Desperate Warren Writing Checks She Can't Cash In Attempt To Appease Leftist Extremists


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Although not at all within her legal / physical / political / reality-based power to do, I am sure the average Jonathon-Gruber-defined/praised, easily emotionally manipulated, hate-driven, indoctrinated, Trump-hating 'common core' snowflake will believe proven liar lil' Liz 'Woowoo' Warren when she says if she is elected President SHE will abolish the Electoral College.

"I'm not sure if she's aware that it would take a constitutional amendment to get rid of it. Elizabeth Warren ought to brush up on that process because there's no way it's gonna happen."


HRC did not lose / failed to win the Presidential election in 2016 in a 'landslide' because of the Electoral College.

HRC was a proven criminal who was protected from Indictment so she could be on the ballot instead of a jail cell.

Hillary was a criminal candidate who the DNC admitted helping win their primary by stacking the deck against Bernie Sanders, by helping her cheat in debates, by funneling money designated to go to other Democrat Candidates in other races to Hillary, and by eventually GIVING her the nomination she could not win on her own.

Hillary lost because pissed-off Sanders voters who felt Bernie was screwed out of the nomination / presidency voted for Trump.

Hillary ran the worst Presidential campaign in US history - she arrogantly bought the MSM's dis-information campaign about how she would win in a landslide and chose to not even campaign in entire states she thought she had sewn up...only to lose those states that proved to be the difference in her winning and losing.

Hillary's team paid violent thugs to beat and bloody American citizens - Trump supporters at Trump rallies.

Hillary illegally colluded with foreign ex-spies and the Russians by paying a Trump-hating foreign spy who had an anti-Trump agenda to deliver Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda AND met with corrupt former Ukraine officials to collect 'dirt' on Trump and his team with the intent of altering / controlling the outcome of the 2016 election.

Hillary was / is a corrupt, criminal, self-serving, lying, treasonous POS who was only on the ballot instead of in prison because the Obama administration protected her.

Just like they attempted to do with 'the Russians' in their ;Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia', the Democrats / snowflakes attempted to and are still attempting to make 'the Electoral College' a 'bogeyman' that 'stole' the 2016 election from Hillary.

Now Warren is running a modified version of 'Fear Mongering' to motivate the snowflake extremists into voting for her - 'If you don't vote for me the bad ol' Electoral College will steal your vote / election, too'.

Think for a second: Warren says she wants to win the 2020 election using the Electoral College system...and then vows to abolish it afterwards (something she can't do if she really wanted to)......Why would she need to do that after PROVING THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE SYSTEM WORKS BY WINNING THE 2020 ELEVTION USING IT?!



Elizabeth Warren Promises to Abolish the Electoral College if Elected




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