Did Anyone Notice how Liberalism has Failed once again?????

Do the people in California deseve the misery that they voted for, when the damn breaks?

  • Yes, when you vote for a liberal, elections have consequences.

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • No, the voters arent at fault, as it is George Bush's fault because he is a racist.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Back in 2009, Obama inherited a Trillion Dollars of Stimulus to put shovel ready jobs at work on infrastructure projects. But, and liberals always have big butts, where did that money go? Here is an example of Liberals Failing when they get in charge.

Damaged dam system threatens Northern California towns
Nearly 200,000 people, who evacuated Sunday over fears that a damaged spillway at Lake Oroville could fail and unleash a wall of water, have to stay away indefinitely while officials race to repair it before more rains arrive Thursday.
Liberals were in charge of the levy's of New Orleans and that was a bang up job when Hurricane Katrina came and fucked them up also. Instead of using good money to fix problems, liberals love to give good money to voters so those fucked up liberals can stay in power, even when disaster kills those voters. Just cant more stupid than a liberal.
It was all BHO's and Hillary's fault.

Nobody else's.

And all the DEM's yapping about gun bans did not help them either.
Anybody who knows even the first thing about California realizes that the majority of those having to evacuate are conservative. That is quite the solid red area downstream from the dam.

Doubly so for the farmers who stand to lose the source of their irrigation water.

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