Di Fi admits Ms. Ford is lying like a rug

Why are we spending any time on this? Move forward and get the vote taken

Feinstein on Kavanaugh accusations: I don’t know if ‘everything is truthful'
No one knows that except the people involved. Feinstein is right.
Then why won’t turd knocker come in and testify?
Because powerful conservatives are working to destroy her and her family and she is in fear of her life after death threats from you rape enabling inbreds.
If Feinstein sat on this until the last minute and then admits she doesn't know if this Libtard foaming at the mouth Donald Trump Hating Liberal #MeToo accuser is telling the truth, then why bother bringing it up?

She should have brought that up months ago when she first learned of it.
Why are we spending any time on this? Move forward and get the vote taken

Feinstein on Kavanaugh accusations: I don’t know if ‘everything is truthful'
No one knows that except the people involved. Feinstein is right.
Then why won’t turd knocker come in and testify?
Because powerful conservatives are working to destroy her and her family and she is in fear of her life after death threats from you rape enabling inbreds.

And the cover stories begin
Why are we spending any time on this? Move forward and get the vote taken

Feinstein on Kavanaugh accusations: I don’t know if ‘everything is truthful'
No one knows that except the people involved. Feinstein is right.
Then why won’t turd knocker come in and testify?
Because powerful conservatives are working to destroy her and her family and she is in fear of her life after death threats from you rape enabling inbreds.

Really? Which powerful conservatives? Got a link? Got a link as to who is inbred? Or are you just stupid as fuck? I think it’s the latter!
Why are we spending any time on this? Move forward and get the vote taken

Feinstein on Kavanaugh accusations: I don’t know if ‘everything is truthful'
No one knows that except the people involved. Feinstein is right.
Then why won’t turd knocker come in and testify?
Because powerful conservatives are working to destroy her and her family and she is in fear of her life after death threats from you rape enabling inbreds.
She is getting treated the way conservatives have for the last year or two?

I wonder why...
Why are we spending any time on this? Move forward and get the vote taken

Feinstein on Kavanaugh accusations: I don’t know if ‘everything is truthful'
No one knows that except the people involved. Feinstein is right.
Then why won’t turd knocker come in and testify?
Because powerful conservatives are working to destroy her and her family and she is in fear of her life after death threats from you rape enabling inbreds.

Really? Which powerful conservatives? Got a link? Got a link as to who is inbred? Or are you just stupid as fuck? I think it’s the latter!

It really pains me to say this about a fellow USMB poster, and well, another human being for that matter, but BitchFlag really is a dumb ass. And I say that with all due respect.

It's also painfully obvious that Dr. Ford was conned into this by Dianne Feinstien. I hope she realizes how horribly the Democrats have treated her and #walkaway.
Good luck ever finding a judge who does not have a single inappropriate behavior in his past. If Donald Trump were to call me and tell me he was thinking about nominating me to the Court, I'd blast a fucking mile wide moat around my estate rather than accept.

Look, a high school kid groping a girl's breast is a bad thing. If some kid did that to my daughter, I'd punch him so hard his parents would die.

But the guy was a fucking KID, for chrissakes. A barely conscious bag of hormones.

If this is the very worst thing they can find in his past, that is simply amazing. Truly. That means this guy is practically a saint.
Why are we spending any time on this? Move forward and get the vote taken

Feinstein on Kavanaugh accusations: I don’t know if ‘everything is truthful'
No one knows that except the people involved. Feinstein is right.
Then why won’t turd knocker come in and testify?
Because powerful conservatives are working to destroy her and her family and she is in fear of her life after death threats from you rape enabling inbreds.

Really? Which powerful conservatives? Got a link? Got a link as to who is inbred? Or are you just stupid as fuck? I think it’s the latter!
The entirety of conservative media and their sponsors are trying to destroy her. And inbreeding is a staple of the conservative deep south, which is the heart of Trump country.
If Feinstein sat on this until the last minute and then admits she doesn't know if this Libtard foaming at the mouth Donald Trump Hating Liberal #MeToo accuser is telling the truth, then why bother bringing it up?

She should have brought that up months ago when she first learned of it.
She knew it when Kavanaugh sat before her in the hearings! The spineless sneaky coward should have brought it up then.
Why are we spending any time on this? Move forward and get the vote taken

Feinstein on Kavanaugh accusations: I don’t know if ‘everything is truthful'
No one knows that except the people involved. Feinstein is right.
Then why won’t turd knocker come in and testify?
Because powerful conservatives are working to destroy her and her family and she is in fear of her life after death threats from you rape enabling inbreds.
She is getting treated the way conservatives have for the last year or two?

I wonder why...
Have you fled your home in fear of your life? No? Then you have never been treated the way your heroes are treating her.
No one knows that except the people involved. Feinstein is right.
Then why won’t turd knocker come in and testify?
Because powerful conservatives are working to destroy her and her family and she is in fear of her life after death threats from you rape enabling inbreds.

Really? Which powerful conservatives? Got a link? Got a link as to who is inbred? Or are you just stupid as fuck? I think it’s the latter!
The entirety of conservative media and their sponsors are trying to destroy her. And inbreeding is a staple of the conservative deep south, which is the heart of Trump country.
Yep! Just as I thought! Your stupidity cannot be fixed!
No counter argument? Good, slink away.
Why are we spending any time on this? Move forward and get the vote taken
Feinstein on Kavanaugh accusations: I don’t know if ‘everything is truthful'
She was just being honest. None of us know, nor can we.

In your mind, then, this means that she's saying the accuser is lying?
Well sure it is. She should have vetted it first then eh? Makes her the fool
I don't know how that means she thinks the accuser is lying.
Why are we spending any time on this? Move forward and get the vote taken

Feinstein on Kavanaugh accusations: I don’t know if ‘everything is truthful'
So the POS very publicly, intentionally - for political party gain - just launched an assassination attempt on a very good man's name, reputation, career, attempted to destroy him judicially, legally, personally, attempted to destroy everything he has stood for and worked for, his marriage, and his family...then has the f*ing nerve to come out afterwards to say '..but I could be wrong'...which, what, she thinks exonerates this deplorable disgusting behavior that falls completely beneath the standards demanded of an elected member of the US Senate...as well as any respectable person?!


McConnell needs to publicly rake her ass over the coals and the Senate Should Censure her for 'Conduct Unbecoming of a US Senator'!

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