Desperate Dems STILL blaming Repubs for shutdown, after not passing budgets for 4yrs!


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
The big-spending Democrats are still trying to avoid blame for the recent government shutdown - a shutdown that would have been avoided if they had simply done their duty as required by the Constitution, and passed a budget to negotiate and reconcile with the Republicans, as has been done by virtually every Congress since George Washington's time.

But for the past four years, we have seen the astonishing spectacle of a party with a majority in the Senate, unable to pass its own budget. Even when the President (of their own party) submitted one, the Democrats unanimously voted it down!

The Republican majority in the House, in the meantime, has passed budgets like clockwork and sent them to the Senate to begin the usual negotiation process... only to see the Democrats declare them "DOA" and refuse to even read them, much less negotiate on points they didn't like. They treated the Continuing Resolutions sent by the House, the same way. No negotiations, no reading, "My way or the highway". And to no one's surprise, the government ran out of money and shut down.

And after flatly refusing any cooperation, those same Democrats then announced it it was Republicans who were "holding a gun to our heads" as shutdown neared, "Holding the government hostage" as Democrats refused to even negotiate.

Most hilariously, after four years of refusing to pass budgets or even negotiate, these Democrats announced it was the Republicans who were "refusing to negotiate during the regular order of Congressional business".

Democrats never negotiated even when "regular order" was happening. They never even passed a budget for four years, while Republicans in the House passed budgets regularly, every time, on schedule, and sent them to the Senate for normal negotiations and reconciliation... conforming to the "normal order" of Congressional business. And now the Democrats are trying to blame Republicans for the lack of negotiations for those four years???

What these people lack in memory and integrity, they more than make up for in sheer balls.

When George Orwell described the "doublethink" that an intransigent government engaged in, his only mistake was that he didn't extend it to the triplethink and quadruplethink our Democrats of today, are engaging in to avoid acknowledging the true cause of the recent shutdown.
The big-spending Democrats are still trying to avoid blame for the recent government shutdown - a shutdown that would have been avoided if they had simply done their duty as required by the Constitution, and passed a budget to negotiate and reconcile with the Republicans, as has been done by virtually every Congress since George Washington's time.

But for the past four years, we have seen the astonishing spectacle of a party with a majority in the Senate, unable to pass its own budget. Even when the President (of their own party) submitted one, the Democrats unanimously voted it down!

Do you understand what a continuing resolution is?

I guess not.

It's a budget -- a modified version of the current budget.

What you don't get is that the process of writing ENTIRELY NEW BUDGET BILL means opening the door to pork and handouts. + Refiguring the medicare formula.

So, say thank you to Harry Reid and apologize to the Dems for your ignorance.
I don't blame the Dems for continuing to lie..

They have the Left Wing Media to back them up for those who either don't or won't actually look into the facts, but only pay attention to the headline and first paragraph.
Shroom is lying. The minority does not rule, it must concede where it cannot get a majority.

And 75% of the American people know that.
I don't blame the Dems for continuing to lie..

They have the Left Wing Media to back them up for those who either don't or won't actually look into the facts, but only pay attention to the headline and first paragraph.'s the liberal media's doing. The facts are totally on your side.

Keep believing that....denial is working out great for you guys.

Must come as a shock to you to learn that the Senate passed a budget on March 23 2013.

Republicans have thus far blocked any negotiations.

U.S. Senate narrowly passes first budget in four years | Reuters

That Shroom idiot put up the same lie in a thread yesterday or the day before; no matter how many times you prove these people are lying,

they just do it over and over again.

They are shameless.
The big-spending Democrats are still trying to avoid blame for the recent government shutdown - a shutdown that would have been avoided if they had simply done their duty as required by the Constitution, and passed a budget to negotiate and reconcile with the Republicans, as has been done by virtually every Congress since George Washington's time.

But for the past four years, we have seen the astonishing spectacle of a party with a majority in the Senate, unable to pass its own budget. Even when the President (of their own party) submitted one, the Democrats unanimously voted it down!

Do you understand what a continuing resolution is?

I guess not.

It's a budget -- a modified version of the current budget.

What you don't get is that the process of writing ENTIRELY NEW BUDGET BILL means opening the door to pork and handouts. + Refiguring the medicare formula.

So, say thank you to Harry Reid and apologize to the Dems for your ignorance.

A CONTINUING RESOLUTION is like a kid taking all the junk from his bedroom floor, tossing it in his closet, and telling his mother that he cleaned his room. And then, after a couple of months, all the junk avalanches out of the closet, forcing the kid to have to deal with it all over again.

A BUDGET BILL is throwing the trash in the garbage, hanging up the clothes and putting the toys in the toybox. The room is clean and organized and won't have to be dealt with for a good long while, allowing the kid to focus on other things.

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