Diamond Thief: Moscow Chase (DiCaprio/Trump)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Isn't it funny how capitalism-angst yields all kinds of modern subversion stories/films such as Killing Zoe and Ocean's 8?

What does our capitalism-baron U.S. President Donald Trump make of such 'anti-social storytelling'?

Do you think he considers them...important? The last celebrity-president (Ronald Reagan) was considered ultimately an unwise leader; will Trump be considered a sarcastic diplomat of capitalism?

What is your perspective on capitalism? Is capitalism refined to you or humorous?



Ajay Satan was a self-proclaimed democracy-vigilante, dressing up in strange costumes/gear to post blogs on the Internet about pornography, free-speech, and TrumpUSA values. However, he didn't feel like he was doing enough to be a 'substantial' philosophical critic of modern capitalism. Ajay decided to travel to Moscow.


Ajay purchased some Rust-Oleum Frosted Glass Spray (Finish) and then some fake ice-diamond rocks. Now, he had a handful fake diamonds and frost-spray in his pocket. Ajay set his sights on a special diamond-trust museum in Moscow. Ajay fashioned a diplomat-ID on a computer and disguised himself as a Kuala Lumpur diamond-prospecting diplomat from Malaysia and headed towards the Moscow museum.


Ajay's ID-card was rather authentic-looking, so he wasn't worried about being caught. However, he needed the right ally. He recruited a young female prostitute in Moscow named Isabel. All she had to do was go inside the museum ahead of Ajay and when Ajay entered to talk with the curator, she'd have to claim she knew him as a diplomat and was impressed he was visiting the museum. Ajay's ID-card was well-crafted for this diamond-heist.


Isabel was beautiful and clever, but Ajay didn't want to get her into trouble. Therefore, he made her task for the heist incredibly menial and simple. She agreed to do what he asked her to do in exchange for $1000. He started falling in love with her and considered asking her to travel to Austria with her after the diamond-heist was completed.


Isabel entered the museum about 30 minutes before Ajay entered. Ajay showed the curator his ID-card and asked to be taken to the collection of special highly-valuable diamond-rocks being held in a glass-case. Isabel accompanied Ajay and the curator after she greeted Ajay and claimed to know him as a 'Malaysian diplomat' sent to Moscow on a special assignment. Once the curator pulled out the diamonds, Ajay asked the curator to take Isabel to the back-room for a diplomatic photo. While the curator was taking the photo, Ajay pulled out his fake ice-diamonds and frosted the real diamonds with his Rust-Oleum frost-spray to make them look like fake toy-jewelry. When Isabel and the curator returned from their photo-session, Ajay explained he had brought some 'nifty' frosted fake diamonds to showcase and 'compare' to the real diamonds (for good humor).


Ajay walked out with the real diamonds (which simply appeared as fake frosted ice-diamonds) and left the fake ice-diamonds with the curator. Isabel also stayed behind in the museum so the curator could show her more of the fineries in the museum. Ajay then hopped on a train to Chechnya. He then sent notice to Isabel, telling her she could meet up with him in Austria if she so wished. Ajay headed to Austria with his stolen diamonds.


Ajay purchased a Green Lantern (DC Comics) toy-glowing ring and placed them next to his stolen diamonds for a special display in an Austrian museum. He explained that the diamonds were fake and the Lantern ring was a toy and the pairing was for an Internet blog about the avarice created by modern capitalism. His blog got a lot of hits, and even Isabel read it and was astonished. Ajay was now a successful political cartoonist...and thief.


Isabel ran into American celebrity Leo DiCaprio when she went to Austria to find Ajay Satan. Leo was working on a movie about an NYPD officer traveling to Austria to catch a diamond thief. Leo and Isabel started dating, but Isabel couldn't get Ajay out of her mind. Isabel told Leo that Ajay was a clever political cartoonist and wanted to meet him in Austria, but Leo got the eerie feeling there was more to Ajay than Isabel knew. One month later, Isabel found a note in her mailbox in her Austrian hotel. It was most likely from Ajay since it read, "I do what I do, since I consider myself a 'ninja' questing for true-love in a world of capital-obsession, Isabel! Maybe someday, you'll find me..." Isabel showed Leo the note, and Leo theorized that the author of the note was some kind of 'hypnotist.'


TRUMP: Did you read these jewel-ring capitalism-criticism blogs by Ajay Satan?
CARTER: Yes, they've caught the attention of the New Yorker magazine!
TRUMP: I heard Ajay's traveling in Austria now...
CARTER: He's working on a political cartoon involving Captain America.
TRUMP: What, is Captain America chasing a thief-terrorist or something?
CARTER: I believe so; I believe the villain is Goldfinger.
TRUMP: The iconic James Bond villain who steals gold?
CARTER: That's the one.
TRUMP: It's quaint how capitalism breeds 'natural sarcasm.'
CARTER: Isn't that the appeal of films like Casino and Catch Me If You Can?
TRUMP: Are you a fan of Richie Rich (Harvey Comics)?
CARTER: Yes, I like those, but I prefer Boss Tweed folklore.
TRUMP: Perhaps someday capitalism will be more 'dignified.'
CARTER: Until then, we have films like Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps!




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