that while there are about 10,000 gun homicides each year, there are more people who use guns to protect themselves. It is also worth noting that federal government data states that about 15 percent of murderers have a prior homicide conviction and that about 65 percent have a prior felony arrest.

Michael P. Tremoglie is the author of A Sense Of Duty, available on Amazon.com. He can be reached at [email protected]
Well, SE, I'd first point out that it was Cho who caused the VT mass shootings, not liberal policies.

That said, liberal policies (particularly the ones you mentioned) certainly helped make his work easier for him.

If his psychiatric evaluation had been properly treated, he probably would have been out of the school at least, and perhaps incarcerated or committed.

If they hadn't forbidden all guns from law-abiding people (including licensed concealed-carry permit holders) on campus, then Cho MIGHT have changed his mind about starting his little party, knowing that among the 12,000 people on campus, probably a few hundred might be armed and nearby. And even if he had decided to go ahead and start shooting, he probably WOULD have been stopped before he could spend a few hours murdering 32 innocent people.

Your points are very valid. You probably won't hear that from Katie Couric or Geraldo, though.
Another thread gushing in hypocracy. How can you claim that liberals are exploiting the VT shootings when your thread is clearly over politicised.

1)From what I can see, you are trying to tie all liberals to a murder?! Where is the logic in that? To even rationalize the notion of that shows how much of a political slave you are. I dont remember any liberal saying "conservatives caused this crime", I have heard about laxed gun law accusations from liberals but never have I heard a direct attack at conservatives. The irony of it is that you are claiming that liberals turned it into a political debate for, when you are the one sparking partisanship.
Please, you armchair psychiatrists. Enough of the psychobabble. Liberalism did not cause this. Conservatives did not cause this. Teasing didn’t cause this. Class envy did not cause this. A young adult decided to point a gun at people and shoot them. That is what caused the deaths.
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Well, SE, I'd first point out that it was Cho who caused the VT mass shootings, not liberal policies.

That said, liberal policies (particularly the ones you mentioned) certainly helped make his work easier for him.

If his psychiatric evaluation had been properly treated, he probably would have been out of the school at least, and perhaps incarcerated or committed.

If they hadn't forbidden all guns from law-abiding people (including licensed concealed-carry permit holders) on campus, then Cho MIGHT have changed his mind about starting his little party, knowing that among the 12,000 people on campus, probably a few hundred might be armed and nearby. And even if he had decided to go ahead and start shooting, he probably WOULD have been stopped before he could spend a few hours murdering 32 innocent people.

Your points are very valid. You probably won't hear that from Katie Couric or Geraldo, though.

And I will point out that regardless the origin of the political correctness, those who call themselves conservatives nowadays leave their "stones" in a jar on the mantle and overreact to any and all accusations of not being politically correct as if struck with a bullwhip.

Inaction through fear of being labelled by the SP's makes them as guilty as anyone, and has earned this current crop of conservatives my contempt.
I would wager quite a tidy sum that millions of liberals own guns and millions of conservatives don't, so you lost that rant straight away as far as I am concerned.
I wouldn't say that classic Liberalism caused the conditions which enabled the Mass Murderer to go on a shooting spree. But the creeping Nanny Statism - Neo Totalitarianism - Big Government Is The Solution To Everythingism we've experienced over the past century most certainly did. The more we expect government to take care of us, the less individuals are prepared to take care of themselves. Both parties have contributed to the situation.
I wouldn't say that classic Liberalism caused the conditions which enabled the Mass Murderer to go on a shooting spree. But the creeping Nanny Statism - Neo Totalitarianism - Big Government Is The Solution To Everythingism we've experienced over the past century most certainly did. The more we expect government to take care of us, the less individuals are prepared to take care of themselves. Both parties have contributed to the situation.

What's the solution?
The solution, imo, consists of getting back to the basic values of Individual Liberty and Responsibility with limited government in the vein of Tocqueville's "islands of government power is a sea of individual rights".

I have no idea how to accomplish this. Given that there are more voters who feed from the public trough than who foot the bills, I am not hopeful we can change the course.
The solution, imo, consists of getting back to the basic values of Individual Liberty and Responsibility with limited government in the vein of Tocqueville's "islands of government power is a sea of individual rights".

I have no idea how to accomplish this. Given that there are more voters who feed from the public trough than who foot the bills, I am not hopeful we can change the course.

Limited government I can agree with. I might be on the Left - and I'm not an American so I'm only referencing this from my own point of view in Australia - but in both the US (my impression) and in Australia (my opinion based on living here) government has become far too intrusive and dominant - and I don't give a toss whether the government is nominally conservative or nominally progressive (eg social democratic), it's too damn intrusive.

I suppose I'm looking for a balance. Government should control the natural monopolies of society and provide safety net services for those who need them. I will probably differ with you on the exact extent of government, I'm not one of those who would shrink it and drown it in a bathtub but I'm not a fan of government imitating The Blob either.
Then we have some good common ground. We're both concerned about the concentration of power that leads to abuse and the erosion of individual rights.
The first evidence that liberal ideas either contributed to, or were the cause....

The second substantiation that liberal concepts caused the massacre was that the murderer....

The third proof that liberalism was responsible for the Virginia Tech carnage was the leftwing policy that Va. Tech's campus was a "gun free zone......."

If liberalism is to blame, then its its reasonable to simply blame society.

If any one thing is to blame, then everything is to blame, our very way of living is to blame.

This tragedy could not have been stopped by removing guns or liberalsim.

This had to be addressed and dealt with in the Murderers upbringing by trying to do the impossible and monitoring and controlling his influences. knowing what he would do.

He was given the freedom to interpret his influences, and this is how he reacted.

Its impossible to blame the parents because there are so many outside forces in society that were out of the parents control

If guns were not available, then its forseeable that he would have found other means, probably more devastating, like a bomb, or a fire.

The guy was wrong in the head, no doubt.

But if you simply remove one way for him to vent, he would have found another, guaranteed.

You cannot blame liberalism without blaming the entire structure of our society, because liberlism is just the counter balance to conservatism, you cant have one without the other. (Yin Yang)

You could blame violent video games, violent music, violent movies, violent liberalism all you want, the fact of the matter is, if these were in fact the the sole root causes, our society would be anarchy.

Normal cognisant, rational humans draw a line everyday when it come to right and wrong.

This guy had something wrong where that line vanished, it wasnt caused by any one influence, it was a culmination of his entire life in our society, and he couldnt handle it.

This was absolutley devastatingly horrifying, but we will never be able to prevent things like it from happenning again, even if you remove all harmful weaponry and explosives and knives from ever being available to the public, because someone as imbalanced as this individual will just find another way, he will steal a dump truck and drive it through an outdoor mall.

The issue is one anomoly of our societal structure. It is an example of one mind that snapped due to all the forces and influences he came in contact with his entire life.

Not just liberalism.
An idiot with legal guns caused the murders.Some may argue that the ease with which guns are made available to idiots caused the the murders, but I still blame the idiot.
I frequently read complaints about the lack of responsibility that individuals display in contemporary society. And frankly I can agree with much of that. In this case it would appear - how would I know, I'm only reading media reports - that a mentally ill individual is responsible (mechanically at least) for these killings. But our friends on the Right want to blame liberalism. So it's convenient to blame a political philosophy rather than the individual sometimes? Now come on, that's playing politics a bit too far.

It doesn't matter if the weapons were too easy to acquire (legally or illegally), the fact is that an individual decided to use those weapons to kill 32 people. Society didn't kill those 32 people, an individual did. A political philosophy didn't kill them, an individual did.
I am as certain Liberal idiots have murdered people with guns as I am conservative idiots have murdered people with guns, you idiots cause me to despair.

Here in England, politics very rarely have fuck all to do with murder, I wish you lot would grow the fuck up and shut the fuck up.:eusa_boohoo:

Also, analysis has shown that most phsychologists agree he had paranoid schitzophrenia. He was not crazy, and did not act out of psychotic rage, because this was well planned and showed that he designed everything. Meaning he was disturbed, and schitzophrenic. Often times these type of people dont show any signs, cho on the other hand, showed obsessiveness before it all happend. (in women, and in violence)

Obsessive behavior needs to be looked at with more scrutiny in my opinion.
I am as certain Liberal idiots have murdered people with guns as I am conservative idiots have murdered people with guns, you idiots cause me to despair.

Here in England, politics very rarely have fuck all to do with murder, I wish you lot would grow the fuck up and shut the fuck up.:eusa_boohoo:

Anger management problem? You might want to get that looked at.

Also, analysis has shown that most phsychologists agree he had paranoid schitzophrenia. He was not crazy, and did not act out of psychotic rage, because this was well planned and showed that he designed everything. Meaning he was disturbed, and schitzophrenic. Often times these type of people dont show any signs, cho on the other hand, showed obsessiveness before it all happend. (in women, and in violence)

Obsessive behavior needs to be looked at with more scrutiny in my opinion.

Er - since when was schizophrenia "not crazy" ? It sure ain't normal. The bloke was a nutter.

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