DeVos For Due Process, Against Democrats


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The Democrat Party for Russian Collusion

The Democrat Party, against free speech

The Democrat Party, lying about a college rape culture.

1. Trump ran to wrest American children from the clutches of the Liberal indoctrination industry...
"School choice: Trump picks billionaire Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate, as education secretary" Trump picks billionaire Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate, as education secretary

Trump, for school choice, Trump picks billionaire Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate, as education secretary

2. For years, notably by and under the auspices of Obama, males were often railroaded as sex offenders to support the Obama lie about colleges being a rape culture, the Democrat claim of a 'war on women.'

" For years, advocates for colleges to do more to prevent and punish sexual assault on campus have cited a 2007 federal statistic that one in five female students experience sexual assault in college. President Obama and members of Congress have used the statistic, as have many others." New survey finds 1 in 5 college women have experienced sexual assault | InsideHigherEd

3. Of course, as is the case with so many Liberal claims, it is far from true. Very far.

"A new report on sexual assault released today by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) officially puts to bed the bogus statistic that one in five women on college campuses are victims of sexual assault. In fact, non-students are 25 percent more likely to be victims of sexual assault than students, according to the data. And the real number of assault victims is several orders of magnitude lower than one-in-five.

The full study, which was published by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, a division within DOJ, found that rather than one in five female college students becoming victims of sexual assault, the actual rate is 6.1 per 1,000 students, or 0.61 percent (instead of 1-in-5, the real number is 0.03-in-5). For non-students, the rate of sexual assault is 7.6 per 1,000 people."

4. But to use it to pretend a ‘war on women,’ many men’s lives have been sacrificed in college kangaroo courts designed to prove the myth. General Flynn must know just what that feels like.
But....... longer: Trump Sec’y of Education Betsy DeVos has issued guidelines to end the railroading of males, and to re-institute due process for these beleaguered men.

“…every survivor of sexual assault must be taken seriously, but the accused can't be presumed guilty.”
Who is trying his best to silence journalist, tramp. He even goes so far as to refrain from answering their questions if he doesn't like it, and blames it on a nasty question.
As far as the Russian collusion, the senate reported that the Russians wanted Tramp to win. Tramp asked Russia to find the 30,000 emails, he knew who his buddies were.

Its not a new report, the report comes from 2014, Barr would never have time to waste for reporting on sexual assaults of females.
There will be alot less this fall as most colleges will shut their doors. Dorms and campuses will be quiet.
5. Where Liberals/Democrats are in total control, the madrassas….er, universities……there is the least freedom and most Fascism on display.

In these Leftist, Maoist, havens, where, if a female student accuses a male student of any sort of sexual offense, he suffers under a presumption of guilt. Punishment follows the merest of accusations: disciplinary actions, expulsion.

They have no recourse, nor manner of redress, no opportunity to question their accuser or mount any real defense. That’s the Liberal way of life.

Nowhere is the result more apparent than when the Left has total and absolute power. Add college campuses to Cuba, Soviet Union, Communist China, Venezuela, etc.

The mark of every one of these venues is the absence of rights for the accused! Guilty until proven innocent.

Until Betsy DeVos.

6. “The US education secretary, Betsy DeVos, has issued new rules on sexual assault in schools and colleges, handing more protections to those accused of assault and further reversing Obama-era guidance designed to protect college students.

The regulations, due to take effect in August, require colleges to hold live hearings, where victims and the accused can be cross-examined, in a move that equal rights groups argued “tips the scales in favor” of abusers. Schools will also be able to choose two different standards of evidence when assessing assault cases.” Betsy DeVos rolls back Obama-era guidance on campus sexual assault

Can I get an ‘Amen!’
Who is trying his best to silence journalist, tramp. He even goes so far as to refrain from answering their questions if he doesn't like it, and blames it on a nasty question.
As far as the Russian collusion, the senate reported that the Russians wanted Tramp to win. Tramp asked Russia to find the 30,000 emails, he knew who his buddies were.

Its not a new report, the report comes from 2014, Barr would never have time to waste for reporting on sexual assaults of females.

I guess I missed it somehow, but is this thread about silencing journalists, or about due process?
5. Where Liberals/Democrats are in total control, the madrassas….er, universities……there is the least freedom and most Fascism on display.

In these Leftist, Maoist, havens, where, if a female student accuses a male student of any sort of sexual offense, he suffers under a presumption of guilt. Punishment follows the merest of accusations: disciplinary actions, expulsion.

They have no recourse, nor manner of redress, no opportunity to question their accuser or mount any real defense. That’s the Liberal way of life.

Nowhere is the result more apparent than when the Left has total and absolute power. Add college campuses to Cuba, Soviet Union, Communist China, Venezuela, etc.

The mark of every one of these venues is the absence of rights for the accused! Guilty until proven innocent.

Until Betsy DeVos.

6. “The US education secretary, Betsy DeVos, has issued new rules on sexual assault in schools and colleges, handing more protections to those accused of assault and further reversing Obama-era guidance designed to protect college students.

The regulations, due to take effect in August, require colleges to hold live hearings, where victims and the accused can be cross-examined, in a move that equal rights groups argued “tips the scales in favor” of abusers. Schools will also be able to choose two different standards of evidence when assessing assault cases.” Betsy DeVos rolls back Obama-era guidance on campus sexual assault

Can I get an ‘Amen!’

Besty Devos ruined public school in MI , now shes attempting to make all schools private. How we supply the private schools with taxes and most people do not realize this. So the private schools get tax payers money to do whatever they wish.
PoliticalChic apparently never went to college in the U.S. When I went, there were males who referred to females as "poontang". DeVoss shows herself to be a cult person from the gutter. She has some penis-worship thing going on in her head.

And when I went to college there were females obsessed with one of the wrestlers because he supposedly had a dick that made him look like a tripod. (that was his nickname).

It's amazing how poorly SJW types think of women as somehow not sexual beings just like guys are.
5. Where Liberals/Democrats are in total control, the madrassas….er, universities……there is the least freedom and most Fascism on display.

In these Leftist, Maoist, havens, where, if a female student accuses a male student of any sort of sexual offense, he suffers under a presumption of guilt. Punishment follows the merest of accusations: disciplinary actions, expulsion.

They have no recourse, nor manner of redress, no opportunity to question their accuser or mount any real defense. That’s the Liberal way of life.

Nowhere is the result more apparent than when the Left has total and absolute power. Add college campuses to Cuba, Soviet Union, Communist China, Venezuela, etc.

The mark of every one of these venues is the absence of rights for the accused! Guilty until proven innocent.

Until Betsy DeVos.

6. “The US education secretary, Betsy DeVos, has issued new rules on sexual assault in schools and colleges, handing more protections to those accused of assault and further reversing Obama-era guidance designed to protect college students.

The regulations, due to take effect in August, require colleges to hold live hearings, where victims and the accused can be cross-examined, in a move that equal rights groups argued “tips the scales in favor” of abusers. Schools will also be able to choose two different standards of evidence when assessing assault cases.” Betsy DeVos rolls back Obama-era guidance on campus sexual assault

Can I get an ‘Amen!’

Besty Devos ruined public school in MI , now shes attempting to make all schools private. How we supply the private schools with taxes and most people do not realize this. So the private schools get tax payers money to do whatever they wish.

What is the function of what you refer to as 'schools'?

Judging by the results, it is no longer either educating American students, nor this:

"Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization."
If one re-defines "sexual assault" to mean "any unwanted approach that may or may not have sexual overtones or undertones," then I would suppose that nearly 100% of female college non-dykes have been subjected to "sexual assault."

I personally have never understood the need for college tribunals to hear these sorts of complaints and cases. If the behavior is criminal, then get the police involved. After the case has been adjudicated legally, then the college can weigh in and expel the offender or not. If the act is not criminal but was offensive, tough shit. Deal with it. Isn't college supposed to be preparation for life?

But if the college is going to adjudicate such complaints, then the college must provide at least a hint of "due process." Allow the accused to confront the accuser; require the accuser to corroborate the accusations, and hear evidence from both sides, even if it makes the victim uncomfortable. The one-sided bullshit promulgated by the O'Bama clowns was anti-American in the extreme. No surprise.
PoliticalChic apparently never went to college in the U.S. When I went, there were males who referred to females as "poontang". DeVoss shows herself to be a cult person from the gutter. She has some penis-worship thing going on in her head.

My alma mater is the finest school in the nation, but there were still students, both male and female, who were trash.

Many women have fallen for the immoral 'feminism' that Liberals pushed on them, and we see the results in out of wedlock births, and in the myth of a 'rape culture,' that requires males be sacrificed to the Leftist pretense.

You appear to fit that definition.
5. Where Liberals/Democrats are in total control, the madrassas….er, universities……there is the least freedom and most Fascism on display.

In these Leftist, Maoist, havens, where, if a female student accuses a male student of any sort of sexual offense, he suffers under a presumption of guilt. Punishment follows the merest of accusations: disciplinary actions, expulsion.

They have no recourse, nor manner of redress, no opportunity to question their accuser or mount any real defense. That’s the Liberal way of life.

Nowhere is the result more apparent than when the Left has total and absolute power. Add college campuses to Cuba, Soviet Union, Communist China, Venezuela, etc.

The mark of every one of these venues is the absence of rights for the accused! Guilty until proven innocent.

Until Betsy DeVos.

6. “The US education secretary, Betsy DeVos, has issued new rules on sexual assault in schools and colleges, handing more protections to those accused of assault and further reversing Obama-era guidance designed to protect college students.

The regulations, due to take effect in August, require colleges to hold live hearings, where victims and the accused can be cross-examined, in a move that equal rights groups argued “tips the scales in favor” of abusers. Schools will also be able to choose two different standards of evidence when assessing assault cases.” Betsy DeVos rolls back Obama-era guidance on campus sexual assault

Can I get an ‘Amen!’

Besty Devos ruined public school in MI , now shes attempting to make all schools private. How we supply the private schools with taxes and most people do not realize this. So the private schools get tax payers money to do whatever they wish.

Care to explain how exactly DeVos ruined public school in Michigan, since she did not held public office in Michigan?
If one re-defines "sexual assault" to mean "any unwanted approach that may or may not have sexual overtones or undertones," then I would suppose that nearly 100% of female college non-dykes have been subjected to "sexual assault."

I personally have never understood the need for college tribunals to hear these sorts of complaints and cases. If the behavior is criminal, then get the police involved. After the case has been adjudicated legally, then the college can weigh in and expel the offender or not. If the act is not criminal but was offensive, tough shit. Deal with it. Isn't college supposed to be preparation for life?

But if the college is going to adjudicate such complaints, then the college must provide at least a hint of "due process." Allow the accused to confront the accuser; require the accuser to corroborate the accusations, and hear evidence from both sides, even if it makes the victim uncomfortable. The one-sided bullshit promulgated by the O'Bama clowns was anti-American in the extreme. No surprise.

I believe you are broadening the category of 'sexual assault,' when you actually mean 'offense,' the claim of being offended.

“I believe we’re in a political climate where people are actively looking for ways to be offended by everything”Tomi Lahren

I have said before that it is a grave error to allow those who claim to be 'offended' to set the standards of society.
We should add the motto "Get Over It" to our currency. We’ve always had crazy people in America, but we didn’t used to take their guidance.

Hoaxes, violence and ending free speech based on some 'offense'......the core values of Liberals.
5. Where Liberals/Democrats are in total control, the madrassas….er, universities……there is the least freedom and most Fascism on display.

In these Leftist, Maoist, havens, where, if a female student accuses a male student of any sort of sexual offense, he suffers under a presumption of guilt. Punishment follows the merest of accusations: disciplinary actions, expulsion.

They have no recourse, nor manner of redress, no opportunity to question their accuser or mount any real defense. That’s the Liberal way of life.

Nowhere is the result more apparent than when the Left has total and absolute power. Add college campuses to Cuba, Soviet Union, Communist China, Venezuela, etc.

The mark of every one of these venues is the absence of rights for the accused! Guilty until proven innocent.

Until Betsy DeVos.

6. “The US education secretary, Betsy DeVos, has issued new rules on sexual assault in schools and colleges, handing more protections to those accused of assault and further reversing Obama-era guidance designed to protect college students.

The regulations, due to take effect in August, require colleges to hold live hearings, where victims and the accused can be cross-examined, in a move that equal rights groups argued “tips the scales in favor” of abusers. Schools will also be able to choose two different standards of evidence when assessing assault cases.” Betsy DeVos rolls back Obama-era guidance on campus sexual assault

Can I get an ‘Amen!’

Besty Devos ruined public school in MI , now shes attempting to make all schools private. How we supply the private schools with taxes and most people do not realize this. So the private schools get tax payers money to do whatever they wish.

Care to explain how exactly DeVos ruined public school in Michigan, since she did not held public office in Michigan?
She was in with Engler. You do not need to hold public office.
7. Read the following carefully, and note how Liberal hate the idea of the accused having rights if it is a male:

“Victim rights groups condemned the new rules, saying they would reduce the rights of survivors of sexual assault. DeVos’s regulations are expected to be challenged in court.

“If this rule goes into effect, it will make schools more dangerous and could push survivors out of school entirely,” said the group Know your IX, which aims to eradicate sexual violence in schools.

“The rule does not prioritize students and survivors, but rather tips the scales in favor of named abusers and protects universities and their bottom lines.

“If this rule goes into effect, schools will be shielded from liability for ignoring or covering up sexual harassment.”

The new rules are the result of a long-running effort by the Trump administration to overhaul title IX, a federal law banning sexual discrimination. Under Barack Obama, colleges and universities were required to have processes in place to combat sexual assault, or risk losing federal funding.”
Betsy DeVos rolls back Obama-era guidance on campus sexual assault

This is the ire of Liberals over allowing the accused to have due process.
In the Soviet Union, they were called 'show trials.'
PoliticalChic apparently never went to college in the U.S. When I went, there were males who referred to females as "poontang". DeVoss shows herself to be a cult person from the gutter. She has some penis-worship thing going on in her head.

My alma mater is the finest school in the nation, but there were still students, both male and female, who were trash.

Many women have fallen for the immoral 'feminism' that Liberals pushed on them, and we see the results in out of wedlock births, and in the myth of a 'rape culture,' that requires males be sacrificed to the Leftist pretense.

You appear to fit that definition.

They probably thought you were trash as well.
PoliticalChic apparently never went to college in the U.S. When I went, there were males who referred to females as "poontang". DeVoss shows herself to be a cult person from the gutter. She has some penis-worship thing going on in her head.

And when I went to college there were females obsessed with one of the wrestlers because he supposedly had a dick that made him look like a tripod. (that was his nickname).

It's amazing how poorly SJW types think of women as somehow not sexual beings just like guys are.

My item #8 will amplify on your point.
PoliticalChic apparently never went to college in the U.S. When I went, there were males who referred to females as "poontang". DeVoss shows herself to be a cult person from the gutter. She has some penis-worship thing going on in her head.

My alma mater is the finest school in the nation, but there were still students, both male and female, who were trash.

Many women have fallen for the immoral 'feminism' that Liberals pushed on them, and we see the results in out of wedlock births, and in the myth of a 'rape culture,' that requires males be sacrificed to the Leftist pretense.

You appear to fit that definition.

They probably thought you were trash as well.

I know you’re confused because there are words involved.
PoliticalChic apparently never went to college in the U.S. When I went, there were males who referred to females as "poontang". DeVoss shows herself to be a cult person from the gutter. She has some penis-worship thing going on in her head.

My alma mater is the finest school in the nation, but there were still students, both male and female, who were trash.

Many women have fallen for the immoral 'feminism' that Liberals pushed on them, and we see the results in out of wedlock births, and in the myth of a 'rape culture,' that requires males be sacrificed to the Leftist pretense.

You appear to fit that definition.

They probably thought you were trash as well.

I know you’re confused because there are words involved.
No, but I quit reading your post when you said:
My alma mater is the finest school in the nation, but there were still students, both male and female, who were trash.
I may put you on ignore, because I for one can't stand people who think they are better than everyone else.

You are in college to get other points of view, not to think your point of view is the best.
PoliticalChic apparently never went to college in the U.S. When I went, there were males who referred to females as "poontang". DeVoss shows herself to be a cult person from the gutter. She has some penis-worship thing going on in her head.

My alma mater is the finest school in the nation, but there were still students, both male and female, who were trash.

Many women have fallen for the immoral 'feminism' that Liberals pushed on them, and we see the results in out of wedlock births, and in the myth of a 'rape culture,' that requires males be sacrificed to the Leftist pretense.

You appear to fit that definition.

They probably thought you were trash as well.

I know you’re confused because there are words involved.
No, but I quit reading your post when you said:
My alma mater is the finest school in the nation, but there were still students, both male and female, who were trash.
I may put you on ignore, because I for one can't stand people who think they are better than everyone else.

You are in college to get other points of view, not to think your point of view is the best.

"I may put you on ignore, because I for one can't stand people who think they are better than everyone else. "

You will never have the problem of being included in said group. may make a darn fine organ donor.

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