Did America go from exceptional to moochers overnight?


Diamond Member
May 19, 2012
If you would have asked any Republican yesterday morning they would have said that America is an exceptional country. Today however Republicans are complaining that half the country voted for Obama because they just wanted free stuff. So, did America go from exceptional to moochers overnight, or is America only exceptional when they vote who you want into office?
If you would have asked any Republican yesterday morning they would have said that America is an exceptional country. Today however Republicans are complaining that half the country voted for Obama because they just wanted free stuff. So, did America go from exceptional to moochers overnight, or is America only exceptional when they vote who you want into office?

Oh no, it's been going on for a long time.
Yes, I mooched off all those people I worked for, why I mooched 35 years and got a non-free ride, but you azzhats continue to try and make me feel guilty, ain't gonna work, done been through two wives that skinned me alive and I still have a house and 43 acres.
Bush 43 could have blown the whistle on Fannie, Freddie and the Community Reinvestment Act, but he hoped the bubble wouldn't burst on his watch. Thanks a lot, GW: You have given the Dems a tune they will play for a generation.
Yes, I mooched off all those people I worked for, why I mooched 35 years and got a non-free ride, but you azzhats continue to try and make me feel guilty, ain't gonna work, done been through two wives that skinned me alive and I still have a house and 43 acres.

no one is trying to ake anyone feel guilty that is and has contributed.

Where do you get that from?
If you would have asked any Republican yesterday morning they would have said that America is an exceptional country. Today however Republicans are complaining that half the country voted for Obama because they just wanted free stuff. So, did America go from exceptional to moochers overnight, or is America only exceptional when they vote who you want into office?

No, the ranks of moochers have been growing exponentially for a while now. The election results just proved that the moocher parasites now outnumber the productive members of society.
We're all moochers and freeloaders cuz Mitt said so.

You're moochers and freeloaders because that's what you are. That's why people vote Democrat - to get free stuff.

True. It wasn't overnight. It was 4 years' worth of dependency inducing policies coupled with a generation or so of feel-good and me-first brainwashing by media and academia. It is a culture that says YOU are the most important thing in the universe. And it's all about YOUR RIGHTS. You have no responsibilities. No draft service. No jury duty. No taxes to pay. Your country is there to serve you, not vice versa.
This is why the narco-libertarians seem to be making inroads. It's all about narcissism.
Yes, I mooched off all those people I worked for, why I mooched 35 years and got a non-free ride, but you azzhats continue to try and make me feel guilty, ain't gonna work, done been through two wives that skinned me alive and I still have a house and 43 acres.

no one is trying to ake anyone feel guilty that is and has contributed.

Where do you get that from?

Come on out of that bubble!

America has, with this election, turned a corner and it's been decades in the making as our demographics have evolved. Dependency on government has been ingrained in the minds of generations now, and it has come to fruition at the ballot box. So, we'll now see a continued and institutional lowering of standards, far more government, and a generally lower standard of living going forward. The American Left has done a magnificent job, they've been patient and consistent, and now their efforts are bearing fruit.

The American Right has been busy scoffing at the Left, not taking it seriously, shouting simplistic slogans, thumping its chest, not paying attention, and especially ignoring minorities while their population grew and the Left was carefully attending to them. And just to top it off, it has now gone absolutist, as if to drive the final nail in the coffin. So, tough shit, this is what you get.

So now, the nature of the lower standard of living is the question. It's not like we're heading back to the Stone Age, we'll just see a top end brought down significantly amid artificial, government-imposed "fairness". The question going forward will be how this new environment will retard entrepreneurship, progress and our quality of life, if at all.

Identity Politics wins, it is what it is, now we'll see what happens. Maybe it won't be so bad.

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Did America go from exceptional (No) to moochers (no again) overnight?

But America appears to be going from a nation divided by social issues to a nation divided even more than it already was, by class.

Four states just informed this nation that the gay marriage issue is NOT going to be the issue that the GOP and DNC can battle about.

Two states that just legalized marihjuana put the Federal government on notice that the war on drugs is winding down, too.

Slowly but surely the state voters are informing the FEDERAL MASTERS that the issues that the FEDERAL government needs to pay attention to are NOT social issues like guns, gays and GOD.

Something definitely changed, alright, but it wasn't American exceptionalism.
We're all moochers and freeloaders cuz Mitt said so.

You're moochers and freeloaders because that's what you are. That's why people vote Democrat - to get free stuff.

True. It wasn't overnight. It was 4 years' worth of dependency inducing policies coupled with a generation or so of feel-good and me-first brainwashing by media and academia. It is a culture that says YOU are the most important thing in the universe. And it's all about YOUR RIGHTS. You have no responsibilities. No draft service. No jury duty. No taxes to pay. Your country is there to serve you, not vice versa.
This is why the narco-libertarians seem to be making inroads. It's all about narcissism.

No dipshit; it's about the GOP purposely appealing to a shrinking demographic of the voting population.

As for ideology playing a role, well gee your party isn't for equal pay for equal work; how do you expect women to react?

As for ideology playing a role, well gee your party has gleefully with zest and zeal implemented the most anti-immigration policies in places like Arizona and Alabama and the GOP candidate, Governor Romney, embraces these policies; how do you expect Hispanics to react?

As for ideology playing a role, your candidate wrote off 47% of the vote. Since the group of 47%ers is nebulous at best, he actually wrote off far more than that. How do you expect them to react?

America rejected the Governor and his party last night. It was a rejection that you guys have earned.
America has been slipping into being a leech country for quite awhle. That was the whole point of third world immigration. Increase the number of leeches until there are more leeches than hosts.
America has been slipping into being a leech country for quite awhle. That was the whole point of third world immigration. Increase the number of leeches until there are more leeches than hosts.

Except the third world immigrants arent the ones leaching. They are the ones working two and three jobs to get ahead. It is the ghetto-dwellers who leach.

America has, with this election, turned a corner and it's been decades in the making as our demographics have evolved. Dependency on government has been ingrained in the minds of generations now, and it has come to fruition at the ballot box. So, we'll now see a continued and institutional lowering of standards, far more government, and a generally lower standard of living going forward. The American Left has done a magnificent job, they've been patient and consistent, and now their efforts are bearing fruit.

The American Right has been busy scoffing at the Left, not taking it seriously, shouting simplistic slogans, thumping its chest, not paying attention, and especially ignoring minorities while their population grew and the Left was carefully attending to them. And just to top it off, it has now gone absolutist, as if to drive the final nail in the coffin. So, tough shit, this is what you get.

So now, the nature of the lower standard of living is the question. It's not like we're heading back to the Stone Age, we'll just see a top end brought down significantly amid artificial, government-imposed "fairness". The question going forward will be how this new environment will retard entrepreneurship, progress and our quality of life, if at all.

Identity Politics wins, it is what it is, now we'll see what happens. Maybe it won't be so bad.


My oh my!

With THIS election......turned the corner. Lower standards of living due to greater dependence on government is on the way. Just like .....................!

One of the problems that intelligent people often have is a burning desire to hear themselves talk ( or see themselves write ). It sometimes leads us to posts like this. An apparently well thought-out thesis on what has happened and what is to come.

Except for this:

The question going forward will be how this new environment will retard entrepreneurship, progress and our quality of life, if at all.

In other words....everything you just said, according to you, might be meaningless.

Thanks so much.
Best case scenario=Obama gets impeached,Biden takes over a President and the old fool starts a war with Israel,Hillery become VP,Biden commits suicide and Buba Clinton returns in 2016. Monica LaBlowjob becomes Secretary of State,Mexico becomes the 52 state after Israel surrenders and become the 51st,followed by Afghanistan,Iraq and Iran,Pôrto Rico and Canada and Obama returns with Marco Rubio to run in 2020 saying he was thinking ahead and predicting the future of 57 states back in 2008;and is ready for world domination by incorporating the US,S and central America,Asia,Russia and all of Europe in the new Republic of Ameri/Euro/Asia;all with Obamacare,free everything for all nonwhites while the few remaining white people are segregated onto reservations as museum exhibits to be observed as extinct species from America's ancient past.

To whomever some bureaucrat at the time believes deserves it the most..............Its all soooooo communally uplifting

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