Despite The Democrats’ Hopes, This Isn’t Going Away

There is just too much evidence showing the 2020 election had 0 integrity. To deny the fact is just dishonest and wrong.
Moron, if there is "too much evidence" then how come Trump and his horde of lawyers could not find enough to to win even a single case in the court of law? Could not find enough for Trump's own lapdog Attorney General to not call their "evidence" utter bullshit.

"dishonest"? You live out on the fucking moon.
think they are referring to the found votes at 3-5 am and such all in same batch counts dumbass
Can you imagine that? Counting votes in the middle of the night after election?


There were some questions in 2016 and Hillary quitely filed a number of law suits in specific states AFTER SHE CONCEEDED. Those cases were settled and everyone moved on, like it should be.
The post above yours has a question you have not answered.
What question is that?
Those decisions have nothing to do with this evidence, do they?
There is just too much evidence showing the 2020 election had 0 integrity. To deny the fact is just dishonest and wrong. It will be an issue and the Democrats will lose a shitload of votes because of it,

Whoever ordered the bad paper was in error and was not operating within the law to run the AZ election. Whoever authorized the use of bad ballots that were out of registration was also acting against the law that dictates valid election procedures. Test runs of voting systems are supposed to be performed to identify such problems. Over 300,000 ballots fell into this category and required adjudication. This is way over, by nearly 30X, in fact, the margin of victory that was declared for Biden.

The above is fact.
There are no probative facts/evidence in all of the crap posted in this link.
Moron, if there is "too much evidence" then how come Trump and his horde of lawyers could not find enough to to win even a single case in the court of law? Could not find enough for Trump's own lapdog Attorney General to not call their "evidence" utter bullshit.

"dishonest"? You live out on the fucking moon.
Well stated, clear, concise and on point.

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